Reception Class children

Do you have a child starting reception class?

If so, your child will be participating in the reception baseline assessment (RBA)
within the frst 6 weeks of starting reception. The purpose of the assessment
is to provide the starting point for a progress measure that will help parents
understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between reception
and year 6.

2023 Information for parents: reception baseline assessment (

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Wright, Mrs Meddins or Mrs Rhodes-Leader.


Sports Day Update to dates KS2

The sports day date for ALL of KS2 has been updated. The new date is now Tuesday 11th July at 9.30am. (Longmynd, Ercall, Hawkstone, Stiperstones and Haughmond Classes)
The other dates remain the same:
4th JulySports Day – Clee, Earlshill, Lawley & Caradoc 2.00pm
5th JulySports Day – Nursery 9.30am

Great Big Green Week

From the 10th to the 18th June we as a school will be supporting ‘The Great Big Green Week’.  The children have been learning about lots of ‘green’ issues, including recycling, plastics recycling and discussing the harm plastics are doing to our environment.

The children have been set challenges and homework in relation to the green learning so please give them your best support from home.

For more information please check out the website – Great Big Green Week



URGENT – It has been brought to our attention that a number of Year 5 and Year 6 children have been using a website called OMEGLE. This website is rated 18+ and is highly dangerous as ANYBODY can chat or video call the children. Please read the information below and follow the link for more information. Mr. Kenyon will be speaking to the children today regarding this website. This is not an app it’s a website that can be accessed from a phone or tablet. PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHILD’S DEVICES AND BROWSING HISTORY.

What Parents Need to Know about Omegle:

Omegle is a website that pairs random strangers for live text or video chats. It ¬first launched in 2009 and its slogan is “Talk to strangers!” There is an option for adult (18+) content and a section for people aged 13+ with parental permission. Anyone can use the site. Users simply go to and then choose ‘Text’ or ‘Video’ chat and the page states how many users are currently online. Depending on the time of day this can be hundreds of thousands. Omegle markets itself as a great way to meet new friends however has been known to feature pornography and inappropriate content within chats, so it’s important parents are aware of the risks associated with the site.

In the guide, you’ll find tips on a number of potential risks such as pornographic content, cyberbullying and chats being unmoderated.

Oswestry Music Festival

This morning we had our first set of children taking part in Oswestry Youth Music Festival – Alissia, Allison and Matylda where entered into the vocal solo classical and traditional- they all did extremely well and were awarded a certificate of merit. Alissia and Anwen were also entered into the Musical Theatre category were there were both given a commended rating! 🤩🌟
Just a reminder that the choir are performing at Christchurch this evening (Wed) and need to be there at 5.40pm.
The recorder group is playing on Friday 3rd March at 12pm at the Methodist church and then on Saturday 4th March at the Hermon Chapel we will have Kobie and Connie playing Violin at 10am and Thomas, Jeniffer, Ruby playing Drums, Cello and Violin at 10.45am. In the afternoon at Christ Church our final 2 contestants Teya and Miti will be in the vocal Solo section at 2.30pm. Well done 👏👏👏to the children who took part today and Good Luck 🤞☘️to those performing later in the week.