Our week in Caradoc

We have had a wonderful, festive week in Caradoc. Christmas dinner was a super occasion, the children(and staff) enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner, pulling crackers and telling jokes together whilst wearing their Christmas jumpers. The Christmas Fayre was a great success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The children have still been working hard in class, practising their times tables in Maths and finding out about the author Roald Dahl in English lessons. We are all very excited about taking part in the ‘Polar Express’ dash on Monday. Please make sure that your child wears suitable footwear and warm pyjamas/dressing gowns for this.

Our week in Caradoc

We have had a fantastic week this week finding out about the artist Kandinsky. The children have loved researching facts about the artist’s life and achievements, creating detailed biographies. They have also been learning about colour mixing and have used these skills to create colourful images in the style of Kandinsky. They have also been busy making crafts for our Christmas fair which they are all very proud of.

Spellings 4.12.20

Here are the main spellings this week. Again, your child may bring home additional or different spellings to practise.



I have set a quiz as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash

English Home Learning

This week is Arts week! We are focusing on the Artist Wassily Kandinsky and will be writing an artist biography and creating artwork in the style of Kandinsky.


Research the artist Kandinsky and make some notes. You will use these to help to write a biography later in the week. You could use this website:

Kandinsky for kids: Making children comfortable with abstract art (eduart4kids.com)


Read this information sheet about the artist and answer the questions below.

Reading Comprehension MA


Can you add to the notes you made about Kandinsky? Now start to plan your biography by organising your ideas into sections. Think of the sub-headings you might use e.g.

Where did he live?

What was his early life like?

What sort of art work did he produce?

Interesting facts


You are ready to write your biography of Wassily Kandinsky. Think carefully about how you will set out your work. If you have managed to create some art in the style of Kandinsky as part of you Art home learning you could add this to your biography.


Spellings and a quiz are under the Spelling tab.

Maths Home Learning week beginning 30th November

Our focus this week is adding and subtracting 100s and recognising at patterns when we are adding and subtracting.

Monday & Tuesday

Watch this teaching video:


Here are the questions linked to the teaching video:


Wednesday & Thursday

Watch this teaching video:

Now try these questions:




Friday is our timetables challenge day. Log onto TTRockStars to practise your times tables.

Our week in Caradoc

We have had another fantastic week in Caradoc! The children have really enjoyed our ‘potions’ topic work. We have completed our writing unit on instructions by creating a recipe for a marvellous Medicine on Purple Mash. They have been very enthusiastic about our  author study on Roald Dahl, finding out lots of interesting facts about the author. The class have been exploring different states of mater, handling and observing balloons filled with ice, water and air. We are continuing our work on addition and subtraction in Maths. Next week is ‘Arts Week’ and we will be focusing on the artist Kandinsky. Have a lovely weekend and thank you all for your continued support.

Spellings Friday 27th November

Our class spellings this week are taken from the Statutory spelling list for Year 3. Your child may have additional or different spellings to practise at home depending on what their current spelling target is.

I have set a quiz on Purple Mash as a ‘2do’



The website below is a useful resource to help p[practise spellings:


You can of course practise any spellings from the previous year group if there are any spelling patterns your child finds particularly difficult.


Maths Home Learning week beginning 23rd November


We are working on addition and subtraction. Below are the daily activities:


Monday and Tuesday

Watch the teaching video below and complete the attached worksheet:


Wednesday and Thursday

Watch the teaching video below and complete the attached worksheet:




Friday is times table challenge day! Please log onto TTRockstars and complete the tables set.

English Home Learning week beginning 23rd Novemeber


Click on the link below to access a grammar lesson focusing on compound sentences:


Tuesday and Wednesday

In our class text ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’, George concocts a strange potion which his Grandma drinks!

Think about what you would put into a potion.

Write a set of instructions for a potion. Remember to include a title and  an equipment list. Each step needs to be on a new line and start with a ‘Bossy’ verb.

Write down ‘Bossy’ verbs you might use e.g. Put, Shake, Tip, Sprinkle


Now use these to write your own instructions. You could add a picture of the finished potion!


Read these extracts from the book and answer the questions:

comp george


Friday is spelling day! I have set a Quiz as a 2do on Purple Mash. You could also practise writing your spelling words in a full sentence. Remember to form all of your letters carefully!