Hi everybody, what another busy week at nursery. This week we have been exploring the world of The Three Little pigs. The children have been told the story, and have watched a  puppet show in the library. They have drawn their own pig pictures, and built homes for them as well. Here are some wonderful pictures from Nursery this week. We are lucky enough to have a great school library, which the children get to visit twice a week.


The children are learning life long social skills playing together, sharing,  and learning to be independent.  We visit the forest  every week and encourage the children to put their own  wellies and coats  on. You can encourage this at home by allowing your child to be as independent as they can.

George K was star of the week this week. Well done to him.


After a discussion this week we realised you weren’t accessing Evidence Me . This should have been rectified now and you should be able to access your child’s learning observations. We are sure you will enjoy them.

As always thank you for the continued support.

The Nursery Team.


That time of the week again here are some of this weeks fun in nursery.

Lots of learning through play takes place everyday. The children are great at exploring  their environment and are gaining in independence daily.

The children had a tiger come to visit in the forest this week. What a surprise it was to see a tiger there, maybe he wanted to come for tea. Well done Mrs Dorofte for being an excellent tiger.

We talked about Chinese new year and the year of the tiger. The children took home fortune cookies and tried noodles.

Well done to Levi this weeks star of the week.

Thank you for the continuing support

The Nursery Team

Hello everybody,

What a busy two weeks we have had in nursery. We have been using lots of motor skills, outside using the bikes and the slide. The children have been using lots of different ways to move like climbing, running etc. 

The children have been mark making, using the sand  and outside. We have been very lucky to have a new library in school, and we have taken the children for visits, the children have learnt about how to look after books correctly and we had some lovely stories together.


Here are some Pictures showing the wonderful things your children get up to at nursery. They are continually developing their independence and communication.

As you can see there have been lots of lovely learning through play. Your children are wonderful,; last week we had Winter iris as star of the week and this week we had Brooke. Who will it be next week?  They are all stars to us. Keep trying very hard. Thank you  for your continued  support.

The Nursery Team

Hi everybody its that time of the week again, where we get to show the wonderful things your children have been doing at nursery. We listened to  our new story Lets all creek down crocodile  creek. The story has lots of beautiful   picture’s which we talked about  together.  We then got busy and made some crocodile picture’s and used the play dough  to make some as well.

We talked abut what crocodiles look like and the children came up   with words such as “bumpy,” “big”  “slimy”. We have also been to the forest  for  a crocodile hunt.

Along the way we did some tree  rubbings of the trees .

In the story there is a tortoise, we have been lucky enough to have a real tortoise come in  to see the children. A big thank you to Esmee’s parents for coming in and bringing their    pet tortoise called Gus Gus. The children loved it and it gave us lots to talk about, the children were even brave to touch it . Winter then bought her soft toy and we made a home for it.   We talked about the difference’s between Gus Gus and the toy.  

As well as all the fun learning we have been exploring the slide and using our physical skills to climb, and using the bikes outside. We have been having lots of fun inside as well.

We made a trail using wellies and paint. This was great fun!  We compared big and small.

We had our star of the week assembly today and Jack was chosen for nursery this week.  To us all your children are stars and all will get the chance of having star of the week during their nursery time. They are all wonderful, and are always amazing us with their skills. Thank you for your continued support and for entrusting us with your children. They are wonderful.

Hi everybody we are so happy to be back at nursery. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas   break.

As usual our first week back at nursery has been a very busy one, we have welcomed some new children whom have all settled brilliantly. They are enjoying exploring the nursery environment.

Here are some photos showing the children have a lovely time and learning through their play .

As you can see the children have been super busy exploring the different areas in nursery. They are developing in all areas of learning and we will try to keep you all up  to date though here or class dojo. We will be having a theme but also be going with   the children’s interest’s as well. Next week we will introduce a new book called Lets All go to Crocodile creek so will be talking about Crocodiles. This week Eva bought in her new guitar and was very kind and let the children all have a turn at playing it.

We have some budding musician’s in the making . Well done Nursery! Today we celebrated Daniel for having the Christianity  award for compassion. We are so happy to be able to share such lovely moments with your wonderful children and thankful for you sharing them with us. Nursery is the start of your child’s learning journey and we love being a part of it.




Thank you for your continued support.

The Nursery Team.

Hello everyone we have had an extremely busy week in nursery, we have been singing our Christmas songs which the children are fab at doing the actions and the words.   We have had a few dress rehearsals and they all look adorable as sheep and cows. They have learnt the words and actions really well. Well done Nursery and we have our performance at 930 and 230 on Monday, please come and watch they are wonderful.

We had our music session with Amanda again and she learnt us a new song and the difference between fast and slow and loud and quiet.

We introduced the Christmas story to the children   and they enjoyed using the soft toys to retell it in their own way.

As well as all the Christmas activities the children have been exploring the new tea set in the home corner and mark making. The  children  are always busy and we don’t always get time to take the pictures we would like to and with the festivities coming we will try our best to share them with you.


We said a big well done to Brooke, our star of the week. All the children amaze us everyday. Henry and Henrietta are having some wonderful adventures and this week has been to Roman’s house and Daniel’s, we are sure they are enjoying seeing your homes.

The next few weeks will be very busy and thanks for all the continued support you give to the children and us.

