Hawkstone Class

Well done to Ralica for being our star of the week 🌟
She has persevered with her handwriting and is beginning to join.

In science, we have been learning about pitch and sound. We made pitch straws and pan pipes to see how pitch can change from high to low with the air vibrating inside the straw.

We also made pitch balloons.

In English, we have now started our new book, Escape from Pompeii, we have been looking at the key vocabulary and understanding what they mean.

In french, we recapped on our knowledge of numbers and colours and verbally recalled to our partner.


For our computer unit we are focusing on photo editing using the app ‘Befunky’. This week we learnt how to rotate and crop an image.

In pe we have now started our gymnastics unit where we focused on jumps. We then applied our newly learnt skills to jump from different heights. We learn the tuck jump, straight jump, star jump and rotate jump.


A busy Christmas week in Hawkstone class

Well done to Lillie who is our star of the week. She has been learning her times table on TTRS and has persevered to pass the next stage – well done Lillie.

In science, we have been learning more about sound vibrations. We learnt about the ear and how we are able to hear sounds. We then looked at whether sounds can travel through solids, liquids and gasses.

In comprehension, this week we had an author study on David Williams, we looked at a selection of his book and discussed ones we wanted to read.

What a fantastic day, we took part in the Santa dash were we ran over 101 laps between the year 3-4 children. Thank you so much for all the donations.

In music, we have been focusing on the correct vocabulary for musical notes, we then looked at pitch and how this changes.



A busy week in Hawkstone

In music this week we have been focusing our skills more on learning to play the glokenspiel.

For RE, we looked at the Christian festival of light- Advent. We also learnt more about the visit from angel Gabriel to Mary and the annunciation.

We had a fun DT session this week. We learnt methods to strengthen shell structures and then tested them with weights.

We have also been looking at Roman building structure and statuses of the gladiators. We then acted this out.

Our new science unit is sound. We have been learning about vibrations, we gathered a selection of instruments to learn about vibrations. The children were then challenged as to whether we can see the vibrations or not.


Christmas diary dates are now out and on parent pay and class dojo, any question about these, please contact the office, thank you.

Have a lovely weekend.



Our week in Hawkstone Class

Well done to our star of the week Harry for his fantastic effort in all areas of the curriculum, and the maturity he displays when moving from subject and class. Well done.


This week in pe, we have been working on our passing skills. We have been using the inside of our foot to pass the ball.

In RE, our unit this half term is ‘festivals of light,’ this week we have been researching Diwali and how the festival is celebrated. We made Rangoli patterns, lotus flowers and firework pictures.


In DT, we have been looking at nets. We cut up nets, scored along the folds and assembled to create a 3D shape. We then compared them to the solids 3D shape to see if it was made correct.

Our music topic this half term is all about the Glokenspiel. We are refining our skills and learning how to play the different keys to different types of music.


There will be no star of the week this week due to the panto being in the hall, however we will continue the week after.

Thank you for your continued support in all areas of the curriculum in and out of the classroom.

A busy week in Hawkstone Class

🌟 well done to Scarlett who is our star of the week 🌟

Since joining Holy Trinity, she has built some fantastic relationships with the children in our class and the school. Such a pleasure to have in the class.

In football this week, we have been working with Neil our pe coach to refine our dribbling skills. Not only this but changing direction with the ball.

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our reading river home work project.

In music this half term, we are learning how to play the glockenspiel.

On Monday, we started the week with Odd Sock Day for Anti Bullying Week and today we ended the week with Children in Need. Thank you for all the support .

We have been looking at Roald Dahl as part of our author study in our comprehension lessons. We researched facts, read a selection of books and learnt some of his made up words.

In English, we have been identifying verbs and adverbs within a text.

In DT, we have been looking at shell structure and identifying what shapes they consist of and how they are constructed.

Well done to all the children for taking  part in the TTRS competition and to Abi for being joint 4th out of the whole of Ks2.


Thank you to everyone who came for parents evening, it was lovely to share books and show off the amazing work produced. If you haven’t managed to book an appointment, please send a dojo to book one in, thank you.

A busy week in Hawkstone Class

⭐️Well done to our star of the week Elsie for her fantastic team spirit in PE. A team player in all lessons.⭐️

In PE this week, we have been focusing on Roman Dance where we produced an attack and defence routine as well as a testudo formation.

This week in Science we have been looking at evaporation, for this we changed the temperature of the room to see if this had an effect on the amount of water.

For PSHE, we looked at healthy and unhealthy relationships discussing body language and where we might see this in daily life.

Our new history unit is about invaders and settlers and the Roman invasion. This week we looked at the key vocabulary and what date the Romans invaded Britain.

In RE, looked at All Saints Day and researched about different saints. As our academy trust is named ‘St Chad’s’ We researched all about him.

We have had a busy week and all children have produced work to be proud of – well done.

Our week inHawkstone

⭐️ Our values champion this half term is Harry. ⭐️

He has settled well into KS2 with a positive attitude to learning. He is helpful in and out of the classroom and a delight to have in Hawkstone. Well done Harry- superstar.

Please meet Hawkstone librarians- Valeria and Isla.
Duties include: monitoring the book areas in Year 3/4. Recommending books to other children, talking about authors and listening to readers and simply sharing their love of reading with others.

For our outdoor Pe sessions, we have been focusing our skills towards tag rugby.  But when it rains, we don’t let this ruin our fun, indoor tag rugby still takes place.

We have set a whole kS 2 reading river home work project where children have been asked to collect and compete a river journey of their reading over half term. See image for examples. Any questions please message through dojo.

We have a number of children in year 6 who spend 3 mornings a week listening to children read for our ‘reading expect buddies scheme’. Here is Anwen and Jack, who read together and compete any Accelerated Reader quizzes.


In PSHE, we focused our learning this week on fire and bonfire safety, we discussed how to keep safe with sparkles and around bonfires 🔥. Hope you all have a lovely and safe half term.

REMINDER- Monday is Pd day, therefore children return to school on Tuesday 7th November.



Hawkstone News

⭐️Well done to Nayden  who is our star of the week ⭐️

His maturity and positive attitude to learning has been evidence in each and every lesson. Such a lovely smile everyday. Well done

In geography, we have been researching city  landmarks, we then made a comparison with London and Paris.

For PE, we have been learning about different skills needed for a range of activities. We have been working systematically.

For science, we have been learning about The Water Cycle. We conducted 2 experiments. One learning about precipitation and one where we made our own water cycle in a bag- we will observe this over time to see the outcome.

In comprehension, we have been modelling knowledge tests. This will be set as home work to enable the children to answer a selection of questions based on a text.

We have been looking at rights and responsibilities in PSHE. We discussed these giving examples of what they might look like in a real life situation.

Well done all for a fantastic week. As we approach the last week of the half term we are completing our units. We are in the middle of our independent write for English as can’t wait to share them with you.

Our week in Hawkstone

🌟 We start with out star of the week- 🌟

Paula with her fantastic increased confidence. It’s lovely to see her joining in with class discussions and asking questions.

In PE, we have been focusing on multi skills, this week we have been skipping, skipping runs, spotted circle. All skills with concentration and techniques needed.

In science, we have been heating and melting, and observing what happens to solids and liquids when changing the temperature.

Maths is supported with many concrete items and this week we used counters to help us order numbers. Our new vocabulary was ascending and descending.

For computing, we have been learning all about websites. We safely visited a number of sites to identify how they are presented, e.g icons, videos, links and images. This links with our PSHE where we are learning to show reset online.

A wonderful week had by all.