Hello everybody,

We have had a very busy week in nursery as always. We have had some visitors in the form of caterpillars, we will watch them grow and develop  and learn about the process of them turning into butterflies.

We have had lots of fun in a flower shop role play area, we have had lots of sensory and messy play and we’ve had a busy craft stay and play session which was very successful and so many parents, grandparents and families turned up so a great big thankyou  for coming and supporting the children. We love having you in to see where the play and learning takes place for your children.

Here are some photos of the week …



Hello everybody,

Its that time of the week again. We have continued looking at the children’s interests of minibeasts this week alongside dinosaurs. We read a book called Sam’s Sandwich where a little boy puts different minibeasts in his sisters sandwich. The children loved it!

We have talked about what our favourite sandwich fillings are and even made real sandwiches too. We have continued exploring the garden for bugs and have found some spiders, ants, slugs and many more. The children’s interest in minibeasts at the moment is ongoing and we are continuing to investigate and explore this with a variety of activities. We have enjoyed sensory play with a variety of new fruits such as passionfruit, avocado and melon we were looking what was inside each one and how they were different to each other. The children used language such as “hard”, “soft” “squishy”.

We have also decorated bird boxes for the schools garden of hope, they are very colourful and look like rainbow ones. The children enjoyed doing this.

We have also had our usual PE session with Neil and Paris, but we went on the big field instead and they were amazed at what good listening the nursery children did. What superstars they are!


Here as usual are a selection of photos from our busy fun week in nursery.


Hello everybody

We have had another full on busy week in nursery. We have bee continuing our interest in minibeasts by exploring outside and doing some activities related to these, we have also been continuing looking at dinosaurs as part of our set text. We have enjoyed being dinosaurs and copying the movements tp the action song “dinosaur stomp” , we used our hands feet and faces to be dinosaurs.

We have used the parachute to explore our gross motor skills and played some games with the ball and the parachute together.

We have been exploring different ways of mark making using foil, marker pens and water and brushes outside. WE have also had the drive along cars outside to see our physical skills and we loved them.


Here are some photos from our week

Thankyou for letting us share some lovely moments with your children. They are very entertaining and we always look forward to hearing their stories. See you next week!


The nursery team.

Hello everybody, its that time of the week again where you get to see some of the wonderful activities your children have been doing in nursery. We have had a busy week and the children have become bug explorers they have particularly enjoyed finding bugs in the garden and have been using magnifying glasses, pots to collect their bugs and some children even had a checklist to see what bugs they had found.

We have explored lots of sensory materials as always to increase our imaginative play, both inside and outside. The children love to make soup, and pies in the outdoor kitchen area.

We have explored  a sensory bag where we had to use our hands to describe what object we were feeling. Weve even had parachute games. We have pretended to be dinosaurs and using different movements to do so using our hands and feet and our faces to show different feelings of the dinosaurs also.

We have had lots of language and independence skills displayed this week too.

See you Tuesday

The Nursery Team

Hello everybody

We have certainly had an interesting week this week, what with having an unexpected day off, a big thankyou to those that sent photos of what the children were doing at home or at the park. These are a great talking point for the children and give us an idea of what they like to engage in outside of nursery.

We have been busy looking at dinosaurs still using lots of sensory materials to explore them. We have been talking about feelings of ourselves and how the dinosaurs may feel and some children made a dinosaur with different emotion faces.

The children are learning great skills in PE with Neil and Paris including waiting, sharing, working together and lots of physical skills. They are super proud of the nursery children and say how well they are doing. They have even said how good at listening they are. Well done Nursery!

We have had lots of singing, messy play, lots of mud pies and brownies being made in the outdoor kitchen, we have some chefs in the making!

As always here is a selection of photos from the week.

Thanks for your continued support

The Nursery team

Hello everyone, we have had yet another busy fun filled week in nursery. We have continued looking at our set text “Gigantosaurus” in which there are four baby dinosaurs and there mummy dinosaur is telling them to beware of the Gigantosaurus. We have explored musical instruments to make different dinosaur sounds, we have explored a dinosaur tuft tray and green swampy water. Alongside this we have been following the interests of the children by using different sensory materials and cake cases and pans to make some pretend cakes. This opened up lots of language opportunities and we talked about empty and full, big and small and the children were making some delicious things by using their imaginations.

We have also been showing great independence skills by buttering our own toast at snack, pouring our own drinks and putting on our own coats. Has your child shown you the nursery way to put on their coat?

The children have started going back to the hall this week for lunch aswell in order to prepare the children for reception, they have been absolute superstars and did really well.

Here are some lovely pictures of our fun activities.

What fun we have had!. More photos will follow on Monday to show the fun and learning from today

Thanks for your continued support

The Nursery Team

Hello everyone, welcome back to Nursery. We hope you had an amazing break for Easter and made some special memories with your families. The children have returned so well and have enjoyed telling us about what they have gotten up to.

This term we are introducing the story Giganotosaurus as well as following the interests of the children.

We have looked at dinosaur eggs which were starting to hatch and we had great understanding of what maybe inside and how they would come out. The children had great fun releasing and cracking the eggs to find baby dinosaurs inside. This opened up lots of language and communication from the children.

We have had some new children start this week whom have all settled well and are enjoying exploring the nursery environment. Independence is key at this age and we are encouraging this daily either by washing hands getting own coats or shoes on, wiping own noses etc. You can also encourage this at home to ensure they become confident and competent independent learners.

Here are some lovely pictures from our week!

We have certainly had an extremely busy week this week top finish our pirate theme. We have learnt the “p” sound in phonics , we have had an open morning to welcome our after Easter children and we had  a visit from the Easter bunny. The children were so excited to see him and talked about it all day. We have also had an Easter bunny and bonnet parade through the school.

We are finishing the week with our pirate day today, what fun we will be having!

Here are some photos of the week


Have a good easter break and we will see you on tuesday 9th april


Miss Evans Mrs Wickwar Miss Rowley and Mrs Dallow

Hello all, here are some photos of another busy week in nursery, we have continued exploring the topic of pirates and have engaged in pirate dough disco, pirate singing and dancing and lots of pirate stories to increase the children’s knowledge and understanding levels.

During circle time games we asked the children a question “What is your favorite animal?” The children were able to answer confidently and independently and could even extend their answer by telling us why they liked the particular animal.

Next week is the last week of term, we will be hosting our open morning for the new Easter in take and will be having a pirate themed day on the Friday 22nd to finish the book and topic of pirates.

Many Thanks

Miss Evans Mrs Wickwar, Mrs Dallow, Miss Rowley

Hello everybody. We have had another busy fun filled week in nursery. We have continued learning about pirates and explored various books about them and increased our communication skills by talking about what we already know and have learnt.

We have celebrated world book day and came dressed up as our favorite characters. The children looked fabulous.

Here are some pictures from our fabulous week in nursery.



The children are growing daily and becoming very confident learners, and becoming more and more independent.

See you next week for more fun and learning

Miss Evans Mrs Wickwar Mrs Dallow and Miss Rowley