🌟 star of the week 🌟

Star of the week- Yusuf Ahmed
Yusuf has been working exceptionally hard in science, understanding classification keys. He has an enquiring mind and has been asking questions about animals and habitats!
On Monday, he used parts of a flower to create his own classification key to then challenge others.
Well done, this new found confidence is lovely to see!

Long Mynd outdoor shelter building ⚒🌲🧶⛺️

Supporting our charity day.

In the morning we split into groups; we planned a shelter then created our own outdoors, using natural and man made resources. The children worked as a team to create a shelter to keep them dry, which was comfortable and could seat 6 children. How do you think they got on?

We then evaluated our shelters and discussed how ‘Shelter-box’ provides support for families in disaster areas by looking at case studies.

Bright lights, Big city: Light graffiti

Light Graffiti-

The children in Long Mynd and Caradoc have been learning about different forms of graffiti. This week it was ‘Light Graffiti’. We experimented with different light sources, neon and electric. We had a light party to set the mood and capture the real effect.
The main focus is London and the bright lights and busy city life.

Whole School Collective Worship – Justice and Humility

The whole school collective worship is brought to you by Mr. Kenyon.

This week we will be focusing on Justice.

Collective Worship Mr Kenyon

Have a look at the hall of fame below to learn more about images and statues linked to Justice  (click link to enlarge):

If you are interested in ‘Lady Jusitce’ , please take time to look at ‘Verity’ created by Damien Hirst which is placed on the docks at Ilfracombe, Devon.

A 66 foot stainless steel and bronze sculpture named Verity, created by world famous artist Damien Hirst, stands on the pier at the entrance to the harbour looking out over the Bristol Channel towards South Wales. It has been loaned to the town for 20 years. The name of the piece refers to “truth” and Hirst describes his work as a “modern allegory of truth and justice”.



The bible story we will refer to this week is Jonah and the whale:


Justice could mean giving wrong doers the punishment they deserve i.e… the punishment fitting the crime- just desserts, an eye for an eye, etc. However, it could also mean giving all people- particularly the poor and oppressed – what is right and fair for them to have i.e… life, health, freedom, and dignity- this is social justice.

We have used many different bible stories to emphasize this: Jonah and the Whale is one.


Please join us for one of our daily prayers (click to enlarge):

English in Long Mynd this week 👑

Our English this half term is linked to our unit ‘Urban Pioneers’. We are researching London, where the children will write a diary entry after being taught how to write a diary correctly and what to include. So far we have look at a WAGOLL- what a good one looks like, read a selection of diary entries and evaluated them to identify if good or bad examples. Looked at chronology and ordering events using adverbs of time and today we described Buckingham Palace after watching a selection of videos to inspire and set the scene. Take a look at our week:

💫 star of the week 💫

🌟 Star of the week 🌟

George Wilson
George has been working hard on his reading and times tables.

He is becoming more confident in what he reads and answering comprehension questions . He even wanted to read at his birthday party!!( on Tuesday) – mum gave him a night off!

George has achieved his year 3 times tables target and passed 2 5 10 3 4 and 8s

He is now working towards the year 4 times tables – remaining ones (6 7 9 11 12 )

Well done and keep it up!

Whole School collective Worship – Justice and Humility

To week’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Meddins.

Justice PowerPoint Mrs Meddins – final

God’s Story: Sermon on the Mount

Jusitice –

Jesus calls his followers to see justice, not as a way of getting revenge and paying people back; instead, he calls them to forgive their enemies, go the extra mile and not judge other people.

Song to be played from collective worship.

Let us pray (click to enlarge):