A week in Hawkstone

Well done to Simon who is our star of the week, after half term he has returned with a positive attitude too all areas of the curriculum.

This week the Year 4 children have been tested on their multiplication tests, we have another week to go. Well done to all children for your commitment to learning your times tables.
On Friday, we took time looking at images  and challenging ourselves to mastery style questions. 

For our computing unit, we are working with a programme called scratch, see below for our count controlled loops and infinite loops in scratch.

We have started our new units in PE, we have been learning skills for Kwick cricket.

At Holt Trinity, we have a lovely library where we spend time reading fiction and non fiction books, read for pleasure and explore the different genres.

A busy week and a huge well done to all children for their efforts in all areas of the curriculum.

Hawkstone class

🌟 Star of the week 🌟

Well done to Laila for being our star of the week- Layla joined us last week and has settled in well. She has been welcomed by all children and is such a delight to have in the class.

This week we have been busy refining our dictionary skills, we are using our alphabet skills to help us spell words and understand our set spelling in class.

In PE, we are focusing on athletics- this week is was the shot put. We used a tennis ball and learnt how to stand in the the correct position.

Year 4 science have started the new unit of ‘States of Matter’, where we learnt about particles and understood solids, liquids and gasses by acting it out on the playground.

In English, we have been researching landfills and disposal units to help us understand the in more depth as next week we will be creating a persuasive text all about the benefits and problems of landfill.

In Geography we have been locating cities on a map. We started with capital cities and moved in to 10 more across the UK.

For our art unit, we are looking at the fourth plinth challenge but Antony Gormley. We will be standing on our man-made plinth for 30 seconds and portraying the Uk now (2023) the theme is contemporary art- performance.

A fabulous week by all. Next week we will be celebrating out service values champion.

Mental Health Awareness Week 15th – 21st May 2023

What is the theme for Mental Health Week 2023?

May 15th – 21st is this year’s Mental Health Foundation’s annual Mental Health Awareness Week.  This is a great time for us to focus on our own mental health and wellbeing however this year’s focus is on anxiety.

Anxiety is a normal emotion that we all experience and can help to keep us safe, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a common emotion that we’ve likely all experienced at some point in our lives. Anxiety affects over 8 million people in the UK – that’s a little over 1 in 10 of us. 


Anxiety also impacts large numbers of young people so the likelihood is that if not now, in the future you will experience or know someone who is experiencing anxiety.

At Holy Trinity, we have a trained peer mentor team available to support children across the school if they are feeling anxious or just need a friend, see below:

Below are a few strategies that might help with anxiety, we will be introducing these to children this week.

We have a specialist team at school who are available to discuss any concerns: see attached poster: Who might be able to help me

We also have a school portal where we are proud to support good mental health, you will find a selection of pages to support both children and adults. Within this portal, we have a parent concern box if you feel you need to contact a member of the school staff about your child’s mental health.

Click the link below and it will take you to the school portal:

Our week in Hawkstone

This week has been a busy one.

We took part in the mini London marathon mile 2023 where we ran a mile on the school play ground, everyone was so supportive and worked as a team to cheer each other on.

In PSHE this week, we have been exploring risks in everyday life. We ranked risks to understand the level and identified and offered support to different scenarios.

In Art last week,  we created figurative characters based on ourselves and fixed on a plinth  the focus was the art of display. Next week we will be planning our own art of design following in the footsteps of Antony Gormley one and other – the fourth plinth challenge.

For PE, we have been enjoying the sunshine and improving our skills in running long distances and short distance for our athletics unit.

Following on from the poison pool last week, in our class book- The Paperbag Prince, this week, we have been understanding the character and writing a diary in the role of the paperbag prince. For this, we read the text, used our inference skills to determine feelings and actions.

In Geography, we have been researching regions and counties. We were able to understand what region and county we live in.


Such a brilliant week for all and to see such support from everyone during the mini mile- I am so proud of you all.




Hawkstone’s week

This week’s star of the week is Ruby.

She has worked extremely hard in all curriculum areas, and we have seen a new confidence in her. She has such an amazing attitude to learning: ‘Her light bulb has ignited and she is on fire’ and it’s lovely to see her journey.


