
PARENTPAY: Letters have gone home today with login details for those parents new to school or those that have not already set up their account. It is important that you set this account up as this is where all school letters and payment items can be found. If you are having difficulty in opening your account please come to the office where we can assist you.

Parents Lunch with new Reception Class

On Monday our new Reception class children had their first taste of school lunches.  They were able to share this experience with their parents and carers.  It was lovely to finally be able to welcome parents back into school to share these experiences with the children.  Something we will hopefully be doing more of in the coming months.

Here are just a few photos of our lovely lunch and some of the comments we received.

“Very helpful, love this idea!”

“So helpful as she is shy”

“It has helped to settle the children and reassure them”

“I was able to encourage my child to eat and also see what she eats when not at home”

Thank you so much to all the parents that came.


New NURSERY children drop-in sessions

Dear parents and Carers

New NURSERY children are invited to attend a drop-in session with their parents/carers on Friday 3rd September. Please feel free to come along between 9.30am – 11.30am or 12.30pm – 2.30pm. Please come into school via the main office doors. We look forward to seeing you all.

The Nursery Team

New Reception children starting school

Dear Parents and Carers
Reception 2021
Please see below some up to date information regarding the children starting in Reception Class.
On Friday 3rd September the class doors will be open from 8.40am and the staff will be on hand to direct you to the classrooms.  Entry can be gained via the main Nursery gate on the left hand side of school.  The one way system is still in place and when you drop off your child please follow the route to the Beech Grove exit.
On Friday the children will stay until 12.00pm and will exit the school from the main front door (look for the Giraffe model) just before the main office door.
You are invited to stay for Lunch with your child on Monday, please advise the office if you would like to attend.  (11.30am at the office) If you are not going to attend please collect your child at 1.00pm from the main front door (as above)
Tuesday is another half day including lunch and collect at 1.00pm from the main front door.
Wednesday 8th September the children will stay for the full day and gates will open at 8.40am to drop off and 3.00pm for collection. Collection at 3.00pm will be from the classroom doors where the children are dropped off.
If you have any queries please contact the office, however there will be plenty of staff on hand to help and direct you.
Kind Regards
Mrs Meddins and Mrs Rhodes-Leader

Breakfast Club and After School Care

Dear Parents and Carers
Our wraparound care is now up and running. It will be held in the Acorns centre which is situated at the side of the school and can be accessed via the Nursery gate. Parents and Carers can use the small car park next to the Nursery entrance.

Before and after school care MUST be booked and paid for 1 week in advance. Payment must be made via Parentpay. If you do not have an account please speak to the ladies in the office who will help you set one up.

Sessions are as follows:

1st child Breakfast Club – 7.40am – 8.40am £5.00
1st Child After School Care 3.00pm – 4.00pm £5.00
1st child Additional Hour 4.00pm – 5.00pm £3.00

2nd child and any additional Children Breakfast Club 7.40am – 8.40am £4.00
2nd child and any additional children After School Care 3.00pm – 4.00pm £4.00
2nd child and any additional children additional hour 4.00pm – 5.00pm £2.00

IMPORTANT: Please use the notes box when booking and put the date you are paying for and the names of the child/ren especially if they are additional children.

Yours sincerely

Mr Kenyon
Head of School

Safer Schools Initiative

Dear Parents and Carers,

Safer School Initiative

The Safer School initiative is a school security initiative that encompasses personal safety.  It was created by West Mercia Police and with the support of Shropshire Council, virtually all Shropshire schools are following the process.  This is a fantastic opportunity for our school.

The initiative is a practical and realistic risk management approach to the security and safety of school staff, pupils, property and the premises.  Following the satisfactory completion of the process, schools receive the Safer School accreditation and this accreditation is reviewed every two years. No two schools are the same and therefore, it is site specific to individual schools.  The process involves a Safer School Group following a comprehensive package.  Safer School Groups meet on a regular basis to follow and implement the Safer School process and parents and carers are informed of the Group’s progress through newsletters.

The essential elements of the package are as follows: –

  1. Implement basic security measures applicable at all schools i.e. property marking and visitor passes etc.
  2. Consider pro-active security and safety measures for the site/building and/or protecting assets.
  3. Establish a procedure for recording incidents i.e. anti-social behaviour, vandalism etc. Any recorded information can then be analysed. In addition, the same recording procedure can be used for surveying a problem i.e. an unauthorised thoroughfare.
  4. If there are any projects to be undertaken following the Group’s work, they are prioritised. Following the implementation of a project, the success of it is reviewed.
  5. PSHE or education of pupils as per the Safer School pack.


As part of the process, the school would appreciate your views. Please could you forward any views/concerns, including any positive observations, by Friday, 14th May 2021 so they may be considered at a Safer School Group meeting.  This can be done through the form accessible through the following link:

If you would prefer a paper copy to complete and return to school, please do let me know.  The focus is the school grounds and site. If any parents or carers are interested to view the Safer School package, they are welcome to contact myself at school.

Yours sincerely


Mrs Thompstone

Safer School Lead