Caradoc Home Learning 31st March

Good morning, I hope that you are all well and enjoyed some of the sunny weather yesterday. Did you visit the virtual library or take part in a virtual Phonics session with Mrs Thompstone? Let me know on Class Dojo.

I would like you to complete our Multiplication and Division ‘Hot task’ today. Try to do this independently and ask an adult to share how you got on with me on ClassDojo.



I have been VERY impressed with your story writing, well done everyone!

These word mats may help you:



Easter Story

Watch this video:

Earl’s Hill (Swans) Home Learning March 31st

Hello Swans, I hope you all enjoyed the warmer weather yesterday. Join in with Mrs Thompstone’s virtual phonics session and listen to a favourite story in our virtual library under the Reading tab on our school website.

Today we are thinking about how some Christians prepare for Easter. Watch the video below:

Write down some of the things you could do to prepare for Easter. Now watch this video all about making an Easter garden:

Could you write a simple set of instructions for making an Easter garden?

Use time words:





Today we are going to carry on our work on place value. Try these questions, you may want to gather some objects from your home to help you.


Earl’s Hill Swans Home Learning 30th March

Hello Earl’s Hill. I hope that you are all well and get to enjoy some of the lovely weather today.

I would like you to join in with Mrs Thompstone’s virtual Phonics session, focusing on Set 1 sounds. You can find this by visiting our Reading section of the school website. You may like to listen to a story in our virtual library whilst you are there.

I hope that you enjoyed sharing the story ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing’ yesterday.

There is a Powerpoint of the story on our class page from yesterday if you would like to take another look.

Today I would like you to sequence ( put in order) the main parts of the story. You could draw a picture for each of the important parts of the story and lay them out in order.

These illustrations from the story might help you:

Now try to write a sentence to match each picture. Sound out the words carefully (use ‘Fred Fingers’ to help).


Try these questions. You may want to use some objects from home to help:


Watch this video all about birds:

Could you show the life cycle of a bird? You could use drawings, words or find objects to make it.

This poster may help you:



Caradoc Home Learning 30th March

Good morning Caradoc, I hope that you are all well and enjoying your home learning tasks.

Don’t forget you can join in with one of Mrs Thompstones virtual phonics sessions or listen to a story in our virtual library by following the links on the Reading page of our school website.



I have set work for two groups again as we have been working in class:

Group 1 watch this teaching video:


Here are the Group 1 slides to follow:

tues maths group 1

Group 2, follow these slides:

tues maths group 2



Use your 5 part story plan to help you to write your story in clear paragraphs. Below are examples of a WAGOLL for each section:


We are continuing our work on the Easter story.





Caradoc Home Learning

Good Morning Caradoc, I am so sad that we are not all able to be in school together but I hope that our learning can continue whilst you are at home. I am so very proud of all that you have achieved over the last few weeks.

Here are your home learning activities:

Some of you may like to take part in a Phonics session with Mrs Thompstone to revise Set 3 sounds:

Follow the link on the website to Learning then to Reading to find our virtual Phonics sessions. You may want to pop into our virtual library to listen a story, there is a great selection.


I have set work for two groups in Maths as we were working in class.

Group 1 – watch the teaching video:

You may want to find some objects at home to support you with the following slides.



Group 2:

I would like you to complete the NRICH activity ‘Ordering Cards’. Follow the link below:


Last week, you all created a fantastic plan for your own story about an injured animal. I would like you to create a story mountain at home to help you to write this story. Think about the story mountains we talked about in class. Here is an example to help you:

Think carefully about the sections in your story. Remember that a really good opening needs to set the scene so introduce your character and the setting. Here is a WAGOLL (What a good one looks like). Look at the features which have been coloured or underlined.

Can you spot different sentence starts, powerful verbs and interesting adjectives?


We have been focusing on the Easter Story, last week in class we talked about Palm Sunday and created a piece of artwork based on the scene in Jerusalem.

Your artwork will be the scene on a postcard. I would like you to write the postcard. Imagine you are in Jerusalem, perhaps you climbed a tree to get a better view of Jesus on the Donkey. Describe what you might have seen, heard or felt.


Finally, if you have any questions or need any support please ask an adult to contact me on ClassDojo or on our Class email.

I can’t wait to see you all again soon!

Earl’s Hill Home Learning Monday 29th March

Good morning Earl’s Hill, I am sorry that we are not able to see you today. Here are your home learning activities for today.

First of all, I would like you to take part in a Phonics session with Mrs Thompstone. You can find these sessions on our website under the Learning/Reading tab but here is a quick link:

We have been sharing the story ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing’ by Bob Graham. Here is a Powerpoint of the story for you to look at:

how to heal a broken wing

Talk about the story together. You could ask these questions:

Why do you think no one saw the bird fall? ·

Why were people stepping over the bird? ·

What made will see the bird?

How do you think Will’s dad felt when he saw the sick bird? ·

What made the bird get better? ·

What do you think of the ending of the book?


Join in with this counting song:

Now try these activities, you might like to collect some objects from your home to help you:


The children have brought home a spelling activity booklet this week to make sure that they have the opportunity to practise the words they most commonly use in their writing.

Pirates in Caradoc!

We have had another wonderful week in Caradoc, the children have been working extremely hard. We all thoroughly enjoyed our Pirate day to finish off our work based on our school text ‘ The Pirates Next Door’ by Jonny Duddle. The costumes were fantastic and what better way to end the day than a treasure hunt. I would also like to say well done to those children who earned prizes for their reading.
congratulations to Jamie Jones who was a very well deserved Star of the week. Our PE lessons are on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, your child can wear their PE kit to school on those days. Thank you again for al of your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Here are just a few photographs from our week:

Our first week back together in Caradoc

I would like to say how immensely proud I am of all of the children in Caradoc class as they have returned this week. It has been wonderful to see all of the children back in class, looking so smart and eager to get on with all of the exciting activities we had planned. We have been focusing on the Bible story Jonah and the Whale and completing lots of work based on this. We have continued with our whole class text focus in English and have been enjoying reading all about the Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle who we were lucky to see as part of our author roadshow last week. Her are a few photographs from our week: