Wednesday 3rd March Clee and Earls Hill. UTW/Topic

Joseph came from a large family. He had 11 brothers! Josephs father, Jacob had a lot of children. When they grew up, they had children too. So then Jacob became a grandfather. The family grew and grew.

FreeBibleimages :: Joseph meets his brothers :: When Joseph's brothers  visit Egypt to buy grain they do not know they are speaking to their  missing brother, Joseph (Genesis 41:41 - 42:38)

Reception / Cygnets – How many people are in your family? Ask your child to draw or paint a family portrait. Discuss grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and how you are all related.

Perhaps you could cut and fold a piece of paper to make a house shape and your child could draw or paint the family portrait inside the house. Can they write name labels for each family member?

Year 1 / Swans. Today I’d like you to create a family tree. Talk about your immediate family with your child. Explain the relationship with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

Here is an imaginary family tree to help you explain the concept to your child. Imagine the child you are talking about is Natasha. Her family member names are written in red pen. Their relationship to her are written in purple.

Start with your child. Does your child have brother or sisters?

Who are your child’s parents? (You!) Do you have brothers or sisters?

Explain to your child that they are aunts or uncles.

If aunts or uncles have children, they are your child’s cousins.

Does your child have any cousins?

Talk about your parents. Explain to your child that your parents are their grandparents.

This is as far as you need to go for your child!

Here are some simple family tree templates you might like to copy and use. It might be simpler to simply fill in a family tree showing your child and their brothers or sisters, your child’s parents and grandparents.

Family Tree for Kids – Free Family Tree Templates

Free Family Tree Templates - for A+ Projects

Wednesday 3rd March Literacy Earls Hill Swans (Year 1)

Here is our story again.

We have heard the story quite a few times now and so we will be very familiar with it.

Today we are going to write a book review of the story using a writing frame.

Watch this video where I explain more.

Here is the template for you to download and print if you can.


Here it is for you to copy out a simple version.

Please also practise reading and writing your red tricky words today.


Wednesday 3rd March Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Hello Swans, how are you all today?

Let’s start by singing this song and moving along with the actions.

Today we are going to be looking at number patterns, adding and subtracting. Before we watch the video, let’s see if you can fill out the missing numbers on the superhero worksheet. If you cannot print it, ask your grown – ups to copy the numbers that are on the paper.


Now we are going to watch an Oak National Academy video.


You will need a pen and pencil for today’s video.

Pause the video when it mentions the star words. Make sure you understand what they mean.

Sometimes the video is a little fast. If you need to, pause the video to think about the answer before carrying on. Here is the video:

Pause the video to complete the independent task. Here is the worksheet. If you cannot print it out, ask your grownup to write on the numbers that are already in the sacks – they do not need to draw out each little person!

Be careful with this worksheet, the numbers do not always increase by one each time. Once you have completed the worksheet, continue with the video to see if you got it right.

Now see if you can complete these worksheets. If you cannot print them out, have your number line in front of you and ask your grownup to read out the question – work it out on the number line and then tell them the answers. Be careful, read or listen to the question carefully, sometimes the number is 1 more than, and sometimes it is 2 more than.

Tuesday 2nd March Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths.

Hello Swans! To start today, see if you can fill in the gaps in this number line up to 20.

Can you verbally say the missing numbers? Can you copy out the number line and fill in the gaps?

Now see if you can tell your grownup which picture has more and which one has fewer. Can you say it in a full sentence? Here is my example:

There are more hats than watches. There are fewer watches than hats.

 Now have a try at these.                                                                       

Today we are going to be comparing numbers and also putting them in the right order. We are going to watch an Oak National Academy video to help us.

For this video you are going to need some paper, a pencil and something to count with, such as counters, coins or pasta. Sometimes this video goes a little fast, so pause it if you need some time to think about what is being said.

Make sure you pause to do the independent task. If you cannot print the pictures, ask your grown ups to draw some number lines for you.


Tuesday 2nd March – Clee and Earls Hill PE – We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Today’s PE session is based on the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.

Here is the story for you to enjoy and join in with first.

Now join in with Callum’s PE lesson.

The children in the story go on a journey. In our Bible story this week, Joseph also goes on a journey. He goes on a long journey to Egypt. I’m sure he had to walk around, through, under and over obstacles too.

Can you set up an obstacle course in your home or garden? Can you climb over chairs? Can you crawl under tables or tunnels or around a clothes maid? Can you step stone over some cushions?


Tuesday 2nd March Literacy Earls Hill Swans (Year 1)

Today our work is again set on the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. Here it is again for you.

Last week you thought about how it felt to lose something. Today we are going to imagine that we have lost a toy. We are going to complete a poster about our lost toy.

Watch this video where I explain more.


Here is a template for you to print if you can. Otherwise you can copy out a simple version of the poster to complete.

lost toy poster

Please don’t forget the spelling 2dos that have been set on Purple Mash. Also read a Bug Club book to your grown up.

Monday 1st March Clee and Earls Hill – UTW/Topic

Today it is St David’s Day. St David is the patron saint of Wales.

Here is a map of The United Kingdom. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are the countires that make up the UK. On this map England is coloured green and Wales is the much smaller pink country next to England. Can you find England and Wales?

Oswestry is in England, so you live in England.

But Oswestry is very close to the border where England and Wales meet. Have a look at this map and see just how close you live to Wales. Again, England is the green country and Wales is pink on this map. The border is where the two counties and colours meet. Use your finger to follw the border line.


You may have visited Wales. Have you been shopping in Wrexham?

Perhaps you have been to Llangollen? You might have been to the river, the shops or to see Thomas at the railway station.

On March the 1st every year, people in Wales celebrate St Davids Day.

