Our week in Caradoc

Well, we have certainly had some interesting weather this week. The children were sure that Zeus, the Ancient Greek god of thunder Paid Holy Trinity a visit earlier this week! The children have been writing about Ancient Greek gods and goddesses and also producing pastel and watercolour pictures of their chosen god or goddess. We have completed our work on performance poetry, we have really enjoyed listening to and discussing poems by Michael Rosen, Brian Moses and Roald Dahl. In Maths, we have been mastering short multiplication. Can I ask that anyone who didn’t return their reading book today does so on Monday so that we can change the books.

Here are just a few photographs from our week.
Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday.

Our week in Caradoc

We have had another exciting week in Caradoc. The children are really enjoying researching facts bout Ancient Greek gods and goddesses. We were treated to a short presentation by each group about their chosen god or goddess. In our reading comprehension we have been focusing on performance poetry and have listened to poems by a range of poets including Brian Moses and Michael Rosen. I have been very impressed with the children’s thoughtful responses. In Maths we have been multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
Our birthday party on Thursday was a great success. I hope you enjoy looking at some of the photographs from our week.

Our first week back in Caradoc

It has been wonderful to have all the children back in class following the Easter break. We have started our new topic -Gods and Mortals and the children have been enjoying finding out about the gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece. In Maths we are focusing on multiplication and division and have made the most of the fine weather, taking our learning outside when we can.  P.E. Is on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, children can come into school wearing their P.E. Kit on these days. In Science, the children have been investigating light and shadows. I hope you enjoy looking at a selection of photographs taken this week.

Gods and Mortals

I am getting very excited about beginning our new topic ‘Gods and Mortals’  when we are all able to return after the Easter break. Here is another video you might like to watch!


God and Mortals

Gods and Mortals overview

Our topic after Easter is called Gods and Mortals. We are going to be finding out all about Greek gods and goddesses and having lots of fun while we do. We have been busy making sure our teaching area is exciting for when you return.

I would like you to do some research during the break by looking on these websites and watching the video below.



It would be useful if you could begin to learn some our our topic words too!


Earl’s Hill (Swans) Home Learning 1st April

Hello, I hope that you are all well. Our final day of home learning has an Easter theme!

You could complete this colour by numbers egg sheet. If you are not able to print, why not draw your own!

How about designing your own Easter egg, you must make sure that it is symmetrical (exactly the same on both sides as though you are looking in a mirror!)



Why not practise what you have been learning in Maths by making numbers using things you can find in your garden or your home.

You could log onto Numbots:

Finally, I wish you all a very Happy Easter, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all back in school after the holiday.

Caradoc Home Learning 1st April

Good morning Caradoc! Well, it is the 1st April today- sometimes known as April Fool’s day when people play practical jokes. I thought I would give you a ‘funny’ picture to start your day!

I would like you to write up the final version of your story today in your best handwriting. Make sure that your ascenders and descenders are clear. I will give out Dojo points for effort with presentation!

Here is a piece of text (linked to our whole school story ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing’). Read it carefully. Can you answer the questions?

I will set your new spellings under the spelling tab and set a quiz as a ‘do’ on Purple Mash


I would like you to log onto TT Rockstars and continue practising your times tables.

Easter Story