Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Please re listen to the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.

For today’s task we would like you to imagine you are packing a suitcase full of items for the little boy and the penguin to take on their journey to the South Pole.

Have a think about the essential items they may need.

  • What will they eat?
  • What will they drink?
  • What will help them find the South Pole?
  • What clothes will they need?
  • What will the penguin need at night time ?

Remember to think of the climate at the South Pole when thinking of the essential items.

Below you will find  a blank suitcase template for you to use , however if you would like to create your own that is perfectly fine.

We would like you to draw, label and write a short paragraph about a couple of the items you have included. Please include adjectives within your work to describe the items.

Blank suitcase template 

Please send you work back via Class dojo and as always any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


Monday 1st March Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths.

Swans, I have been so impressed by all your maths work recently. Well done!

You are amazing mathematicians!

Let’s start today by counting to 100.

Now we are going to join Hedwig the owl and watch another Oak National Academy video. Today we will be comparing numbers to 20.

You will need a pencil and paper to complete the activity.


Here is the picture from the video, made a little bigger so it is easier for your child to count the objects.

Here is the worksheet to accompany the video.


This is the picture of the sweets from the worksheet to compare the prices.

You can represent the tens and ones on your tens frames using counters.

Or you could use this as an opportunity to introduce a 10p coin to your child and a 1p coin.

Crowned Lion

Explain that the 10p is the same as ten ones.

Can your child represent the prices of the sweets using 10 pence coins and 1 pence coins?

Now, as explained in the video, can they compare the prices of two sweets?



Monday 1st March – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

This week we are continuing our work on the Oliver Jeffers Book, Lost and Found. Here it is for you.

Today you are going to try something a little different in your literacy. You are going to make and write a prediction. Then you will carry out a scientific experiment, and then you will write up your results.

Hopefully your grown ups will have collected a selection of plastic trays and you have two small plastic figures or toys, to represent the boy and the penguin from the story.

If you haven’t managed to collect those items, please do so now.

Please now watch this video.

Now have a go at writing out your prediction and then carrying out the experiment. Here is a prompt sheet for your grown ups to help you.

Boat Size and Strength Testing STEM Activity

What happened in your experiment? Which boat was the best? Why? Write up the result of your experiment like I showed you in the video.



Friday 26th February – Internet Safety Day

Please talk to your child about when they use technology and the internet.

What do they like to use it for? Do they watch videos? Listen to music? Play games? Chat to their friends? Do they use a phone? Tablet? Laptop or game machine?

Explain that technology and the internet can be helpful. For example, perhaps you use it to do your shopping, or to find a recipe or to find information to help your child with their school work.

At the moment your child uses technology, and the internet to help with their learning, and to see their teachers at school.

But, it is so important that your child is supervised and shown how to use the interent safely.

Please watch this video with your child. Timon and Pumba from ‘The Lion King’ learn about keeping safe online.

These two powerpoint stories are great to share with your child. Please read them together and discuss the points that are raised. Has your child ever experienced anything similar? What should they do?

Here is the version for Reception children (Cygnets)


Here is the version for Year 1 children (Swans)


Please have this discussion with your child:
When we are using the internet, it’s important we make good choices, so we can look after ourselves and other people. We need to ask if something is okay to do or not okay to do.
Give your child two sheets of paper, one with the word yes on it and one with the word no.
Give your child a few coins or counters to use.

Read out the ‘Is it okay…?’ questions and ask your child to put the coins onto the correct piece of paper.

• Is it okay to take a photo of someone without asking?
• Is it okay to borrow your parents’ phone without asking?
• Is it okay to play an online game after you’ve done all your homework?
• Is it okay to play online games with your school friends?
• Is it okay to play online games with someone you don’t know?
• Is it okay to look at a website in school without checking with a teacher?

There may need to be some discussion to the answers your child decides. For example, it may be okay to play an online game with school friends, as long as they’ve checked with a parent.

Here is a great powerpoint to share and discuss with your child. Some familiar characters from Traditional Tales are faced with internet dilemas. Can your child help them to decide what to do?


I have set three 2dos on Purple Mash for your child to try today. One is a simple introduction to coding, and making bubbles move. The second 2do allows your child to explore and learn through some simple online maths games and the third is an activity where your child can design their own robot.

Follw this link to the webpage and log in with your childs details.


Click on the red 2do tab at the top of the page. The three activities will be listed for your child to access.

Please also read a Bug Club book with your child and continue with any work book or work pack activities that your child still has.


Funtime Friday-Maths

What a fantastic week from both Long Mynd and Hawkstone. I know its not the easiest to home school but the effort and dedication we have seen this week is fantastic.

For today’s Maths I would like you to spend time on: Purple mash, Mathletics, Numbots and Time tables Rockstars.


I have set new questions for you – if you have anu difficulties logging on please don’t hesitate to contact me on dojo or by class email:



If you finish have a go at have a go at creating a fun Maths game focusing on multiplication and division .

Have a lovely weekend and keep safe.

Many thanks Miss Kerr and Miss Hutson


Friday 26th February – Safer Internet Day

Please talk to your child about when they use technology and the internet.

