Spring is on its way in Hawkstone

Our star of the week this week is Sienna. The last week she has taken on many leadership roles. When asked to lead a group in RE she was supportive of others, listened to all ideas and delegated the work. Well done.

We have been using computers to research about tribes in and near the Grand Canyon. We learnt all about how they create trade for tourists and what clothes, food and homes they have.

In English, we have been editing out English narrative to up level our work and improve our sentences.

For our new RE unit, we discussed  Holy Week- we started the unit by brainstorming  what we know and putting the holy days in order, we then added key vocabulary and discussed the final hours of Jesus’ life.

World book day was celebrated by dressing up as our favourite book character. Well done to all.



End of the half term in Hawkstone class

We have had a busy few weeks, our subjects have been coming to an end for this half term and we have produced lots of creative pieces of work to be very proud of.

Our star of the week was Josh with his fantastic attitude to maths, learning about factors, factor pairs and common factors – his knowledge of times tables has helped with the multiplication unit.

Our Christian values champion was Miguel – he has preserved with his handwriting since September and we can finally say he is achieving all of his next steps and he is extremely proud of the standard of writing he produces. Well done.


In Pe, we have now completed our gymnastics and football unit. We finished with a mini football tournament.

For our computing unit, we have been editing photos using an app called Befunky. In the final lessons, we learnt how to crop, cut and combine images. We have also been exploring our virtual classroom.

We have now written our own myth stories based on the class text, Arthur and the golden rope. To help us plan our own, we created a story map from the story and retold the story with images and key words.

We have also been improving our vocabulary by using a dictionary to understand words. In our RIC session, we have been looking at the work class, the word in content, synonyms and antonyms linked to a word.

We were fortunate enough to be given a birds next to explore (linked to our Art unit) we analysed the way it was made and the features.




Our happy place – Hawkstone class

Star of the week Teya

For her fantastic attitude to learning, not only does she show determination in everything she does but helps others. She shows perseverance in all areas of the curriculum and asks fantastic questions to challenge her learning.

In RE, for our Islam unit, we have been looking at the different artefacts associated to prayer. We then explained how they help Muslims focus their prayer to Allah.

In geography, we have been looking at the inner part of the Grand Canyon and what type of biome this is. We also looked at the climate, floral and animals which live here. We then made our own biome in a box and presented this to the class. We have also had a fantastic selection of home in, creating biomes in mine craft.

In computing, we have been using a new app called ‘Befunky’. This has enabled us to crop an image, change the colour setting and combine a set of images.

For maths, we have been using counter to help us divide a number by 1 and itself.


We have had a lovely day celebrating numbers day and raising more for the NSPCC.

Our busy week in Hawkstone

Well done to our star of the week- Leo

who has shown a mature and positive attitude towards school this week. He has been prepared every morning and ready to start learning. When entering the class, he completes starter activities set.


This week we had a visit from the dogs trust who talked to us about how we care for animals and how to keep safe. The children took part in scenarios, votes and discussions.


We also had a visit from St John’s Ambulance, this was an assembly about first aid awareness and safety. The children learnt about numbers to call when needing help, the recovery position, and CPR.


We have now completed our nests. We began by collecting leaves, sticks, resources from the school field and created our nest with clay. Adding resources and placing them safely in a tree for birds to use. A job well done by all.

In geography, we looked at biomes and the inner part of the Grand Canyon. We created the biomes making a replica in a box our own – we will present it to the class next week.

Our week in Hawkstone

Star of the week Amelia, for her fantastic effort in her writing. Not only does she produce work to a fantastic standard but incorporates all grammatical features asked. Such as conjunctions, relative clauses and similes.


We have have a busy this week in Hawkstone. We began be learning new vocabulary linked to our new class text ‘ Arthur and the Golden rope’. We spent time  improving our dictionary skills by finding the definition of a word and matching images to the words.

In Art, we have been drawing nests using ink, for this we needed specialist pens and liquid ink where we were able to draw and flick the ink to create twigs and sticks.

In french, we learnt about family members and what nouns matched which image: mum, dad, sister, brother, pets etc.

