🎄 A busy week in Hawkstone 🎄

Christian. Values champion for Trust

Gracie- for her great effort in class. When a task is set, she is trusted to complete all work to a great standard. Not only this but Gracie is a fantastic role model outside of the classroom, whether it is at lunch time in the hall, during PE sessions and during Collective Worship.

In science, we have been testing our knowledge of circuits and created a closed circuit ‘hoop buzzer game’. This was not only was fun but challenged the children to get the buzzer working.

Anabel buzzer game see video attached.


We have had another successful DT sewing session with our sewing helpers. This week we used our stocking template to cut around the felt, we then used our sewing skills to create the stocking using a running stitch and over stitch. Finally, we attached a bell or button to the stocking, we will finish next week.


Again thank you for all the help and support from the lovely ladies.

Next week is our last week, we have a lot planned such as writing our own traditional tale, finishing our stocking, Christmas card and calendar making, the year 4s are at the cinema and singing around the Christmas tree.


A week in Hawkstone

Just wanted to say a huge well done to all the children for completing a number of assessments this week. You have all worked exceptionally hard and persevered.

Star of the week-

Georgia- This week we have focused on our presentation and handwriting and Georgia has worked hard to improve the size of her writing and the letter formation. Well done

This week we have been understanding more about our feelings and what colour each feeling is to us.

In computing we have been learning about output and input devises and how to record our voices.

We have been busy planning our designs for our stocking and will be completing the final stage next week with the help of our Holy Trinity Heroes- sewing team.


In PE, we have now completed the dance unit with a WW2 theme. The final week was the mourning after the battle scene. The children worked together to add emotion and feelings to the scene and perform a canon ( a routine where each person takes it in turn to repeat the action) .




Finally, we have been learning our class song for the church service. Please see link below to continue to learn the song – we three kings:



Sewing in Hawkstone

Another fantastic week in Hawkstone in DT with our sewing volunteers. This week we have learned how to sew buttons, pin material, and secure it with a running stitch.


Next week we will be planning our Christmas stocking with the final piece being completed Thursday 8th December.

Thank you for your continued support.


A week in Hawkstone

Star of the week this week is Alex

Alex has been outstanding this week in all areas of the curriculum. Not only has he excelled in sewing but in his handwriting, Maths and English. Alex also passed his accelerated reader book quiz, passed his phonics assessment and achieved 100 metres in his swimming club. WHAT A WONDERFUL WEEK! 🌟 🤩

this poem is a great example of expanded noun phrases, similes and personification. Well done,

This week we have continued with electricity in Science, we have been making our own switches to get A light bulb to work 💡


Year 5 have been busy in Science exploring moon craters, as part of there Earth and Space unit. They have made some excellent observation and carried out great fair testing. Next week we are moving onto our ‘Materials and their properties’ unit of work.

In DT, this week we have been learning how to sew a button, pin a piece of material and then use last weeks skills of a running stitch to secure the material.


In PE, we have been learning how to dance to WW2 scenarios. This week was the battle scene; in the trenches, in the sky and on the ground. The children used their imagination and the music to help.


As a class, we are striving to improve our presentation with a focus on handwriting, letter formation and neatness on our books. Handwriting may be coming home this week to enable the children to continue to practice.

Thank you for your continued support in reading, times tables, spellings and handwriting that comes home.

We have had a busy week and now we are in the run up to Christmas, we will have lots of activities planned starting with the pantomime this Tuesday. Have a lovely weekend and see you Monday.

Our week in Hawkstone

This week we are celebrating 2 stars of the week- it was so hard to choose one so we had 2.

Elisa for her fantastic dialogue between two characters. Her positive attitude to learning is evident in every lesson. She never gives up and always thrives to provide work to an excellent standard.

Cameron has settled well in Hawkstone class, he is a delight to teach and is working hard in all subjects.

This week we have been learning to write a conversation between a wicked witch and Jub. The children wrote their own conversations based on an image, acted it out and then wrote  to down with added body language,  actions and correct punctuation.