What do they like to use it for? Do they watch videos? Listen to music? Play games? Chat to their friends? Do they use a phone? Tablet? Laptop or game machine?

Explain that technology and the internet can be helpful. For example, perhaps you use it to do your shopping, or to find a recipe or to find information to help your child with their school work.

At the moment your child uses technology, and the internet to help with their learning, and to see their teachers at school.

But, it is so important that your child is supervised and shown how to use the interent safely.

Please watch this video with your child. Timon and Pumba from ‘The Lion King’ learn about keeping safe online.

This powerpoint story is great to share with your child. Please read it together and discuss the points that are raised. Has your child ever experienced anything similar? What should they do?

Here is the story for Reception children



Please have this discussion with your child:
When we are using the internet, it’s important we make good choices, so we can look after ourselves and other people. We need to ask if something is okay to do or not okay to do.
Give your child two sheets of paper, one with the word yes on it and one with the word no.
Give your child a few coins or counters to use.

Read out the ‘Is it okay…?’ questions and ask your child to put the coins onto the correct piece of paper.

• Is it okay to take a photo of someone without asking?
• Is it okay to borrow your parents’ phone without asking?
• Is it okay to play an online game after you’ve done all your homework?
• Is it okay to play online games with your school friends?
• Is it okay to play online games with someone you don’t know?
• Is it okay to look at a website in school without checking with a teacher?

There may need to be some discussion to the answers your child decides. For example, it may be okay to play an online game with school friends, as long as they’ve checked with a parent.

Here is a great powerpoint to share and discuss with your child. Some familiar characters from Traditional Tales are faced with internet dilemas. Can your child help them to decide what to do?


Please explore ‘MiniMash’ with your child. This is accessed through the Purple Mash online learning platform.

Follw this link to the webpage and log in with your childs details.


Your child can work on their Maths, Literacy, Understanding the World and Creative skills using this program.

Please also read a Bug Club book with your child and continue with any work book or work pack activities that your child still has.

Thursday 25th February – Earls Hill and Clee Science / UTW

Joseph was taken to Egypt.


Egypt has large hot sandy deserts. Here are some pictures for you to have a look at .

Image result for egypt

Image result for egypt desert

Image result for egypt desert

Here are some words to describe a desert habitat.




Can you use these words in a sentence and say them to your grown up.

Here are some examples.

  • ” A desert is very sandy”
  • “The sun makes a desert very hot”

Here are some slides about desert habitats, and the animals that live in deserts. Look at them and talk about them with your grown up.

Follow this link to open the slides as a PDF, they may be easier to view.

t-tp-7184-deserts-powerpoint-_ver_4 (1)

Now follow this link to join the BBC Bitesize page about desert habitats. There is a video for you to watch and a quiz for you to try.


Reception/Cygnets – Please choose a desert animal and draw a picture of it. Perhaps you could label your drawing too?

Or you could follow this link if you have a printer to print off a sheet to label a camel.


Do you have any desert toy animals in your house that you could play with?

Year 1 (Swans) – Please choose a desert animal. I’d like you to create a fact file about this animal. Tell me what it eats, where it lives and what its babies are called. Does it live alone or in a group? Draw a picture of your desert animal to go with your fact file. Talk to your grown up about how your animal can live in the hot, dry sunny desert.

Now have a go at this game:


Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Today we would like you to re-listen to Lost and Found.

Your task today is to write a book review about the story.

Re-read the story and then answer these questions in full sentences…

  • Tell me…was there anything you liked about this story?
  • Was there anything that you particularly disliked…?
  • Was there anything that puzzled you?
  • Were there any patterns…any connections that you noticed…? Did it remind you of anything else you’ve read or seen?
  • Was your prediction correct?

Please find attached a copy of  a book review template. You can use think or create your own.

book review

Please find some examples for you to follow:-


Any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

We look forward to seeing your work. Please send it via class dojo or class email.

Art and DT for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Today we would like you watch the video of Any Dream Will Do .

In the story the main focus is Josephs amazing technicoloured dream coat.

For today’s activity we would like you to design your own coat onto a gingerbread man. Using icing and colourful sweets ( this could be skittle, smarties, rainbow drops)  we would like you to design a coat for Joseph. This can be as imaginative and colourful as you want.

  1. Use icing to cover the whole top of the gingerbread man.
  2. Sprinkle the sprinkle topping ( sweets of your choice ) on the icing (letting the extras fall on a plate so you can re-use them). Or you can put a lot of sprinkles in a dish and turn the frosted cookie upside down and put into the sprinkles (press down just a little bit until they stick).
  3. Put on the sweets to make  eyes, mouth, and buttons on his coat.

Please find below a video of how you make your icing . Alternatively you can buy tubed icing that is already mixed .

If you can not access any gingerbread men as an alternative you could decorate a biscuit (rich tea) and design a coat on that instead.

If you do not have access to  gingerbread men or rich tea biscuits, then we have attached a template of a blank coat for you to design your own by drawing and colouring it instead.

Blank coat template

Please send in your finished designs via class dojo and we look forward to seeing your work.