Our week in Caradoc

Congratulations to Harriet who was chosen to be our ‘Values Champion’ For the value of thankfulness.

Her friends are very proud of her!

We have had a problem in our Class this week. Something has been nibbling our books….

The children have found out that a book monster called Nibbles is the culprit. They have been enjoying our new class text ‘Nibbles the book monster’ by Emma Yarlett.


We have been finding out about different types of animals: insects, birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians and fish. We sorted animals into these groups.

We collected data on the different pets we all have at home to find the most popular pet.

We have also been exploring families and talking about how families might care for one another. We have had lots of family photographs sent in to school which the children have really enjoyed sharing and discussing.

The children have also been making the most of our outdoor environment

There has also been time to enjoy a nice cup of tea!

We look forward to seeing you at our parents evenings next week. Thank you for your support.

Harvest week in Earls Hill

Earls Hill Newsletter and Overview

Autumn Term Letter 1 Earls Hill

EH overview A 1



Congratulations Maraya- our Star of the Week!

What a wonderful week we have had! We are all so proud of the children who took park in our Harvest festival service at Holy Trinity Church this week. Have a look at a video of their song on our school Facebook page.

The children have enjoyed ‘harvesting’ apples and pears from our garden.

We have been busy finding out more about the local are where we live and we all created a map of our journey to school.

Map making

Creating a 3-Dmap using the blocks

And who loves ‘Dough Disco’?

Our Reception children of course!

Don’t forget that you are invited to attend one of our parent/carer Phonics information sessions next week. They are being held on Monday at 9am and Wednesday at 5.30pm. If you are unable to make it please let me know and we can arrange an alternative.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Our week in Earl’s Hill

Congratulations Nila, our Star of the Week!

We have had another super week I’m Earl’s Hill. We are all very excited about our trip to Holy Trinity church next week to celebrate Harvest Festival. We have been busy practising our songs!

We have been naming parts of our body and talking about our senses. Our Year 1 children have carried out an investigation to find out if our sight affects our taste. They were very surprised at what the found out!

We have enjoyed story time in the library and our Reception children enjoyed sharing stories with a partner.

As always we have been making the most of our wonderful outdoor environment.

Your child should have brought their new book home on Thursday, can you please make sure that they bring their book bag and book into school each day.
We would like to wish you all a lovely weekend and thank you for your support.

Our week in Earl’s Hill

Congratulations to Evie, our Star of the Week!

We have had a super week in Earl’s Hill. The children have been very pleased to take home their reading books. New reading books will be sent home each Thursday.
Here are just a few highlights:


Our first week in Earl’s Hill

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to school. We have had a fantastic week getting to know each other and exploring our learning environment. Mrs Rhodes – Leader will be teaching Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday whilst Miss Wright will be teaching Thursday and Friday. Mrs Phillips and Mrs Roberts will be supporting in class. Here are just a few pictures from our week. Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing all of the children on Monday.

Sports day

Well, at last we have been able to invite parents and carer’s back into school to support our wonderful children on their Sports day. The weather was kind and the children all had a fantastic time taking part. I would like to thank all of you for coming today to cheer the children on and for your ongoing support. Here are some photographs for you to enjoy! There will be more to follow so please keep checking our page.


Caradoc – our week

We have had another fun-filled week in Caradoc. The children have been busy Writing news paper reports about the terrible events which took place between Red Riding Hood, the wolf and the woodcutter! I have been really impressed with their work. In Maths we have been finding equivalent fractions, the children build their own ‘fraction walls’. Having talked about their favourite poets, the children requested that we listen to Michael Rosen and Brian Moses performing some  of their poems. In Science the children have been investigating different plants. Sadly, we were unable to go ahead with our Sports day due to the weather. The forecast for next week looks promising, I would ask that Your child brings a sun hat and wears sun lotion should it be hot and also their water bottle.
I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and thank you again for all of your support.

Home Learning

Maths week commencing 28th June

We have been focusing on fractions this week in class, you can access the teaching videos for each lesson below:

Spr3.11.1 – Find a third from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Spr3.11.2 – Unit fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



Our English work this week has focused on diary writing, you can access online the online lesson to support this by following the link below:



We have been looking at the ‘Big Frieze’ by Emma Yarlett over the past few week. In school this week we are planning and making a section of the frieze to be displayed in school. In Caradoc we are focusing on ‘The Fall’. See the images below. You could create your own section of the frieze using the materials you have at home.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me via Dojo.