This week we have started our new geography unit where we used atlases and computers to learn about the 4 countries which make up the United Kingdom and their capitals. We researched a number of questions such as the population, national flags, land mass, and national flowers.

Our focus in maths is fractions, we have been learning how to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions and back. We have looked at fraction walls and equivalent fractions. We have also been on Soundcheck to prepare the Yera 4 for the multiplication test in June. All children are working extremely hard and should be proud of their scores.

I have attached a fraction wall and cards if you want to create your own at home:

In English, we are reading ‘The PaperBag Prince’ we have been able to describe the rubbish tip and the poison pool, Year 5 have been introduced to modal verbs and we have used a range of new vocabulary to describe the two scenes.

We have now finished our swimming unit where all children should be very proud of all they achieved. Even though they are at different stages they all accomplished so much. We have now started our new unit, ‘Althletcis’ where children have enjoyed using a range of resources to master their skills, racing, long jump, and javelin.

Our Art unit started with excitement, awe, and wonder.
Our aim is to understand:

  • That artists think carefully not just about what they make, but also how they present what they make. 

  • That when we view sculpture (or other art), the context (way it is presented) affects how we react to it. 

  • That how something will be seen can help us shape what is made.

  • That we can give thought to how we display the art we make, to help us understand how people will view our work. 

We spent time researching the work of Thomas J Price –

Thomas J Price is a sculptor who questions the types of people that have traditionally been made into a sculpture and displayed on a plinth. Price is interested in making sculptures of anonymous people – people who are no one and everyone at the same time. By doing this he asks us as viewers to question: What is the purpose of sculpture? How do my figures speak to you?

We finished our very busy week with a celebration lunch for the King’s Coronation, each class sang a song and dressed in red, white, and blue to show our support.

Hawkstone’s first week back

Hawkstone’s value champion this half term- Toby

Well done for your fantastic attitude out of the classroom, where you have been such a team player at lunch time. A great role model for Hawkstone. Toby also represented the school at a sporting event where he displayed a positive attitude.

I’ve never know such a busy week and this week was one of them. We have learnt so much from Monday to Friday.

In pe, we have worked on our athletics skills where we worked well as a team, supported each other and followed instructions.

We started our new book in English unit and have been debating the for and against plastic pollution. We took turns to debate with evidence and our own opinions to back up our statements.

Following on from this went outside and litter picked the rubbish after lunch time.

Our history unit is coming to an end but before it does, we have taken on the role of Alfred the Great writing out own speeches and looked at Viking artefacts.

In art, we are learning about plinths and went for a look around school to see what different plinths we have.

below is the Hawkstone newsletter and curriculum map for this half term.
Hawkstone’s curriculum map summer (F)Hawkstone-Newsletter- summer 1 (1)

Our week in Hawkstone class

As we  come to the end of our mindful stretching unit, this week children have focused on balance through mindful movements.

Our English unit is about the mountain god erupting and this week we wrote a letter to a relative from the perspective of a islander leaving their home due to destruction. The focus was feelings, thoughts and dialogue with advanced verbs.


In our RIC sessions, one focus was the use of a thesaurus to help improve our vocabulary. We used these to find more advanced verbs to include in our writing.

The star of the week this week was Benji for his effort and increased confident in swimming, for being able to move from one side to the other independently.


We also won the attendance award for the week.

Our week in Hawkstone

Our star of the week this is was an Anabel, she has worked extremely hard in History creating a fact file for the Anglo-Saxons. This was presented to a very high standard.


For our DT unit, this week we have been looking at nets of shapes. We took our boxes apart and discussed the shapes that made up the net. Following from this, homework has been set to create your net design.

In PE, we have been focusing on our mental health and our unit this half term is mindful stretching. We use our own mats and learn different meditation positions.

In maths, we have been looking at division, we have used part part whole and a place value grid with counters to help us.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Snow day

Good morning, as you can see by the weather we have another snow day.

Below are a number of activities if you need to keep busy:

Photography Competition 

Can you take a cool picture in the snow? Think about:

  • Footprints
  • shapes and patterns
  • snowmen
  • snow angels


Have a lovely weekend and see you Monday.