English – Long Mynd and Hawkstone -Lost and Found

Our focus today is to think and consider the feelings of the characters within the story.  We would like you to consider how both  the young boy and penguin are feeling . It might help to imagine you are the character, and exactly think about how you would feel if you were them.

Your task is to watch the telling of the story of Lost and Found  and brainstorm adjectives of what type of person / character  is. E.G caring, happy.  Following on from your brainstorm – write a descriptive paragraph about the feelings of one of the characters .Focusing on capital letters, full stops and expanded noun phrases. See writing template below.

Character feelings worksheet

I have included a short video explain what expanded nouns phrases are and how to include them in your writing.

Cheeky Challenge: Think about your feelings at the moment, being in lockdown and learning from home.  Write a paragraph explaining how you feel and why.


Tuesday 23rd February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Good Morning!

Lets warm up by counting in tens to 100.

Can you order your tens cards to 100?

Now circle all the tens numbers on your hundred square.

The Noble Collection Hedwig 29cm Plush

Now we are going to say hello to Hedwig again and watch another Oak National Academy Maths video. Today you will be learning about identifying 10 and counting on to find numbers to 20. Here is the link to the video.


You will need these independent tasks on this sheet to complete during the video.

worksheet 2

Pause the video when directed, complete all 3 tasks and then continue the video to check your answers. If you cannot print the sheet, copy it for your child. You do not need to draw the same objects as on the sheet, again drawing dots will be fine.

Please ensure the number of dots is the same as the pictures in the questions so that your child can work out the answers accurately. For example, draw 11 dots for independent task 1, instead of 11 apples. Draw 14 dots for the second task, instead of drawing 14 yoghurts!

There is a quiz to complete at the end of the video.

Now complete this practical activity with your grown up.

You will need your tens frames and counters. Ask your grown up to put a number of counters onto the tens frames. They can choose any number between 10 and 20.

Can you count how many there are? You do not need to start from one, as if your tens frame is full you know there are 10. So, count on from 10.

Here is an example. 17 counters have been put onto the tens frame. It looks like this.

I know the first tens frame is a 10 as there are no gaps, so I will put ten in my head and count on to find the answer, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17

Now write out the number sentence 10 +  7 = 17.

Repeat the activity at least 5 times.


Tuesday 23rd February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Hello everyone!

Well done writing sentences about lost things yesterday. They were very interesting to read.

Today we are going to look at a different part of the story. Here is the whole story to remind yourself:

In the story, the little boy could not sleep. This was because he was very disappointed that he did not know how to help the penguin.

Have you ever had trouble getting to sleep? What do you do when you cannot sleep?

When I cannot sleep, I sometimes drink some milk.

Other times I read my book for a while.

Today I would like you to talk to your grown up about things you can do to help when you cannot sleep. Perhaps you could talk to them and feed your worry monster if it is worries keeping you awake. Perhaps you could share a cosy story, listen to some relaxing music or even try counting sheep!

Image result for counting sheep


Please write about what you do when you cannot sleep. Once you have written some sentences to tell me what you do, you can draw a picture to go with your writing.

Please remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Sound out your words and write as many sounds as you can. Remember to spell red tricky words correctly. Use your word and letter mats to help you.

Here is my work. Look how I have remembered my capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. All of my words are sitting on the line, and my letters are facing in the right direction. I have tried really hard to make my handwriting beautiful. I think your work will be even better than mine!

After you have done your work today, please could you practise reading and writing out your red tricky words. I think you must be getting really good at them now!

If you struggle to fall asleep, here is some relaxing music that might help you:


Image result for bed time story

Some people enjoy reading a story before bed.

Can you find a story to read with your grown up before you go to sleep?

You could choose one of your favourite story books or here are some websites that you can click on and read ebooks for free:






Spellings Earls Hill Swans 22nd February 2021

The spellings will look a little different over the next few weeks.

I have set a weekly spellings quiz as 2do on Purple Mash. Please log in and click on the 2do tab at the top of the page.

Each Monday the new spellings are on the quiz.

Please follow this link to find the spelling words.

Week 1 Look Say Write Check

Please follow this link to find a dictation practise.

