Hello again its that time of the week where you get to have  a look at some of the wonderful things your children have been doing in nursery.


We have continued to look at pirates and have read a selection of pirate stories  and shared pirate songs and movement activities together. The children already have a great knowledge base about pirates and we are enjoying learning and extending this knowledge with them.

We have been on a pirate treasure hunt through the school, and some children had to find the diamonds of all different colours, which was great for learning the colours and also opened up lots of language opportunities to discuss how the pirate may have left them. The children showed good listening skills and could follow the instructions set to them.


The children are continually learning through lots of play opportunities. We value your contributions and information about your children. Next week we have world book day. your child can come dressed as their favorite book character or as an alternative the EYFS staff are dressing up as the colour feeling monsters, each colour represents a different feeling, the children are more than welcome to do this also,.

Thanks again. Your children are wonderful and thriving daily!

Miss Evans,. Mrs Wickwar, Miss Rowley

Hello all and welcome back after the half term, the children have once again returned easily and settled back into nursery routine. This term our Pathways text we are looking at is called The Pirates are Coming, so we will be engaging in lots of pirate themed activities as well as going with the children’s interests.

We have introduced the story and had a discussion about what the children already know about pirates, their knowledge blew me away! We had talk about cannon balls, and pirate ships and x marks the spot. The children have been finding hidden gems and treasure in the sand pit.

Fred the ‘phonics’ frog has woke up after the break and has continued to use Fred talk to encourage the children to blend words together which is part of their early reading and writing. Some children have even been practicing certain sounds and have even had a go at writing these. We are so impressed and proud of them!

Here are some photos of the fun and learning we have engaged in this week.


Please continue all your hard work at home! Your children are delightful and amaze us everyday. Have a good weekend!

Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar, Miss Rowley, Mrs Dallow

Hello everyone,

Its that time again where you get to see the wonderful experiences and learning opportunities your children have been up to in nursery this week.

We have finished our crocodile story and have been looking at different ways of travelling. We have looked at how a hot air balloon works and the children were keen to decorate hot air balloons in their play as well. We played a game where the children had o say whether the vehicles belonged on a road, the sky, on a track, or in water. They were very clever and knew all about different ways to travel. We even talked about submarines and watched a video clip to help expand their knowledge.

We have been on a learning walk through school to match our colours, we all had a different colour and found lots of different things the same colour.

Some children have been introduced to the S sound in phonics with Fred the frog, they are little superstars.

As always the children are growing in independence and becoming social learners, thankyou for your continued support, we really appreciate it.

Today we are having a valentines party as a fantastic finish to the term, we hope you all have a wonderful week off and look forward to seeing you on Monday 19th February

Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar, Miss Rowley and Mrs Dallow.

We have had a super busy week yet again in nursery, continuing to develop our independence and social skills. We have been looking at different ways of travelling as part of our pathways text Crocodile creek as the animals go on a journey in the story, this has led to talking about how we travel to school. We have used sand and paint to make marks with tractors, cars, trains etc. Thankyou to those parents that sent in pictures of the children on a journey, these are valuable to encourage more conversation and develop their knowledge and understanding.

We have been done some baking biscuits where we learnt how to mix, take turns and learnt how biscuits were made. We were very good at following instructions.

We once again had Neil and Paris for a movement session, this week the chidden worked in pairs to move the ball to each other. They were very impressed with the super listening and following instructions.

This week has been national storytelling week, so we have enjoyed some wonderful storied from different grown ups from our school.

We are learning everyday and every play opportunity is a learning opportunity, we are learning to be social friends, great communicators, explorers and much more.


Thanks for your continued support in your Childs learning. We value each contribution you make

Have a great weekend and we will see you Monday for more learning and exploring.


Miss Evans Mrs Wickwar, Mrs Dallow and Miss Rowley.

Hello everybody,

Firstly this week we would like to say welcome to Miss Rowley who joined the nursery team this week, she is with us every morning, and has enjoyed getting to know the children.
We have been doing lots of sensory learning and using different textures to make different parts of our story, bumpy for the bridge, slimy for the swamp and wet for the creek. We have been doing lots of learning and exploring and using our communication skills to talk about what we already know, and to question new things.
Here are some photos from our week. We are starting to look at journeys as part of our crocodile creek story and want to engage the children as much as possible in this, so will be asking for a photo of your child on a journey, maybe a bus, train car or even plane.

Some of our older children who are due to go to reception have been introduced to Fred,s letter friends and have started with the letter m and had a go at writing the letter aswell.

