Wednesday 20th January. Expressive Art and Design – Music and Imagination

Here is the story of Noah’s Ark again for you to enjoy.

To join in with the following activity, ask your grown up if you can borrow a towel.

For the final activity you will need some drinking glasses, water and a paintbrush, pencil or spoon to use as a beater.

Noah travelled around the world on his ark. It rained for 40 days and for 40 nights. His ark was floating on flood water. Sometimes the ark would have been being tossed around in very stormy conditions, the water will have been very rough. Here is some stormy music. Move your body to this music. It was composed by Vivaldi. Imagine how you would feel if you were on a boat in a storm. Pretend the towel is the stormy, rough water – how would it be moving? Off you go!

After the storm, it would have been calm. The wind and rain would have eased and Noah’s ark would have been bobbing along. How would you feel now? Would you enjoy being on the ark and floating on the calm waters? Perhaps you would gently rock from side to side or forwards and backwards, up and down. Make the towel move slowly and gently, rippling like calm water. Here is some calm water to move to. This piece of music was composed by Handel.


Which piece of music did you prefer? Did you enjoy making your towel move like rough stormy water or calm gentle water? Talk to your grown up about this.

I wonder if you can make some music using water?

Ask your grown up if you can use some drinking glasses. Please be very careful. Pour a different amount of water into each of the glasses. Then use a spoon, pencil or paintbrush to gently tap the glasses.

Can you hear the different sounds the glasses make? Which make a high note sound? Which make a low note sound?

The little girl in this video plays a well known song using glasses with water in them.


Send me dojo videos of your movements to the stormy and calm music and if you have a go at playing musical glasses!

Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Listen to the story again.

Look at the illustration below and imagine this is a door to your favourite place.

Have a think :- Where is your favourite place? Why is it your favourite place? How does it make you feel when you there?

Today we would like you write a paragraph describing your favourite place.  Remember to use  full stops, capital letters and focus on adding expanded noun phases within your work.


See the example below:-

My favourite place is at the seaside. The frothy, blue-green salt water crashes into the setting sun reflected shoreline in waves. It makes me feel calm and relaxed when sitting on the soft, shimmering sand.

Please find the link to the worksheet below.


Please send you work as always via class Dojo or the class email.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask

Many thanks

Miss Kerr and Miss Hutson




PE and Art- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

PE –
Please log into ‘TWWG’ PE channel for the next PE session with Callum.


Today I would like you to have a go at a cloud art picture . There are many different types of clouds and we thought it would nice for you to make a representation of these.


Work your way through the powerpoint and familiarise yourself we the different cloud types.

Then we would like you to have a go at recreating the piece of art work below.

Please label each cloud and write a sentence describing each cloud.

If you haven’t got cotton wool as an alternative you could use newspaper or toilet roll to make your clouds.


If you finish this activity we would like you to have a go at another piece of cloud art.  Using paint or crayons paint either one or a variety of the different clouds you have learnt about today .


As always, any questions we are happy to answer them.

Many thanks

Miss Kerr and Miss Hutson



Wednesday 20th January – Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Here is our story again for you to watch.

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well.

I really enjoyed learning about all your favourite places yesterday! Thanks to those who sent in pictures of their work.

Today, have a look at this picture from the book:



The little girl and the man are putting their favourite things on the shelves. They have lots of favourite things! Today we are going to think about our favourite things.

I would like you to write a list of some of your favourite things.

The list may include your favourite teddy bear:

Or perhaps your favourite bike?


Or maybe it will include your pet!

Perhaps a favourite food?


See if you can think of 6 things to add to your list. Try to write the words and include a picture. Tell your grown up about your favourite things. Do they have any favourite things?

Here is a song all about favourite things – you  might like to try and sing along!

Please read a Bug Club and practise your spelling words today.


Wednesday 20th January. Earls Hill Swans (Year 1 ) Maths

Here are the songs from yesterday to remind your child about the greater than, less than and equals symbols and what they mean.


Please watch this video with your child. It asks you to pause at certain points. Please do this and talk through the questions with your child. I have put the link to the work sheet below the video link for you to print out if you can. I have also put pictures of the worksheet so you can work off those if that is easier.

