Hello everybody and welcome back to the new term, we have had  a busy but exciting few weeks. Firstly we welcome all our new children and their families, the children are enjoying exploring the nursery areas and are beginning to learn the new rules and routine. We welcome back our children that have stayed with us and are sure you all had a lovely summer break. We are very lucky to have a lot of outside space and the children have been busy exploring this area. Here are some photos from our first few weeks in nursery.

The children have been using their physical development skills using the cars and trikes outside, as well as digging and building in the sand. Some children have enjoyed making marks on the ground with chalk. There is always a learning opportunity for young children and some children took an interest in the apple tree so we decided to collect some in a basket then chop them up for snack. This showed great control and fine motor skills, as well as lots of language being used about the color and size of the apples. Your children are very clever and we are excited to watch them develop and thrive.

Young children learn best through play, during their time in nursery they will have a variety of experiences which will all develop their knowledge and understanding in different areas. The activities open up lots of opportunities to communicate as young children need lots of language around them.

We are very lucky as a school to be able to access the forest. The children had a lovely time exploring and we talked about what we might see, the children were already talking about butterflies so we visited the forest to see if we could see any. They loved it and we will certainly be visiting again!.

As you can see the children have had a brilliant time exploring the nursery environment. We encourage independence and the children have lots of opportunities to develop this, through toileting, handwashing, pouring own drinks etc.

We have shared lots of rhymes and stories and the children are settling well. We will be introducing the story “The Gingerbread Man” over the next few weeks and lots of exciting activities to go with it. We are lucky to have Mr Cartwright join us in nursery for a while,  a trainee teacher, whom I’m sure will provide some wonderful opportunities for learning through play and exploration.

We also are very lucky to have Miss Roberts and Miss Heath helping us in nursery as well.

Your children are delightful and a pleasure to have. We look forward to lots of exciting opportunities with them as well as working with you and the local community.

Thankyou and we hope you enjoy the selection of photos.

From The Nursery Team


Hello everyone, we have been so busy the last few weeks we haven’t had time to share the wonderful things with you. This will be the last nursery post before we finish for the summer.   We have had transition days for the older  children starting reception which is a very big step for them. We have had the wonderful graduation   ceremony and the children were amazing and have all made so much  progress since starting with us. .For those starting reception we wish you well and are so proud of you all. The children whom are staying we look forward to having lots more fun and learning with you.


The children have been amazing, and we will miss them all very much. They become a big part  of our lives as well and know they will keep being amazing  . We will welcome some new children with the ones  staying and await new adventures. 


Thank you for the continued support your children are amazing and we know they will keep thriving.  Stay safe and enjoy the summer holiday’s, have lots of fun together and enjoy each other and we will be waiting with happy faces in September.

The Nursery Team.


Hello everyone,

We’ve had such a busy week yet again in nursery. We have continued to read some more of the story “The Sea Saw”. The children have been sharing stories form their own seaside visits.    The children have helped to make a seaside display as well. We have been busy making fathers day cards and enjoying the sunshine, which the children enjoyed our very own beach with the sand and the paddling pool. The children are always learning through their play.

Here are photos from our exciting week.


Mr Carruthers bought in a world war helmet as well and some children wanted to try it . on. We have been increasing our number skills with adding and basic counting. What clever children they are!.

What a a busy week again, the children are enjoying the exploration time and  imaginations   have certainly developed this week, especially in the sand area.    

The older children have been trying really hard with their Fred talk and practising their names in preparation  for reception class.

Next week we will be seeing how the story ends and having lots more fun along the way.. Thank you  for the support as always.

The Nursery team.

We have had a great first week back! We started by talking about what we had enjoyed over the half term break. The children showed us their great communication  skills by telling  us where they had been or  the exciting things they had done. The children have enjoyed sharing their stories with us and were fantastic at taking turns.

The children as always have enjoyed painting and mark making.

The new story for this term is The Sea Saw all about a little girl who goes on a journey with her special bear. WE have explored sea shells and made some patterns with them, making different shapes.

Some children engaged in role play with the till and the play food.

We have had a short week this week but the children have still done lots of lovely learning. We have an exciting few weeks ahead especially with the transition  for the children due to go to reception class. We will keep you updated about this.

As always thank you for the support!

Hello everybody, we’ve had another busy week in nursery. We have been going with the children’s interests and exploring minibeasts. We have been reading the Hungry Caterpillar  Story, learning the days of the week and the life cycle of a butterfly. We even went for a run to see if we could see any. We chased the ones we saw.   As usual we have been exploring the nursery environment. We have been counting, singing, learning and exploring. Fred has been helping the older children learn the sounds “n” and “l” and the children are very clever and remember all the ones we’ve learnt so far.  What clever children you have!

