Hello everybody

We have had yet another busy and fun filled week in nursery. We continued looking at the gingerbread man story, and asked the children if they knew what a baker did. The knowledge and understanding was very vast and we were super impressed. We made some bakers hats and made a bakers role play. Some children wrote the prices, some did the cooking and some were the customers, all in all the children had great fun and were learning so much in the process. We also introduced 5 currant buns and sang this during circle time , this encourages the children to take turns and initiate in a same theme game.

Alongside the gingerbread man story we have been following the children’s interests. The children were loving exploring the apples from our very own apple tree so we collected some and used tools to chop and peel the apples (all closely supervised) we then turned it into an apple crumble which some of us tried at snack time. The experience and language skills the children used was brilliant. Well done Nursery!

We have also seen lots of exploring outside turning the cars and stands into a car wash initiated by the children. They enjoyed working together and cleaning the cars with brushes and sponges and driving through to go round again. Team work at its best!

We also have been looking at different shapes in the environment and some children used this idea to create houses and castles, both inside and outside using natural resources also.

What a busy week! Alongside all this we are continually encouraging and supporting independence through play, including putting own coats on, pouring own drinks, spreading their own butter on toast. Lots of lovely learning opportunities through everyday play and activities.


Here are some of the wonderful photos from the week.

Any questions please ask a member of the nursery team





Have a good weekend

The Nursery Team

Hello everyone

We have had a full on busy week in nursery. We have introduced our Pathways text of The Gingerbreadman, which we will be exploring this term with many activities. We found a trail of footprints by the nursery door, and the children were trying to guess whose they could be. The footprints led to some ingredients and we were left a special recipe which we enjoyed making Gingerbread Men biscuits.


We have been looking at different collections of objects, and the children were able to find their own collections during their play. We found big objects, small objects and same shaped objects and put them all together in a collection.


We have had PE with Paris and Neil, we were asked to follow some simple instructions, and they were impressed with our listening skills.

We are constantly encouraging the children to be independent through hand washing, pouring their own drinks, putting on their own coats, washing their cup after snack just to name a few. Please encourage independence at home as much as possible.

Here are some photos of our week this week. Your children will be bringing home  a reading record as part of  Share a Book . We will have a box of books for you to take one to look at with your child and you can write a little something inside the record, this is to encourage looking at books together and prepares for their next journey in reception class


Any questions don’t hesitate to ask a member of the team

Have a good weekend!

The Nursery Team

Hello everyone and welcome back to Nursery. We have had  a lovely few days settling the children back in and welcoming some new children and families. The children have been busy exploring the nursery environment both indoors and outdoors. They have been showing their physical skills and we have introduced some circle games to encourage the children to talk and take turns with each other.

Please make sure to check the website every week for photos and information. We cant wait to see the children grow and develop over the coming year and look forward to sharing the experiences and adventures with you all.


Here are some photos from our first week back..


We look forward to working alongside you all to provide the best for your childs learning and development. Nursery is where their learning journey begins. Any questions please done hesitate to ask a member of nursery team. See you next week.


The Nursery Team

Well what can i say it has come the time to say goodbye and good luck to some of our older children whom will be going into reception class after the summer break. We have had a busy and fun filled week, for activities week starting with Messy Monday, Tuneful Tuesday, Wet Wednesday, Theatrical Thursday and finishing with fun fair Friday.

We have been super busy joining with Clee class and Earls Hill exploring all the activities that have been happening. Here are some of the photos from the week. As today was the last day with some of them we did not take photos today we wanted to enjoy the time we spent with them.

It has been an absolute pleasure to see the children grow and shine into their own unique personalities and we will miss all those moving into reception class. We look forward to what September brings and welcoming back our younger children for more fun and learning together with some new friends.

We wish you all a happy, healthy and safe summer holidays. Enjoy each other and make lots of memories.

We will see you Wednesday 4th September

The Nursery Team

Hello everyone,

We have come to the end of yet another busy week in nursery. We have still been learning about brown bear brown bear and this week we have had an envelope delivered every day with different animal footprints on it, the children soon realized they were the animals from the story. Inside the envelope was part of a recipe, which by the end made a complete recipe and instructions how to make biscuits. So the children enjoyed making biscuits using animal cutters from the story.


On Wednesday we had a football themed day in which the children came dressed in sporty wear, we had lots of ball games and the children even had their own football match and tried to score or save a goal. They were fantastic! We definitely have some football stars in the making. We decorated football biscuits and had a mini football table inside aswell. We were mark making outside using chalk to mark when we had scored a goal,

There have been lots of learning and exploring time in which the children have explored their own interests all of which are a valued and fundamental part of their learning.