Week 1 Dictations

Ask your child to think what words from their spelling list should go in the gaps. They can either just write the missing words, or you can challenge them to write the whole sentence.

Monday 22nd February – Earls Hill and Clee Topic/UTW

Today we are starting a new Bible story – the story of Joseph. You may be familiar with Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat. This story tells the tale of Joseph and his brothers. Here is it for you to watch:


In the story, Joseph is taken to Egypt. Egypt is a country in Africa. Here it is on a map, circled in green. Where we live, in the U.K. is circled in blue. Its quite a long way from Oswestry to Egypt. It would take over 6 hours on a plane!

Egypt is famous for its pyramids. They are ancient, which means very old. Look how big they are compared to the people on camels! I wonder how long they took to build?

Today we would like you to talk to your grown ups about what you think the pyramids were used for, and why they were built.

Have a look at these guesses- which one do you think it right? Do you think the pyramids were built…

To help people learn about the stars?

To keep food inside?

Or to be used to bury important people when they had died?

If you said the last one, you are right!

Pyramids were used a long time ago as places to bury special people called Pharaohs – they are a bit like kings.

Here is a picture of a pharaoh. Joseph works for the Pharaoh in our story. He helps the Pharaoh to understand his dreams.

Image result for pharoah

Let’s see if you can have a go a building a pyramid. There are lots of different things you can build them out of. Here are some ideas to help you. How big can you make it?

The Ancient Egyptians used a different alphabet to us. Instead of using letters, they used Hieroglyphs and they can be seen on the walls of the pyramids. It doesn’t look anything like our writing does it?


Hieroglyphs are made up of lots of different pictures.

Swans/Year 1’s, can you have a go at writing your name in hieroglyphs? Here is a guide to help you!

Or follow this link to see more clearly.


Here is my name in hieroglyphs, can you write your name? I’d love to see some pictures.



English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

For English ,over the next two weeks we will be focusing on the book -Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers”.

We will be setting lessons based around the story, developing your English skills, handwriting and comprehension.



For Monday, we would like you to look at the front cover and write a prediction of what you think the book is about. Study the image, text and Tagline. We would like you to write a paragraph explaining your reason for your prediction.

Have a think about what is going to happen? Why you think it may happen in the story? What clues have you been given from the front cover of the book ? What characters may be in the book ?

See work sheet below:-

Monday Worksheet

Please don’t hesitate to contact either  Miss Kerr or Miss Hutson if you are unsure.

Thank you as always



Long Mynd and Hawkstone – Maths

Long Mynd:- 

Today’s lesson will be focusing on comparing statements. Please listen to the video and work through the sheets provided below. We have added a cheeky challenge for you to have a go at once you have finished .

Worksheet- Comparing Statements

Cheeky challenge 

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.


Today’s lesson will be focusing on Written methods . Please listen to the video and work through the sheets provided below. We have added a cheeky challenge for you to have a go at once you have finished .

Worksheet- Written Methods 

Cheeky Challenge

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….

PE and RE- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

PE – With The Wright Way

Wake up , and MOVE with The Wright Way Group.

Why not start the new week off, with some fun PE with Callum.

Please log into ‘TWWG’ PE channel for the next session


Over the next two weeks we will be focusing on the bible story-Joseph and his technicoloured dream coat .

We would like you to watch the video clip of Joseph and complete the activity for todays lesson explained below.

Using pencils or colouring pencils we would like you retell the story , rewrite the story or draw the drawing out in sequence in 9 steps.


Please see an example of story sequencing above. We have added an example of how you may wish to set your story sequence out, however if you would like to create your own please feel free to do so.

story sequence worksheet

If you could upload your work onto Dojo or via the class email address. Please remember no pictures of children via Dojo only class email.

Many thanks

Miss Hutson and Miss Kerr


Nursery Home Learning – Week Beginning 22nd February. Joseph and his Amazing technicolour Dreamcoat.


This week we will be learning about the story of Joseph and his colourful coat. This is a well know story that is found in the Bible. You can find the story in the Book of Genesis, chapter 37.

Here is a simple version of the story for your child to enjoy.

Here is another version of the story told by children.

