Macmillan Cake Sale

Well done to Alexandra from Caradoc Class who has won the fabulous cake made by Mrs Dallow. We have raised an absolutely fantastic £174.00 for Macmillan Cancer. Thank you to everyone who donated.

Macmillan Charity Cake Raffle

Friday 25th September is Macmillan Coffee Morning. Unfortunately due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, we cannot hold our usual coffee afternoon or cake sale However, as this is a charity close to our hearts we wanted to do a little something. Therefore, Mrs Dallow has kindly made this fabulous chocolate sponge cake with a woodland theme for us to raffle. We will be asking for a minimum £1 donation from the children (parents and other family members are also more than welcome to take part.
As we cannot handle money directly we will have buckets on the gate Thursday and Friday and we would appreciate it if you could put your donation in a bag/envelope with your name on it and pop it in the bucket OR there will be collection points in the classroom for your child to put their donation. On Friday afternoon we will draw a name out from the donations and announce the winner. Please give generously to this good cause if you can. Thank you !