Here are some pictures of the week…


We finished with a colour run this afternoon which was amazing and the children enjoyed it very much. Next week is our last week before the holidays and we will be having lots of fun activities throughout the week.


See you Monday

The Nursery Team

Hello everybody,

What a busy week we have had in nursery. We have had a move up morning for the children starting reception, and we have had a fantastic graduation for these children aswell. Firstly, thankyou for all the parents and carers that attended the graduation, it truly was amazing to see so many of you share in the children’s success. Its sad to think some of them only have two weeks of their nursery journey left. They are all superstars!

We have been looking at the story Brown bear Brown bear in which the children have been joining in with the repeating sounds and making up their own versions of what they see. WE have made our own puppets using the characters from the story, we have made animal masks and used instruments to sing the rhyme.


Here are some photos of the week…

We are coming into the last two weeks of term which are sure to be fun filled and busy before we break up for the summer holidays.

Thanks for your continued support

The Nursery Team

Hello all,

What an exciting week we have had. Firstly we arrived at nursery to find a giant key. We asked the children who they thought it might belong to and they though maybe their mummies, or a dinosaur or a pirate. The key fueled their imaginations and they were thinking who it may belong to. The next clue was a set of giant footprints and the children were trying to guess who had been in nursery but the footprints were too big. The next day Miss Falcao’s teddy bear had gone missing so the children made lost posters which we displayed around the school. The children were still trying to work out what was going on. We read a story called “The teddy robber” and instantly the children realized what had happened, in the story a giant steals lots of teddy bears and eventually returns them. The children were then talking about the giant and how we could get the teddy bear back. We wrote a letter to the giant and kept our fingers crossed he would return it.


Eventually we received a video message from Miss Falcao to say her teddy bear had been returned to her home.


Here are some wonderful pictures from our week. A great big thankyou to everyone who attended our teddy bear picnic aswell it was a great success and we appreciate and value your continued support,


The Nursery Team

Hello all,

We have had yet another busy week in nursery. We have been continuing to look at our set text The Sea Saw and have now discovered how the little girl loses her teddy at the beach and have been talking about how she may feel. We have made puppets from the story to reenact using a puppet theatre, which became lots of different things as the children used their imagination.

A great big well done to the children for taking part in our Ugly Bug Ball sports day, it was amazing to see so many of you come and support the children and join in aswell. The children did brilliantly and even those that didn’t attend have been fantastic in practicing for it. So well done nursery and thankyou parents and carers.

Exciting news is that we have had some butterflies arrive and have already released some into the garden. The children were so excited as were we.

We have been doing lots of learning and exploring as always and we hope you enjoy the selection of photos below.

Thankyou everyone.

The Nursery Team

Hello everybody

We have read some of our story this week “The Sea Saw” and have got to the part where there is a storm and the little girls teddy falls out of her bag. Based on this we have done lots of activities, we have made a bus and made some tickets and decided where we were going to go. We have used instruments to make the sound of the storm and the calmness again.

The children were asked to copy a sound and they tried very hard to match the exact sound that was made.

We have been busy practicing for our “ugly bug ball” sports day which we hope you can all make next week. We have been making bug headbands for the day aswell as fathers day which we have been discussing about who is special to us.

We have been looking at emotion cards and worked together to see if we could say how the people were feeling and then talk about when we might feel that way. The children are getting more and more confident in talking to the adults and their friends.

We have enjoyed different coloured water outside and using ribbons to weave through the railings as well as lots more learning and exploring fun.

Here are some photos from the week

Next week we have our bug themed sports day!

Thankyou for your continued support as always

The Nursery Team

Hello everyone, it’s been another busy week in nursery. We have enjoyed looking and talking about how the caterpillars have changed. We have also transferred them into a net to wait for them to turn into butterflies.

our story this term is called The Sea Saw by Tom Percival about a little girl who loses her special teddy on a journey.

Thankyou for sending in photos of the children with their special items, they have enjoyed talking about them to each other and the adults. There is still time to send in if you haven’t already done so.

We have been doing lots of learning and exploring being doctors, making a donut shop and still bug hunting outside. We have learnt some new sounds in phonics and are getting very good at remembering them.
we have talked about teddy bears picnics if we have ever had a picnic and shared what foods we could take.


The next few weeks will be very busy with different things happening in school, the children due to go to reception will have transition days soon and we will be having our nursery sports day.

Thanks for your continued support.