Communication Language and Literacy

Ask your child to draw a sad face and a happy face on a piece of paper, or you could do this for them. Discuss them. Retell the story. Stop at different points and ask your child to say how Joseph, Jacob, the brothers are feeling. Which face shows this feeling?



Joseph was Jacob’s favourite son. Does your child think this is fair? Do they have a favourite toy?

Cut out an make the stick puppets from the resource pack. (stick them onto straws, pencils, lolly sticks) Retell the story with your child using the puppets

The brothers were jealous of Joseph, because Jacob said he was special. But we are all special. Talk with your child about what makes them special. Explain to your child that they are so special they have their own name. Ask your child to practise writing their name.  Can they use lots of different colours?



Expressive Art and Design

Joseph came from a large family. He had 11 brothers! How many people are in your family? Ask your child to draw or paint a family portrait.

Perhaps you could cut and fold a piece of paper to make a house shape and your child could draw or paint the family portrait inside the house.

Draw a simple coat outline for your child. Use coloured paper or recycled paper and packaging cut up into small pieces and glue them onto the coat to design and make a multicoloured coat.


Here is the song about Joseph’s multicoloured coat from the musical ‘Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’

Josephs coat was multi-coloured. It had lots of different colours. What colourful clothes does your child have? Challenge them to dress up in as many different colours as they can! I’d love to see a photo of them on Dojo.

There were lots of different dreams in the story. Talk about dreams with your child. What do they dream about? Make a dream jar with your child.

Use objects from around your house to create a large colourful coat collage.




Here are some songs about colours to join in with.



Here is another famous song from the musical Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.

Use crayons, pens or paint to colour in the sheets from your resources pack.

Mathematical Development

Follow this link to learn about shapes and colours with the Twirlywoos.



Joseph was sold for over 20 silver coins. Explore coins with your child. Let them sort the coins. Will they sort them according so size? Shape? Colour?

Can they recognise any numbers on the coins?

This game asks children to pay with 1p coins to a total of 10p. Select the one coin option, and then the option that says 1p (up to 10p) They will need your support.


Jacob had 12 sons. Practise counting to 12 with your child. Give your child 12 items and ask them to count them. Can they clap, jump, pat their tummy 12 times?

Here are 5 Numberblocks episodes. Please start with the first one and allow your child to watch one a day. They follow on, so please watch them in order.






Use building blocks to create repeating colour patterns. There is a resource in your pack to help with this.

Complete the stripy colour scarf pattern sheet from your resource pack.

Follow this link to play a colour match game



Physical Development

Joseph was sent away to a different country – it was a very LONG journey. He probably had to climb mountains, cross rivers, and go around obstacles. Set up an obstacle course for your child, and ask them to climb over, under and through, pretending they are on a journey like Joseph.

Here is a rainbow action song from Boogie Beebies on Cbeebies to join in with.

Play a colour game with your child. Spread different coloured pieces of paper on the floor (or an object/item of clothing if each colour on the floor) Ask your child to stand in the middle of the room. Then say a colour. Your child has to run to the correct colour as quickly as they can.

When you go out for your daily exercise, hunt for natural objects that are different colours.

Debbie Doo dances with rainbow ribbons in this song. Find some coloured ribbons, socks, scarves or strips of paper for your child to join in with.

Understanding the World

Joseph went to check on his bothers and take them some food. At the end of the story they go to HIM for food!! Talk to your child about where food comes from. These slides might help.

Auntie Mabel learns about where different foods come from in these programmes.

Can your child help you to prepare some colourful food? Perhaps a rainbow fruit salad or fruit kebab, a lovely colourful bowl of salad or a plate of delicious vegetables. The more colourful, the better!

Image result for fruit salad

Image result for fruit kebab

Image result for salad

Image result for vegetables on a [plate

Remind your child that Joseph’s coat was very colourful. Here are some online colour activities to explore.

Follow this link to play a game and learn about colours with Bing from CBeebies.



This is another game where your child can sort colours.


Here are some online colour jigsaws.


Find a selection of coloured objects – can your child sort them according to colour?

Ask your child to go on a colour hunt. Can they bring you something blue? red? green? etc.