Today we’ve had a fantastic Christmas Jumper day, with stay and play too. Thankyou to everyone who came  to enjoy sparkly fun. We really appreciate your support.

Children in Need 2022

Thanks to all those who dressed up for children in Need today. The nursery children enjoyed baking biscuits with Lottie’s Mummy Kate. So Thankyou for coming into help with that.

Here are the pictures from today.

Hello everybody, we have had a very busy few weeks in nursery since returning after half term. Firstly thankyou to those that joined in the home learning and sent photos of the mini beasts the children found, we have looked at them and talked about with the children. This term our book is called “I’m going to eat this ant”, it is about an anteater with a very long tongue and tries to eat lots of things including the ants. We have explored lots of mini beasts throughout our activities. Here are some wonderful photos of our fun and learning.

We have been on minibeast hunts to the forest and nursery garden and some of us had fun mark making to show when we had found a certain mini beast. We found lots of spiders and worms. The children love to explore and are gaining in independence each time by taking off their shoes and putting on their own wellies. We are also encouraging the children to put the wellies back on the shelf as well.

This term so far we have also explored the pumpkin seeds and talked about how a pumpkin feels and have used pegs and tweezers to pick up the seeds, this is displaying good fine motor skills.

We must say a great big thankyou to the parents and carers who joined us for the pumpkin printing, we appreciate your help and support and we hope to be providing many more opportunities for you to come and share activities in the future. It was a lovely chance to see what the children get up to in their nursery environment. We have done lots of learning through exploring and here are some more wonderful photos for you to look at.

As you can see we have had lots of fun and learning, every opportunity is a learning opportunity for the children. The children are learning language skills, social skills, and lots of knowledge and understanding about the world. We have also introduced library time and a session in the hall to encourage physical movement activities where the children have been moving like different mini beasts.

A great big thankyou for your continued support, this term is usually the busiest as we will be incorporating Christmas activities along the way as well. Our Christian value this term is Trust so we will be looking out for children displaying this .

As always thankyou and please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of staff if you need to.

The Nursery Team

Nursery Newsletter and Overview.

Autumn 1 2022 Nursery

Autumn Term Nursery letter


Hello everybody, what a busy week we have had again in nursery. WE have been reading our story “The Gingerbread Man”, and have done some lovely learning about this throughout the week. Here are a selection of photos from the week. We have visited the forest where the children were exploring the mud kitchen pretending to bake and cook for each other.    

The children have been using good counting skills using the pom poms and sticking them, on gingerbread men or putting them in a line. Weve had fun with the musical instruments and explored autumn by singing autumn songs, going on autumn walks to collect the leaves etc. The children knew that the leaves fall off the trees and are all different colours in the Autumn.


To finish off the week we did some baking of gingerbread men today. We must say a great big thankyou to Lottie’s mum Kate who came to help us do some baking. The children enjoyed mixing the ingredients which encourages turn taking and sharing and they enjoyed waiting for them to bake. Lots of learning opportunities took place and lots of language was being used.


Thankyou for your continued support, your children are continuing to thrive each day and learning lots of new things. Throughout their nursery life they will continue to develop their independence.

We say well done to Aurora our star of the week this week .


The Nursery Team.

Hello everybody,

What another busy week we have had!

The children are coming into nursery lovely and beginning to know the rules and routines. The children are gaining in independence through putting on their own coats, taking off their own shoes to put wellies on for outside, washing hands, and pouring their own drinks. These independence skills are all skills which can be continued at home to help turn your children into independent learners.

Here are a few photos from our busy week.

Some children wanted to cut the apples from the trees again. They were very good at using the plastic knives.

The children enjoyed a dough disco session with Mr Cartwright, which helped to develop their fine motor skills.

We have had lots of fun outside, painting with water, jumping in puddles, digging in the sand, using our gross motor skills to move the bikes. The children are getting very comfortable and secure in their nursery environment. The children are communicating lots and we like to hear all the wonderful things they do at home as well.

Well done to Lottie who was our star of the week last week, we like to reward the children every week and all children will have a turn at star of the week. To us all of the children are stars every day.

We have introduces the Gingerbread Man story to the children and will be doing lots of activities about this over the next few weeks.

Thankyou for your continued support as always. Your children are wonderful.

The Nursery Team.