Hello everybody,

We hope you all had a lovely summer break and managed to enjoy some family time together.  Mrs Kenning, Mrs Maltby and Mrs Dorofte  are delighted to be back in nursery for another years fun and games. This term we welcome lots of new children and their families to our lovely Holy Trinity Community. Since returning after 6 weeks the returning nursery children have come straight back in raring to go as well as our new children who have also come in wonderfully and settled into the nursery routine. What superstars your children are!

Firstly i would like to share with you photos of our stay and play session which we held last Friday as an induction for our new children. It was lovely to spend time with our new families and hope you all had a lovely time.

On Monday, we welcomed all of the children back and what a lovely time we’ve had since then. The children have enjoyed exploring the nursery environment and are all starting to get used to the rules and routine of nursery. We have had some beautiful sunshine so we have made the most of our outside space. Here is a selection of photos to show our outdoor learning so far.


As you can see the children are having lots of fun in nursery and making the most of the sunshine. We also have a large indoor area and outdoor classroom which the children have been making the most of. Here are some more photos.

We have some wonderful experiences in nursery and hope you’ve enjoyed seeing your lovely children engaged in play and their learning. Every play experience is a learning opportunity and nursery will help  encourage and support your child to engage in new experiences. Please connect to class dojo, which you should have had an email sent to you as this is sometimes the easiest way of communicating with you. As  a team we want to share new experiences with you and class dojo is good for this. Also if you forget to pass on a message you can send us a message too. Any questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of the nursery team.

We look forward to seeing your children develop and thrive within the nursery environment.

Thankyou for sharing your lovely children with us.

The nursery team

Hello everybody. As we are approaching the end of term we would like to share with some photos from the last few weeks. To finish our animal topic we have been learning about “The Tiger who came to Tea”. The children enjoyed the story being re-enacted by a furry tiger and their teachers.

In phonics, we have learnt all about the sound “t” and some children tried to write it on the smart screen. They are amazing and trying very hard. We have been making tigers with glue and orange and black paper. We have been learning about patterns like the tiger stripes.


We had a real tiger come and visit us and the children had great fun having a tiger tea party with the tiger. We even went to the forest and later on the tiger came and had tiger cake with us. The tiger was not like the one in the story and was able to share the cake and not eat it all. The tiger was very kind and helped the children to learn  to share. We hope the tiger found his way home safely.  He was very friendly.

We have had a lovely time learning about a variety of animals  and hope the children have too. We are at the end of term and will look forward to the new term in September. We are sad to lose a lot of our children to Reception class but they will continue to thrive and be the super stars they are with either Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow or Mrs Rhodes-Leader and Mrs Owen. The children have had little try outs with them already but please talk to them over the summer to enable a smoother transition in September.

We are also looking forward to those children staying in nursery and the wonderful adventures we will continue to have. We will also be welcoming some new children which  is always exciting.

So, thankyou for all your support in what has been really tough times. Your children are super stars and are wonderful. Please have a wonderful summer, stay safe but try and enjoy yourselves and have lovely time with your families.


Take Care and see you soon

The Nursery Team

Hi everybody, just a quick post to share with you what happened in nursery today. We have been looking after some caterpillars. The children have been watching them turn from tiny caterpillars, then watched as they made a cocoon for their home and this week we finally had some butterflies. Today we released them and we were lucky to have four fly away into the nursery garden. Here are a few photos. What a lovely end to the week for the nursery children. Ask your child all about them. They may be able to  tell you the life cycle of a butterfly and we even sing a song which they may sing to you.  “There’s a tiny caterpillar on a leaf….wriggle wriggle”

Have a good weekend everyone.

The Nursery Team


Hello Everybody. We have as always had a busy two weeks in nursery learning about different  animals. Last week we learnt about arctic and sea animals and all about their habitats and this week is all about farm animals. Here are some photos of our wonderful activities and learning that took place.

For literacy we did some lovely drawings of penguins using black paper and white chalk, the children were talking about cold animals. For Maths we played a game of matching the  sea creatures to the correct numeral. The children are getting very competent in matching these. We have used binoculars to look at an aquarium on the smart screen to see where different fish live. Some children noticed they were different sizes and different colours. We used our sharing and taking turns skills to look through binoculars.

As well as all the lovely activities we have been practicing for our sports day. The children are enjoying running the races.

This week we are learning about the farm, we have linked this to the Three Little Pigs story which came in useful for our whole school Shelter day. The children made homes for the little pigs because the wolf kept blowing them down. They had a great time using boxes, blankets, and whatever else they could find.

The children have listened to the story and have been reenacting using puppets and some even made pig masks.


Today we say goodbye to Miss Jones, our  trainee teacher whom has been helping support and teach the children. we wish her well and know that the children and staff will miss her very much. We are having a goodbye picnic this afternoon to say Goodbye. I am sure the children will talk about her and we thank her for all the support and care she has given he children


We have a busy few weeks coming up as the end of term creeps up on us. We have sports days to look forward to and lots of end of term activities as we will be saying bye to lots of our children who will be making the big transition to reception class. We have been taking these children for story time in Clee class to get them used to being in a different environment with different teachers. We will make this transition as smoothly as possible and the children have responded well to mixing with them. If you have and concerns please speak to a member of staff and we will help in any way we possibly can.