Learning and Exploring is done everyday through the children’s play, they learn to make friends, become independent and learn social and basic life skills including problem solving and negotiation.

Here are some  photo’s of the busy week we have had.


Some children engaged in hide and seek, using their amazing number skills, sharing and turn taking. They worked together as a team.

We’ve had a spontaneous talent show with ballet dancing and break dancing. What talents they have and we are so lucky they are confident to share with. us all. The children are proud when they do something well or try hard and we encourage them to keep trying their best.

Thank you  again for the delightful experiences we get to share with your children.

The Nursery Team

Hello everybody it seems like forever since we last made a web post we have been super busy as always in nursery. We have welcomed some new children after Easter whom have all settled well, and we started by looking at the giganotosaurus story in which we have explored dinosaurs. We had a mummy dinosaur leave some eggs behind and the children enjoyed seeing what happened when they cracked. We have been doing lots of bug hunting as well as the children are really interested in this at the moment.  We have also introduced phonics a bit more for the children due to go to reception class in September, which they are brilliant at and are really having a go. Here are a few photos of the few weeks back.


We hope you enjoy the   photos your children are  delightful and we are so  proud  of them all. We have  a few more busy weeks and hope you enjoy sharing the  photos.

Thank you for sharing your  children with us.

The Nursery Team


Here are some of the things nursery have been doing this week. We have been busy making special things for mothers day.  We have been talking about feelings and different ways people  look after us.

We have been enjoying the lovely sunshine and been outside a lot more this week.   When the weather is warmer it would help us if you could bring a hat in your child’s bag. Fred the phonics frog was helping  the children learn the “t”  sound and was a little silly making the words sound wrong, good job nursery children are clever enough to help  him.

We have been that busy we have not taken as many  photos as normal, we have been far too busy enjoying the sunshine. We only have two weeks left until the end of term.

Here’s to lots more fun and learning.


Thanks for your  support!

The  Nursery Team.

Breakfast and afterschool club

Don’t forget we have the club available before and after school. payments must be made via parent pay and in advance. The children have  a variety of food and chance to socialise with different aged children. We offer messy activities such as painting. We decorate biscuits, dance, read, draw and mark make and  we access the outdoor environment all under the care of trained school staff.

Breakfast club 740-840am

After school 3.00-4.00/5.00pm

We have availability daily, for more information contact a member of staff.

Hello everyone, we have had a super busy  2 weeks in nursery.

We have started exploring where pirates come from, which led to a walk around school to look at  the world maps and  we asked  teachers where they were born. This worked well as it was  st patrick’s day, which we talked about Ireland

We have read the story about the pirates and the children have been doing some great learning through their  play. We have shown great counting skills, even Mr Kenyon came to see how good  we are. We have made pirate flags and turned the nursery climbing frame  into a   pirate ship.  We have been to the forest and realised the  pirates had stolen the nursery treasure and hid  it under a tree.


We have been exploring the musical instruments again and are getting very good at changing between fast and slow .

Some children started a singing and dancing show as well. What a treat  it was for  us!

We decorated green biscuits for st patrick’s day.

We had a special treat from Mrs Dorofte in the library by entertaining us with a  puppet show about Little red riding hood.


We have lots of fun times  in nursery and this is where your children learn their social   skills. We celebrated Artur and Shauna as stars  of the week. Your children are wonderful and always have a story to tell, we love hearing them all. Feel free to share anything via class dojo or evidence me.

A great big thank you to Jacks  mummy for bringing Baby Charlotte into nursery, the children were fascinated  and  asked lots of questions.

Thanks again for sharing your children with us and for the ongoing support


The Nursery Team.






Well what a busy week we have had since returning to nursery. We have been enjoying being back and have had a very busy week.

We have explored  music  by using the instruments and have been lucky to have Sarah a music teacher visit and give us some new  instruments.We are learning about different sounds that can be made and using fast and slow.  Music is great for expressing themselves.

We had Baba Marta and St David’s day on Tuesday, we had a dragon and daffodil walk around the school.

We then had world book day and the children enjoyed coming dressed up as their favourite characters.

They all looked wonderful.

The children have been as always learning through play and have been learning their social and communication skills whilst dung so.  These are key for their development.


The children are wonderful and always learning. Thank You for being  supportive. Next week we will introduce a new book called   The pirates are coming, and we’ll be be having  some pirate adventures.

We celebrated this week with Levi getting the values award for showing courage.

Thank You again,

The Nursery Team