A week in Long Mynd

This week in Long Mynd we have been researching seals, using our knowledge of hundreds, tens and ones, exploring a range of non-fiction books to build an understanding of their structure, looking at maps of our local area (including finding our homes on google earth), and looking at the story of Noah in R.E, focusing on how he would have felt at different points during the story.

We have also had a lot of time to explore TT rock stars, focusing on practicing our 2’s, 5’s and 10 times tables. Children should all have come home with a login so they can also practice these at home.

Well done to our star of the week last week, Ivy, and this weeks star of the week, Lola. Well done girls!

Next week we will be continuing our work on forces in science, building on our knowledge of natural and man-made features in geography, and developing our agility in P.E.

Have a lovely weekend.