In science, the year 4 children have been creating circuits with different components and drawing the correct image for the circuit.

For PSHE, the year 4 children are learning about the different feeling and how to manage them. We are basing our learning around a book called ‘Bottled’.

This is a bottle. You will have seen bottles before. What are you bottling up? Maybe now’s the time to explore… It is important to share our feelings rather than bottling them up inside. With Bottled, teachers Tom and Joe Brassington help children of all ages understand why and how they should express their emotions in a healthy way. A starting point for early, crucial conversations surrounding mental wellbeing, this book is an invaluable tool which parents, guardians and teachers can use to create emotionally honest spaces for children in their care.

Holy Trinity Heroes.

As part of our DT unit, we have been learning the different stitches. Today, we were joined by an amazing group of ladies who guided the children to thread a needle and learn stitches such as running stitch, back stitch, over stitch and many more.

We couldn’t have achieved the outcome without you.


Hawkstone heroes

Today we came together as a school and hold our 2 minute silence in our classes, we also took part in the National Literacy Trust Zoom with other school nationally.

This week has been a creative week across the curriculum.  We have started our new dance unit where we are focusing on WW2. This week was to create a dance to an air raid siren and to the safety of a shelter.


In DT we have been exploring different styles of bags, their material, fastenings and purpose.


We started our new History unit where we looked at the term pre history and how archaeologists find and record evidence. We sorted the image of the equipment with a description and the title of their job role.


To finish our create week, in RE, we analysed the Trinity symbol and created our own new school Trinity badge with a focus on: God the father, son and Holy Spirit and hope.


Welcome back to Hawkstone class

Wellcome back the half term holidays, hope you have had a lovely week off.

The children came back to school ready to learn and what a wonderful week we have had, first we celebrate our Christian distinctiveness champion for last half term  of Thankfulness- Hanna, she has been such a wonderful role model for the other children with her positive attitude to learning in and out of the classroom.

We have started our new class txt and been making predictions what we think the book is about.


In maths, we have now moved onto addition and subtraction learning how to successfully add when exchanging.

In science year 4 for are learning about electricity and the use of appliances and in RE we have been learning about the Trinity .

Not only the wonderful class work but some children took part in bike ability where they pass3 the level one of the course – learning to ride with confidence.

This week we have parents evening – see letters which have gone out.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Hawkstone’s week

Our star of the week this week is Isla.

This week Isla has produced a wonderful piece of writing in English based on our class book ‘ Queen of the Falls’. Isla took all advice on board and created a detailed paragraph that included fronted adverbials and the correct use of commas.

This week has been another busy one. We have been to the forest areas in science identifying the minibeasts that live there, from this, we grouped them in a venn diagram


This was then followed by an editing session in English, where children learnt how to improve a piece of writing which then led them to edit their own work. Editing is a skill that takes time and all children were able to improve their work by identifying the correct punctuation to use, correcting and misspelt words, and including expanded noun phrases.

In Geography, we have been researching human life in a rainforest, one being the Kayapa Tribe. From the research, we will produce a comparison of their lives.


In PSHE this week we had a circle time session where we discussed the rights of a child, we were able to give our own opinions and share our beliefs.





Harvest week in Hawkstone

Hawkstone Newsletter and Overview

Hawkstone Newsletter autumn

Hawkstone curriculum map autumn 1

Another successful week by all.

Our star of the week this week is Kobie, she has an outstanding attitude to extra curricular subjects and is now learning the violin, recorder and has joined choir at lunch time. It’s lovely to see the enthusiasm.

This week has been busy with the harvest service at Holy Trinity Church, the children learnt  Makaton for a wonderful world. It was such a lovely turn out by all and we’ve never seen the church so full. All food donated will be given to the local food bank.

This week in computing and PSHE we have been learning about networking, how the internet works and how to keep safe while using the World Wide Web.

In french we are learning numbers to 20 then linking this to times table snow balls.

In RE, following on from the harvest service, we made a class covenant for our wonderful world and how to make it a better place.


Thank you all for your continued support and I hope you all have a lovely weekend.