🌟 star of the week 🌟

Well done to Stefani for being our star of the week.

Everyday is a pleasure to have Stefani in Ercall, she is such a hard working member of the class. She shows determination and never gives up. Her work is always to a high standard and well presented. Nothing is too much for Stefani and she will still ask how to improve her work or more homework to better her learning.

Ercall’s first half term 2021 💫

I just wanted to say what a wonderful first half term all the children have had. They have all worked exceptionally hard, showed perseverance and determination.

We have worked hard to complete our Place Value unit in maths and next moving on to Addition  and Subtraction. We wrote a letter from the perspective of a Roman soldier, and have a greater understanding about life before the Romans and the Roman invasion. After half term, we will be be learning more about the Roman Empire and famous emperors.

In science, Year 4s have been learning all about living things and their habitats with an end project of making hedgehog houses and Year 3 learning about light.

It was lovely to see so many of you at parents evening and the ones who I didn’t manage to catch, I do hope we can meet soon.

Have a lovely half term and please all keep safe.


🌟 Ercall’s stars of the week 🌟

Well done to Lucas Hunt for being our star of the week, he has persevered all week with his handwriting and has produced a wonderful letter from the perspective of a Roman soldier. Also the amount of work he is producing now compared to the beginning of the year is great. Well done.

I would also like to say a huge well done to all the children who have passed there spellings this week.


The amount of children passing is going up weekly, but would be amazing to see all children with full marks.  And this week every child has read a minimum of 4 times at home – this is amazing and thank you for your continued support at home.


⭐️Ercall’s wonder week ⭐️

What a wonderful week had by all in Ercall. We have been working hard preparing for the Harvest service at Holy Trinity Church.

Thank you for the kind donations to help us fill the class hampers.

We have also been learning in about Queen Boudicca, writing a wanted poster and a letter home from the perspective of a Roman soldier. We have been learning about Roman numerals and making clay coins.

To finish our week off, I would like to say a huge well done to all parents, carers and adults who have taken the time to listen to children read, it really does make a difference. Well done to Miti for star of the week for his fantastic effort and presentation in his writing and to the children who passed their spellings and times tables.


Ercall newsletter and useful sites.

Ercall newsletter

So far children have received their login details for:

We will shortly be handing out login details for Mathletics and IDL for some children.

Other good sites to help and support your child’s learning are listed below:









If you have any questions or difficulties logging in, please don’t hesitate to drop me a message on the Class Dojo.

Thank you.


💫 Star of the week 💫

Well done to Elisa Croft’s for star of the week.

For settling in to Ercall with great confidence and enthusiasm. She always has a smile on her face and a positive attitude. She tries her best in every lesson, asks questions and has been asking for more work . Such a super star!
This week we have been digging deeper with our class book ‘The promise’. All children have been exploring the wildlife in within the school, adding colours and texture to a sad and gloomy image. We used oil pastels as our medium.

We reflected on the school grounds assessing damage to any flora and trees with ideas of improvements. We have been learning about acorns and oak trees with leaf symmetry, life cycle and rubbings

Ercall first week 🎊💫

What a fantastic first week had by all. The children have settled well and shown a passion for their learning.

Our class book ‘Promises’ has continued with a session on outdoor meditation (which the children enjoyed relaxing and learning how to take time for themselves). We also focused on a poem called ‘The lonely garden’, where we identified may features such as nouns, adjectives and verbs.



Welcome to Ercall 🌟


Good morning and welcome to Ercall class. Ercall class consists of myself, Miss Hutson who is the class teacher and and Mrs Lewis the class TA.

What a wonder start to the school year and day we had yesterday. In the morning, the children took time getting to know each other and the staff, then spent the afternoon team building and working in groups.

Over the next two weeks, we will be updating our class time tables and routines and will keep you up to date with our topics, PE days, reading sessions, spellings and other home work tasks. Our first PE session is outdoors Tuesday, so please send your child with the correct PE kit in their bag.

So a little bit about myself; I have worked at Holy Trinity since 2011 (10 years) as a class teacher in KS2 so have a wealth of experience in all all areas of the curriculum. I very dedicated to learning and building positive relationships with the children and parents. As well as a class teacher, I am also RE and and PSHE lead. I have 2 young boys 7 and 2 ( one who is actually in Caradoc). We spend most our weekends out and about walking, bike riding and enjoy trips to the beach.

If you need to contact me, I am always available through Dojo and her to help. I look forward to meeting you all.

Thank you and enjoy your weekend. 😃


See below for the pictures of our spaghetti and marshmallow towers and cheerio and spaghetti balancing.



Sports day 🎾 🏃🏿‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️

Everyone is a winner on sports day and we celebrate the success of all children. Every child received a sticker for taking part, we also have certificates for the running race for boys and girls- see below.

Can I just say a huge thank you to all the children who took part in sports day today. The children have been training hard and the effort from all really showed.

Can I also say a huge thank you to the parents, carers, families and friends who supported Long Mynd and Hawkstone class it was lovely to see so many of you today.

We also celebrate a sports day superstar for great sportsmanship, effort and caring for others and this award goes to…. Abdulah.