Here is the link to the CBeebies ‘Let’s Celebrate’ programme for you to watch and find out more. Can you answer the questions to complete the quiz?

This power point tells you more about St Davids Day.

St Davids Day

Here is the national anthem of Wales.

Here is the song Calon Lan, which is another famous Welsh song.

Daffodils are the national flower of Wales. They are starting to bloom all over England and Wales at the moment.

Perhaps you could go on a walk and see if you can spot some daffodils?

Here are some daffodil crafts you might like to try.

Cut out a flower shape from some yellow paper or card (Or some paper that has been coloured yellow). Glue a cupcake case onto the centre of the flower. Add a green stem. This could be a lolly stick that has been coloured in, a straw or a strip or cardboard,


Paint 4 yellow handprints and wait for them to dry. Arrange and glue them together to make a flower shape. Use a section from an egg box and glue this onto the middle of the handprint flower. Or you could use a cupcake case again if you would prefer.


Paint or colour an egg box yellow. Wait for it to dry. You will need both the ‘cup’ section of the box (where the eggs sit) and the ‘peak’ divider sections. Gently rip the cup section to create 4 petals. Glue the ‘peak’ section onto the middle of this to make the daffodil trumpet. You can attatch a stem by pushing through a green straw or gluing on a lolly stick or strip of card.

Or you could use crayons, felt pens or paints to create a beautiful daffodil picture.


Spellings Earls Hill Swans 1st March 2021

The spellings will look a little different over the next few weeks.

I have set a weekly spellings quiz as 2do on Purple Mash. Please log in and click on the 2do tab at the top of the page.

Each Monday the new spellings are on the quiz.

Please follow this link to find the spelling words.

Week 2 Look Say Write Check

Please follow this link to find a dictation practise.

Week 2 Dictations

Ask your child to think what words from their spelling list should go in the gaps. They can either just write the missing words, or you can challenge them to write the whole sentence.

Nursery – Week Beginning 1st March. Owl Babies

This week the work will all be linked to the story ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell.

Communication Language and Literacy.

Talk about feelings with your child. How do they think the baby owls felt at the start of the story? How would they feel if they woke up all alone? Talk about the different feelings throughout the story and relate it to your child’s experiences.

Perhaps you could draw some faces for your child to use to help them talk about and explore the feelings of the characters in the story. Draw a simple sad face, a happy face and a worried face. Ask your child to point to the correct face to show how the baby owls are feeling.

Make owl puppets and retell the story. Use 4 socks. Cut out some paper eyes and beaks and stick these onto the socks to make owls (Mummy owl and 3 babies).

Use the puppets to retell the story with your child. Can your child make the puppets move like the owls in the story? Can they jump up and down on the branch, or fly through the night like Mummy Owl?

Owls are awake at night time. This video explores night time sounds. Encourage your child to listen carefully to the night time sounds.

Here is another owl story for your child to enjoy. This story contains rhyming words.

Each of the baby owls has their own name. Can your child remember the names? Ask your child to practise writing their own name.


There are 3 baby owls.

Count to 3 with your child. Can they do 3 claps? Count 3 fingers? Can they do 3 jumps?  Can they point to the owls and count them?

Owl Babies by Martin Waddell

Challenge your child to find three of different items. Can they find 3 socks? 3 dolls? 3 cups? 3 books etc. Ask them to count and check that they have 3 items each time.

Here is a song to emphasise 1,2,3

The three baby owls are different sizes: Sarah is big, Percy is middle sized and Bill is small.

Follow these links to play games where your child can sort objects according to size. 

Cut some circles and triangles out of paper – can your child use these to make an owl?

Kindergarten shape owls | Kindergarten crafts, Kindergarten art projects, Kindergarten art

Use these shapes to go on a shape hunt! Can your child find a triangle in your house? Can they find a circle? Talk about squares and rectangles too – can they find objects that are squares or rectangles?

Sort the objects according to their shape. Talk about pointy corners and the number of sides each shape has. What is the same about the shapes? What is different?

Here is the link to a game where your child can match shapes and feed the shape monsters!

Here are some links to the next episodes of number blocks to watch with your child. I would suggest that your child watches 1 episode a day. Please watch them in the order listed as they follow on.  I have repeated the first link from last week as it emphasises 1,2,3

Follow this link for an owl linked counting game.

Here is a lovely owl counting song for your child to join in with.

Collect leaves and twigs on your daily walk or from your garden. Can your child sort the leaves according to size, shape or colour? Can they order the twigs according to size?

Understanding the World.

Owls are nocturnal. Explain to your child that this means they sleep in the day time, but are awake at night when people are asleep.

Watch this video about owls with your child.

This is another video showing more nocturnal animals – does your child recognise any of them?

Make a bird feeder to encourage birds into your garden.


Make some binoculars using 2 cardboard tubes taped together and watch the birds in your garden – how many can your child count?

Can you bake some owl biscuits with your child?

Serves: 5 

  • 100g (4 oz) butter
  • 50g (2 oz) caster sugar
  • few drops of vanilla extract
  • 175g (6 oz) plain flour
  • White and brown chocolate buttons.

Prep:10min  ›  Cook:25min  ›  Ready in:35min 

  1. Preheat the oven to 150 C / Gas 2.
  2. Add butter and sugar in a bowl and mix well until light and fluffy.
  3. Add the vanilla, mix, then add the flour and mix well. Roll out to about 5mm. Cut into shapes.
  4. Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
  5. Add eyes and beaks using the chocolate buttons.

Expressive Art and Design

Collect some leaves on your daily walk and create some leaf rubbing pictures using crayons. This video demonstrates how.

Or take some paper out with you and try some bark rubbings.