Please continue to encourage communication and independence we would love to hear about anything new your child has achieved either in person or on dojo. Thankyou for your continued support.

Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar, Miss Rowley, Mrs Dallow.

Hello all. What another busy week we have had in nursery, continuing looking at our class book crocodile creek. We have been making lots of art and crafts from the animals in the story. We have talked about turtles, and crocodiles and had water play with sea creatures and it was the colour blue. We have made bridges and creeks in a tuft tray. We have explored outdoors continually increasing our physical development skills, independence and social and emotional skills.
At snack time we have been buttering our own crackers, pouring our own drinks and making choices as to what we would like.

We have had some more new starters trying out and they are beginning to settle and follow nursery routines. Here are some pictures from our week. Next week Miss Rowley will be joining the nursery team in the mornings.

Thanks for your continued support for your children. They re doing wonderfully and continuing to develop their all round development. Please help support their independence and share any interests that your children may have.

Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar and Mrs Dallow.

Hello everyone. Welcome to our January intake of children, whom have all settled really well. The children have adapted to the new routines. The children are enjoying exploring the nursery an having lots of opportunities to learn through their play. We have had a busy week settling in and introducing our new set text which is called let’s all creep through crocodile creek. We have a temporary visitor in nursery of a big crocodile which the children were excited to see.

we re encouraging independence through hand washing putting on their own coats, pouring their drinks and lots more. Please encourage them to do things for themselves, this helps their development.

Here are some photos from our week and a half back.

The children are constantly learning an every opportunity is crucial for their development. The children are learning to be social, make friends and are learning how to do things for themselves.

We will be doing lots of exciting things this term. Thanks for your continued support.

Miss Evans Mrs Wickwar Mrs Dallow.

Hello everyone, we’ve had a full on busy week in nursery again enjoying carols around the tree on Monday, the children sang Little donkey and were fantastic at singing and the actions. We have been exploring cutting skills by using plastic knives to cut carrots and sprouts for reindeer soup. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and used it in lots of their play for role play. We have been making some Christmas gifts which the children will bring home for you and we have learnt about the Christmas story and baby Jesus.
We had a visit from some of our new starters in January who came to have a stay and play and they enjoyed it. We look forward to them joining nursery after Christmas.
Here are some photos from our week. 
Next week we finish on Wednesday, and we will be having nursery party on Wednesday as well.
Thanks for your continued support in your children’s learning and development.
Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar, Mrs Dallow.


Hi everyone we’ve had a very busy week again at nursery, we have started our Christmas activities which the children are enjoying especially the glitter. We have had white glitter in a tuft tray with animals and we talked about snowy weather as the children said it was like snow. We have done lots of mark making and the children are particularly enjoying the Christmas colouring. We have had some adventures with our elf this week which has opened up lots of communication and listening skills for the children. We have had Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner day aswell the children loved showing off their Christmas clothes.

We have been exploring patterns this week and used the interactive white board game to see what came next in the Christmas pattern. They are improving these skills daily.
The children enjoyed pe with Neil again today and are learning to listen and follow instructions and are being introduced to different games. They are really enjoying it and are doing super listening

As we approach the end of term we have a busy week or so ahead. On Monday we have carols around the tree in the hall where we will be joining in singing a carol.


Please continue to encourage your child to be independent. The children have all learnt to put on their own coats. You might be surprised ask them to show you.

Thanks for your continued support

Miss Evans , Mrs Wickwar and Mrs Dallow

Hello everyone, we’ve had a really busy couple of weeks in nursery, continuing our learning and activities about The Three Little Pigs. We have used lots of construction materials to continue making houses for the pigs. We have enjoyed movement time with Neil and Paris. The children are doing brilliant at following instructions and learning to control their balance and move in different ways. We have explored the three little pig story in a variety of ways from drawing our favourite part, re-enacting using puppets, reading different versions of the story, the children are very good at using their imaginations to talk about how the wolf and pig might have been feeling at different parts of the story. As part of personal social and emotional development we have been doing a variety of circle games and talking about how we are all feeling using our colour monsters aswell.

Here are some wonderful pictures of the last two weeks. The next few weeks ahead will be super fun filled with Christmas activities and events along the way.
  The children sat really well for the cinderella pantomime this morning and joined in. we had a delivery from Ms Allan who said the postman  had delivered a letter and box for nursery. It was an elf called Ernie. we decorated the tree this afternoon aswell, it is all their own work and it looks fabulous .