Thank you for your continued support. Your children are all amazing and we look forward to the rest of term and also welcoming new children in September.



Thank you

From the Nursery Team.

Nursery Fun

Hello everyone!


What a busy few weeks we have had! For the last two weeks, we have been learning about minibeasts. This fits in with our term theme of animals. We have read the Very Hungry Caterpillar and the Cautious Caterpillar as our main stories over the last two weeks.Our stunning start was when we made minibeast hotels. We used lots of twigs, leaves, cardboard boxes and other goodies to make our cozy hotels for the bugs. Thank you so much to everyone who brought in things for us to use – the bugs are very happy!



We have also painted some beautiful bug doors for all the minibeasts that live outside the Nursery. We talked about which minibeasts might like to use them

Last week while we were all asleep, a huge spider caused havoc in the Nursery! He spun a web which the children had to try and get through. It was tricky, but we all managed it! 

We have also had some special guests join us in Nursery. We are looking after some caterpillars and watching them grow. We hope that in a few weeks they will turn into butterflies! We look at them every day to watch how they grow and change. 

We have also had a bug hunt (we told you it was a busy few weeks!). We had to find mini beasts such as spiders, ants and woodlice. We also looked for different coloured flowers.

We have had lots of bug fun and have been doing some lovely bug activities. Here are more lovely photos of your delightful children. They are always learning through their play and are building on their knowledge and understanding of things around them.


 We have had lots of fun exploring mini beasts as part of our animal topics. Next week we will be learning about arctic animals and sea creatures. 

We would finally like to welcome Stivun, Zlatka and Raya and their families to our nursery.

Thank you from the nursery team.


What a day we have had. Our rainbow party day has been a true success and the children all looked lovely in their colourful clothes. We have had a very busy day, rainbow dancing, decorating biscuits, making rainbow hats (if the children wanted to), and have eaten lots of food and even had some fun and games with the parachute this afternoon. And an added bonus the sun was shining for us to have our rainbow party outside. Attached are some wonderful photos of our wonderful day. Your children are all amazing and we love to see them having fun. A big shout out has to go to Cris Cotea (A Journal for DD) who donated us this  wonderful treat for the children which had a surprise inside. Thank you so so much the children loved it. Also to Eva’s mummy for making a dairy free alternative at such short notice. Thankyou so so much.

Alongside all the fun and  games today, we are very sad to be saying goodbye to our lovely caretaker Mr Payne, whom is a regular face down in nursery and  all the children love to talk to and ask him what he is doing. Sadly Mr Payne has got  a new job so we had to take the opportunity to give him a card and gift from nursery as a big big thank you for all the jobs he does for us.

So, once again we have had an amazing and fun day. we hope all the children have had a lovely time and have enjoyed learning about the different colours in the rainbow.


From The Nursery Team

Hello everybody! 

What a busy few weeks! Last week we  focused on the story of The Rainbow Fish. We talked about why the Rainbow fish  was sad in the story, and how he felt better after he was kind to his friends. We talked about what we needed to do to be a kind friend. We made friendship potions that had a mixture of everything we needed to be a good friend including: kind hands, kind words, sharing and love.

We have sung songs about fish and made shiny scales! These will make part of a class rainbow fish. There was glitter everywhere! Just the way we like it in Nursery. We have been doing lots of rainbow mark making outside using paint and water. Some children also liked to do some rainbow dancing using rainbow ribbons.


On Wednesday, we had a special guest. Mrs Dorofte was kind enough to bring in her tropical pet fish – our own Rainbow Fish! We talked about what the fish needed to live and how we could be kind and care for the fish. We made our own fishbowl with water, rocks and fish in it.

In Maths last week we  looked at colourful shapes. We have made rainbows out of shapes and played guessing games. The children are really good at recognising  their shapes; they even had a go at drawing them.

We have  also used our technology skills to match the correct coloured shapes on the interactive screen.

The Nursery children  have shown what superstars they are with their amazing phonics work. We have looked at the letter ‘m.’ We talked about how to write it and thought about words that started with ‘m.’  The children have practiced writing an ‘m’ and we now have a Fab Phonics board to proudly display their work. Some children have been independently practicing their numbers and letters.

The children have done lots of exciting learning through their play and have had lots of fun with their friends. Lots of lovely learning opportunities take place every day at Nursery. We are now approaching the end of our topic “How many colours in the rainbow?” , the children have had a wonderful time and thank you for the continued learning at home and your support. We are finishing with our rainbow party tomorrow so don’t forget your colourful clothes, and we will finish on Friday for a week. We look forward to the fun and learning of our next topic.

Please keep looking back on here  for photos and continue to check Class Dojo. Thank you,

Our new topic will be about different animals and their habitats. Starting with mini beasts the first week back, so happy bug hunting this half term.


The Nursery Team