In science, we created our own digestive system to see how each part functions. We used a bag for the stomach, tights for the intestines and passed food through the items to see how the body would absorb nutrients and pass waste.  We will be following this up by writing it up in our own words.

The children also had a visit from the air ambulance where they were able to have a look around the helicopter and ask questions.

This week in art we will be creating a nest out of clay and twigs using resources gathered from the school field.

A fantastic start to the Spring Term


We start off by saying a well done to our first star of the week Eisa.

He has shown great determination in his handwriting and presentation of his work. His top exit letters are joining correctly, words are at the correct size and he is joining most of his words. The presentation has improved and this is fantastic to see, Handwriting isn’t an easy task and takes time, effort, and perseverance and this is what had been evident in Eisa’s work.

We have started our new unit in Geography where we have been finding out about ‘The Grand Canyon’ we have been researching where it is using maps and introduced new vocabulary such as longitude and latitude, and from this we created a fact file. Next time we will be learning about erosion and how it was formed.


In PE, we have been learning different rolls, this week in gymnastics it was the teddy bear roll. The children took it in turns to observe their partner’s roll and support if needed.

In French, we have been recapping colours and numbers where the children played retrieval games in order to challenge them to remember the information.


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Growth Mindset

At Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy and Nursery, we encourage children to become confident and resilient learners, allowing all children to achieve their full potential.

We know that in order to fulfill the full potential of our pupils, we need to be modelling the mindset of a learner to not be afraid of making mistakes or giving up when they find things hard, but who thrive upon them and understand that this is all part of the learning process. We want all our pupils to relish challenges, embrace their mistakes, value the importance of effort, respond carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others.

At Holy Trinity, we consistently endeavor to challenge and develop the attitudes of all pupils toward learning by considering what makes a successful learner. We have dedicated sessions in class on how we can positively approach challenges inside and outside the classroom and it’s lovely to see the school buzzing with talk of perseverance, challenge, risks, and celebrating mistakes.

Central to this attitude and approach to learning, are the theories and proven evidence of a Growth Mindset by psychologist Carol Dweck.

The theory behind Growth Mindset is based on two types of mindsets, that children and adults may possess, a ‘fixed’ mindset and a ‘growth’ mindset. Below is an overview of the traits of each:

Fixed Mindset

  • I like my work to be easy
  • I don’t like to try a challenge
  • I won’t do it
  • I can’t do it
  • I believe I cannot change how clever I am
  • I don’t like to try new things because I won’t be very good at it
  • I give up easily

Growth Mindset

  • I never give up
  • I like my work to be difficult – it means I am learning
  • I love challenges
  • How can I achieve this
  • I can do it
  • I want people to praise me for the effort I put into my work
  • I believe I can get more intelligent by working hard
  • I learn from my mistake.

We are very excited about the prospect of nurturing a growth mindset culture at Holy Trinity.

Key aspects of growth mindset at Holy Trinity:

  • We celebrate making mistakes – we can learn from them;
  • We never give up – perseverance is the key if we are to succeed;
  • We learn from each other;
  • We don’t compare ourselves with others;
  • We challenge ourselves and take risks;
  • We remember that our brains are making new connections and growing all the time.

There is a link attached below for you to share with your child:


Below are some videos we’ll be using this half term to learn about Growth Mindset from Class Dojo – they’re easy to watch and explains it really well.

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:


How you can help at home:

  • Praise the amount of effort your child is putting into things rather than how clever they are;
  • Talk to your children about their brain is like a muscle – the more they use it, the stronger it gets;
  • Encourage your children to not give up if they are finding something difficult;
  • Challenge your children to try something new or challenging.

Our sewing helpers 🧵 🧦 ⛄️🎅🏼 🎄

In Hawkstone class, we have had another successful DT sewing session with our sewing helpers. This week we used our stocking template to cut around the felt, we then used our sewing skills to create the stocking using a running stitch and over stitch. Finally, we attached a bell or button to the stocking, we will finish next week.

Again thank you for all the help and support from the lovely ladies.