Aut1.12.2 – Compare numbers on Vimeo 




Please repeat the practical activity from yesterday to reinforce this concept.

To change the game slightly you could use the 100 square from your resource pack. Point to a number, ask your child to say the number and write it down. Then point to a different number, ask your child to say the number and write it down. Then ask them to decide what symbol they need, the greater or less than symbol and place it in between the two numbers they have written.

Tuesday 19th January Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Last week we looked at the more/greater than and less than symbols. Some of you have been in touch to say that your child is finding it tricky to remember which symbol to use. We will recap the symbols and how to use them today. Here are two catchy songs to listen to which help teach this concept.

These are the symbols we use when working on more/greater than, less than, and equals to.

  • The first symbol means equal to. The amount written on both sides of the equal symbol will be the same. For example, 14 = 14, or 10 + 4 = 14, or even one ten and four ones = 14. In all of the examples I have written, the amount on both sides of the = symbol is 14.
  • The middle symbol above means ‘less than’. Whatever number you write to the left of this symbol must be less than the number written to the right of it. For example, 14 <15, or 10 + 4 < 15, or one ten and four ones < 15. All of these mean that 14 is less than 15. The amounts written to the left of the symbol, in this case 14 is less than the amount written to the right of the symbol, 15.
  • The final symbol above means ‘more’ or ‘greater’ than. Whatever number you write to the left of this symbol must be more or greater than the number written to the right of it. For example, 15 > 14, or 15 > 10 + 4, or 15> one ten and 4 ones. All of these calculations show that 15 is more than or greater than 14.

This picture might help you to remember.

Children often find it useful to imagine a hungry alligator with an open mouth!

The hungry alligator always eats the bigger number. So the ‘open’ mouth will always face the bigger number, the number that is more/greater than the smaller number.

Have a go at completing the practical activity I demonstrated in the video. Write a more /greater than symbol ( <) on a piece of paper and a less than symbol (<) on another. Ask your child to pick two number cards from the 1 -20 set provided in your resource pack. Place them on the floor or table with a space in between. Which symbol should they put in the space, the more than/greater symbol, or the less than symbol?

The photo below demonstrates what I am asking you to do, although the child is using larger numbers. If your child is confident at recognising and using larger numbers you could also extend the activity in this way.

The child has used the symbol correctly to show that 95 is more than/greater than 42.

95 > 42.

Try this activity now. Write out the numbers below and ask your child to fill in the missing symbols, > < or =.

Here are the answers.


This is a game your child can play to reinforce what we have been learning about today. 


Tuesday 19th January – Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Good morning everyone!

Here is our story again.

Look at this picture from the book

It talks about a safe place, a favourite place.

Today we are going to be talking about our favourite places. One of my favourite places is my living room, with my dogs next to me! Do you have a favourite place? Tell your grown up about your favourite place.

Maybe it is a sunny beach:

Perhaps it is in your garden?

Or maybe it is snuggling up on the sofa to watch your favourite TV program!

Today, I would like you to think about your favourite place. Why is it your favourite place? Are your favourite people there? Does it have good things for you to do? Do you feel safe and cosy there? Perhaps you have happy memories of the place?

Please write, telling me about your favourite place. Start with

My favourite place is…… and then tell me why.

You could use the connecting word ‘because’ in your work. Don’t forget what we talked about in our sentence writing yesterday. Remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Use Fred Talk and your sound mats to make your writing as accurate as you can.

Your work might look like this.

Once you have done your writing, please draw a picture of your favourite place.

I can’t wait to hear all about your favourite places.

Today I’d also like you to practise reading and writing the Red Tricky words that were sent home in your pack.

Play these Phase 4 phonics games. 


Noahs Ark Science- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

PE – 

Please log into ‘TWWG’ PE channel for the next PE session  with Callum.

This afternoon we would like you to carry out the science experiment below to create a rainbow like the one that appears at the end of the bible story Noah’s ark.


Please send in any photos or videos of you carrying the experiment out. We look forward to seeing them.

We would also like you to draw a rainbow. Then to be able to write a sentence explaining what a rainbow symbolises to you.

As always any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Many thanks

Miss Hutson and Miss Kerr