Here’s to a busy but fun and exciting few weeks.


Hello everybody

We have had a very busy two weeks in nursery.  Last week we had Nursery Rhyme week, where we focused on a different rhyme each day. Monday we sang baa baa black sheep and did some lovely learning activities, including making sheep biscuits.

Tuesday we did incy wincey spider. We looked at how many legs a spider has and counted to 8.  Some children made play dough spiders and used pipe cleaners to make the legs.

Wednesday we sang 5 little speckled frogs and the children had a turn  at being a frog.


Thursday we had scrambled egg on toast as part of Humpty Dumpty. Mrs Kenning drew faces on the eggs and then they fell into the bowl like Humpty Dumpty.

Then Friday was Children in Need day and we dressed up in our own clothes. Thank you for your donations.

Then Friday was Children in Need day and we dressed up in our own clothes. Thank you for your donations. Throughout the week we had lots of exploratory learning as well and here are some pictures.


Last week saw Nikol as our star of the week, well done to you   and all children deserve the star of the week and they will get a turn. To us they are all stars.

That brings us to this week we have been learning about penguins and we definitely had the cold weather for it.  Your children are always entertaining and surprising us with how clever they are. We are  very grateful we get to share their learning journey with you.


We have been very lucky to have Amanda come and do music sessions once a week. The children are learning new ways to explore with music.


This week we chose Graham as Star of the week and nursery hippos have been to Fletcher and to Tyler’s homes and is spending the weekend with Roman. The next few weeks will be very busy with Christmas festivities. Bring on the glitter!

Thankyou as always for the support. Your children are wonderful and we love being a part  of their development

Mrs Kenning and Mrs Maltby.

Hello everybody it’s that time of the week again where we get to share with you the wonderful things your children have been doing in nursery. This week started with us talking about bonfire night and we asked the children if they had seen or heard any fireworks. Thanks to those parents that sent in pictures they were a great talking   point. We made some firework pictures of our own, using glitter and glue.   These were amazing.

The children were keen to tell us all about the fireworks they had seen. Some used words like loud and crash, it was a very good chance to learn new language. We continued with   fireworks and the children enjoyed  making sparklers and other pictures.

We talked about the safety aspects  of holding   a sparkler.

The children have been doing lots of pencil control activities and cutting skills. The children are learning to hold their pens and scissors correctly and safely.

We even use the scissors in the dough, which is  soft.

We wanted to explore some of the things you may do on bonfire night so we talked about some foods we may eat at a bonfire, we ate hot dogs in the forest.


Thursday was remembrance day, we talked about what it meant to wear a poppy. We made  poppy biscuits, and used red icing and chocolate buttons . We also did the two minutes silence in the big playground.

General exploring this week  included mark making and outside, also building with the blocks. Your   children are delightful!

We have used lots of sound talk with Fred the frog this week . You can see Fred on you tube. The children are learning to blend sounds together, this is all part of their early reading.

Nursery hippos have been to Jack and  Nikols house.

We have no star of the week this week, instead we have a Christian distinctive award for generosity, which we have chosen  Tyler. Well done to you.


Next week is nursery rhyme week  and even though we sing rhymes dally we will be looking at different rhymes throughout the week.

Your children are amazing, and thank you for sharing them with us.


The nursery team.


Hello everybody, we are very pleased to be back at Nursery and hope you had a restful half term.

Firstly we welcome Fletcher to our nursery, he has settled in well and is enjoying nursery so far. We have been having lots of fun as normal.

We started the week by looking at some autumn leaves and the children liked to  explore them in different ways either by a picture or by using the magnifying glasses to look at them.  We explored the autumn leaves whilst going to the forest, and had a nice treat in there as well. Lots of communication took place about  the environment. We did some number games and some physical games on the field.

b .

The children have been learning again to put their own  wellies and coats, and are getting  very able at this which   you can encourage at home as well, independence is very important  at this age and every opportunity is a learning one.

We must say Thankyou  to the new school caretaker for giving nursery some tubes, the children have   been using them as ramps for cars.

The children had fun finding different ways to use them. This gave the children lots of new learning experiences, and we talked about  long and short, fast and slow, and lots more language. The children always have fun outside and this just added to their learning.

We have talked about  the festival of light, Diwali and the children enjoyed using clay to make diva lamps .  We used lots of glitter and had lots of fun. We have also started using Fred the phonics frog to help sound words out.

The nursery children are always learning, and we have been talking about the safety of fireworks and if any of you see any as a family can you send us the    photos so we can share them together.

Nursery star of the week this week is Siyana whom has settled in really well and is learning the  nursery rules. Well done Siyana!

Henry and Henrietta have been to Artur’s house for a few days and will be going home with Jack for the weekend. We are sure he will have a lovely time.

Nursery Term Newsletter will be on class dojo this afternoon. Make sure you take a look so you know what will be learning this term.


Thanks for the support and your children are delightful and always amazing us.

The Nursery Team

Nursery end of term party

Hi everybody we had a lovely end of term party in nursery.

Here are some photograph’s to show the good times we had.  Thanks to all parents and carers for your continued support.

Your children are delightful.  .Have a wonderful half term and see you all refreshed yn the 1st November.


The Nursery team.