Our week in Caradoc

Another busy week in Caradoc! The days are getting shorter and the weather colder as the weeks fly by! This week the children have been making ‘potions’ observing reactions between different ingredients. Our writing has been focused on instruction writing’ should you ever want instructions for a magical potion! In Maths we have continued to develop our skills in addition and subtraction and starting to use more formal written methods. The children have now finished ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ which they have thoroughly enjoyed. They are looking forward to our Roald Dahl author study.

Weekly spellings are under the spelling tab, although some children will be bringing addition spellings home to practise. TTRockstars is a great online resource for improving times tables and the children really enjoy using it.
Don’t forget that additional reading books and activities are available on Bug Club.
Have a great weekend, stay safe and thank you again for all of your support.

Bug Club Online Reading Books

We are very lucky at Holy Trinity to have access to the online reading resource ‘Bug Club’. Children in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and some pupils in Key Stage 2 have access to a huge online library.


Each child has their own personalised homepage in Bug Club’s online reading world, where they can choose their own avatar, read new eBooks allocated to them, re-read eBooks they’ve read before and collect and view rewards linked to their reading progress.

Children earn rewards by completing the fun interactive quizzes in each book to earn Bug Points, and then trade in their Bug Points for cool stuff like certificates, interactive games and outfits for their avatars

Your child should have their personal log in information inside their reading diary. If you are having any issues logging on, please contact the class teacher who will be able to help you.

Home Learning English week beginning 16th November

We are still focusing on our class text George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. You can access a cop[y of the book below:




Read Chapter 1 Grandma, and Chapter 2 The Marvellous Plan. We meet the 2 main characters in the story – George and his Grandma. Complete the sheet below to make notes about what we know so far, and then also make a prediction about what might happen.



Read Chapter 3 George Begins to Make the Medicine, and Ghapter 4 Animal Pills.

Look at this sentence: Although George was a small boy, he had big ideas.

This is a complex sentence because there are 2 ideas in this one sentence – George is small, he has big ideas.

The word ‘although’ is a conjunction and joins the 2 parts of the sentence together.

Complete the conjunctions sheet below.



Today we are going to focus on prefixes. A prefix is a string of letters that goes at the beginning of another word to change its meaning, so for example, if you put un at the beginning of tidy it becomes untidy.

Have a look at the attached sheet. The red letters at the top are prefixes and need to be matched up to the words below. Match them up in a list and then put at least one new word with each prefix in a sentence.

Challenge: use the same prefixes but add them to some other words. Put each new word you make in a sentence too to show that you know what it means. Which prefix makes the longest list?

prefixes (1)



Read Chapter 5 The Cook Up and Chapter 6 The Brown Paint.  It’s more conjunctions today, you’re going to be an expert!

Use the sentence starts and conjunctions on the sheet to write some new complex sentences.




Practise this week’s spellings which are under the Spelling tab. Can you find a definition of each word? Can you use each word in a sentence? There is a quiz set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash

Home Learning Maths Week beginning 16th November


Our current unit is addition and subtraction.


Watch the teaching video focusing on subtracting a 1 digit number from a 3 digit number:




Continue practising skills in subtracting 1 digit number from 3 digit numbers using a numberline. Use this worksheet below:

Add-and-subtract-numbers-mentally-including-a-three-digit-number-and-ones- monday fluency


Today the teaching slide will focus on adding and subtracting 3-digit and 2-digit numbers – not crossing 100



Continue practising adding and subtracting 3 digit and 2 digit numbers. You can revisit the teaching video and access the work here:

Add-numbers-up-to-3-digits-using-a-formal-method (1)



Friday is our times tables challenge day. Please log on to TTRockstars to practise quick re-call of times tables facts. Remember you can practise different Maths skills on Mathletics. If you have any difficulties logging in to any of these don’t hesitate to send a message on Class Dojo.



Remembrance week in Caradoc

I have been very proud of the children this week who have shown great respect during our Remembrance week. We Listened to the ‘Last Post’ played on the bugle  and took part in a silence on Wednesday at 11.
The children created their own poppies and then wrote a Remembrance poem. As part of their English work, the children wrote a set of instructions for making a paper poppy. The children have been continuing their work on addition and subtraction, using number lines to complete calculations. The children have been really enjoying our class book George’s Marvellous Medicine, you can hear giggles from our classroom when we read the book. Have a restful weekend and thank you again for all of your support.

Spellings 13th November

This is the spelling pattern we are focusing on this week. I have set a quiz as a 2do on Purple Mash. Some children may bring home personalised spellings for example, words from the Year 2 spelling list which they are not yet confident spelling.



English Home Learning Week Commencing 9th November

Our class text is ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’. I hope that you have been able to either read a copy of the book or listen to it on You Tube: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=georges+marvellous+medicine&adlt=strict&view=detail&mid=BA8FEB9622F320F72938BA8FEB9622F320F72938&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dgeorges%2Bmarvellous%2Bmedicine%26FORM%3DHDRSC3


Here are some questions to ask your child about the story:

Questions to ask George:
How do you feel when you are left alone
with Grandma?
Why do you think Grandma is so grumpy all
the time?
Why do you think Grandma speaks to you
the way she does?
Why did you run into the kitchen and slam
the door?
If you could describe your Grandma in three
words, what would they be?

Questions to ask Grandma:
Why are you so grumpy all the time?
Why do you sit in that chair by the window?
Why do you say cruel things to George?
What is your medicine for?
If you could describe your grandson in three
words, what would they be?


Talk about the book with your child and discuss their answers. Encourage your child to write their answers in full sentences.


We have been learning about adjectives (describing words) in class. Look at these and circle the adjectives which could describe Grandma and underline the adjectives which could describe George:


Write a description of George. You could use some of the adjectives you sorted yesterday. Remember to start every sentence with a capital letter and a full stop.


Write a character description of Grandma, again you could use some of the adjectives you circled on Wednesday.


Complete the quiz on Purple Mash based on this weeks spellings (they are under the spelling tab)