Hawkstone ‘my happy place’.

Well done all for the hard work and dedication this week.

Well done to Amelia, who is our star of the week this week for her fantastic attitude to learning. She has asked for extra home work to pass her times tables, completed all English to a fantastic standard and been such a great role model to others with her behaviour.

We have been busy learning about place value in maths this week, a lesson in particular the children really enjoyed was 1/10/100/1000 more or less. We used resources to help us understand the concept.

This week in RE we have been understanding more about a Christian Wedding, with the focal point being the vows, the commitment and promise made.

In science, we have been learning how to group and class living things according to their characteristics: we used a classification key where we have to come up with our own questions.



Another busy week in Hawkstone

Another wonderful week and we have been busy with many different lessons.

Pshe this week (for year 4) is based on online respect where we discussed many scenarios and how to deal with online bullying.

In English, we have been learning about Annie Taylor – the lady who successfully plunged over Niagara Falls in a barrel. On Monday we will be writing a character description. We have been using a dictionary to understand new  words for descriptions.

In Geography, we used maps and atlases to identify where in the world rainforests  are focusing on the equator and the tropics. We have also been learning the different between tropical and temperate rainforests and the climates of each.


PE this week was very active where children have been learning how tag in tag rugby, the children had to work with a partner to attack and defend their tags.

And finally in art, we have focused on an artist called Sol Lewitt, who creates are by following rules. This is called wall drawing  #118. 

Im exhausted just thinking about all the work we’ve covered and the fun we’ve had.

Hawkstone class news

What a wonderful first week back. All children have settled into school with determination and a positive attitude.

We have started our new school units; in maths we are focusing on Place Value, English our focus is to write a recount diary based on the book ‘Queen of the Falls, for geography we are learning all about rainforests. One favourite so far is music and our topic is Mamma Mia.

All children have received a reading record and book matched to their reading ability, an individual times table to their own learning journey and homework is week is a reading comprehension- due in Friday.

To top of our fantastic week, we have the first star of the week 🌟 Toby 🌟  who has displayed the Christian value of perseverance through all the base line assessments, he has also been a positive role model for the younger children who have started in year 3.

We have also voted for our new class school councillors who will represent Hawkstone class in future school meetings, this year it’s Miguel and Teya -badges to follow

Well done all and have a lovely weekend, we are off school Monday due to the passing of the Queen.

Any questions please don’t hesitate ask, please send a message through dojo.



Welcoming you back to school and Hawkstone class.

It’s not long now until we welcome the children back to school and  I hope you have enjoyed the sunshine and managed to have a rest. Just a reminder the children will be returning to Hawkstone class where the classroom will be open from 8:40am.

I just wanted to introduce you to the class page where I will post the lessons, homework, information, celebrations and images. I will also be able to communicate through ‘Class Dojo’. I have managed to add most children to class Dojo, for the ones I have, I will send login details this week.

I am looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday and hearing all about the summer holidays.

Miss Hutson

🌟 star of the week 🌟

Well done Martin for this weeks star of the week. He was chosen for his fantastic effort in maths, he has been completing a number of mastery documents where we’ve been challenging his thinking. Not only has he been a superstar in maths but really mature at play time, helping and supporting others.

An all round role model and super star.

🌟 star of the week 🌟

Well done to Simon


Since returning from half term we have seen a positive and welcome attitude to school work in and out of the classroom.  This positivity has been  noted by many members of staff and Simon has been Ercall’s role model of great behaviour.

During playtime, he has shown a caring side while participating in football to make sure all children are included and have a role. Well done

Final week before half term

What a busy week we have had, we started the week with a visit from a Jewish member of the community, sharing his knowledge and expertise about the Jewish faith, followed by a visit to willow art gallery on Thursday, where the children got to meet and watch a live artist and explore the art in the gallery. Year 4 were swimming and finally the queens jubilee celebrations.  Thank you for all your support this half term and please enjoy the jubilee celebrations next week.

First Monday back is staff training / pd day therefore children will return to school Tuesday 7th June 2022.

A note from the swimming team- please can you take your children swimming over the holidays to build their confidence in the water. Thank you

Thank you

Pilgrimage visit from Bishop Sarah and Bishop Michael

On Monday 9th May the Rt Revd Sarah Bullock, Bishop of Shrewsbury, lead a group of pilgrims past Holy Trinity School after calling at some of the churches in Oswestry.  Bishop Sarah took part in a 70-mile pilgrimage from Holywell, Wales, to Shrewsbury Abbey along the revived St Winefride Trail starting in April and ending in May.The pilgrimage started from where St Winefride lived in the 7th century in Holywell.

St Winefride was a young woman who had her head chopped off by a selfish prince named Caradoc after saying no to marrying him. Miraculously Winifred was healed and she came back to life but a red scar around her neck was left for the rest of her days.

We  invited the pilgrims  into our school where they were met by our school council members and a number of Christian values champions and given a tour around our school. They then headed to our library to have refreshments and a selection of our students were invited to talk to the group of pilgrims.

⭐️Star of the week 🌟

This week, we had TWO stars of the week it was so hard to choose so I went with both!

Firstly, we have Isla Smith

Isla is a star of the week for settling in well to our class. She has found a great little group of friends and is becoming a great asset to the class. She is passionate about her work especially the writing unit for whales -sharing her own knowledge with others. Well done Isla!

We also have Florence Cattley

Florence is also a star of the week for her dedication towards the year 4 multiplication check. She is making great progress towards this and always tries her best to beat her previous score! Keep it up Florence!


A week in Ercall

Well where do I start, what a wonderful week had by all and this was topped off by winning the ks2 class  attendance award.

We have started our new English unit and been writing a letter to David Attenborough sharing our facts about whales and asking him questions we would like to be answered. We also went outside onto the play ground and measured out 30 metres – the length of a Blue whale.

In maths we have be converting money, adding and subtracting amounts. We have also been buying items with a given amount.

For science, Year 4 have been growing cress to different types of music: rock, classical and no music to see if it has an effect on its growth.

For music we have been playing he the glockenspiel along side our dragon song 🐉 the children enjoyed playing the instruments.

We have no completed our Geography unit where we have been comparing Oswestry to Bologna. We have created a fa tile for bologna as well as a persuasive poster for Oswestry.

In RE this week we have focused on Holy Week and created Easter eggs to match each day.