World Book Day

Thank you everyone for helping to make World Book Day 2021 so successful. It was wonderful to see staff and pupils dressed as their favourite characters both at home and in school. Here are just a few examples:

We were very excited to receive our books from Booka Bookshop following our live author roadshows yesterday. You can watch a recording of the Roadshows by following the links below:

Finally, thank you to those children who sent us a video talking about their favourite book, here are just a couple:

Friday 5th March Lawley Home Learning

Good morning everyone. I hope that you enjoyed all of the World Book day activities yesterday. Today we are continuing with the theme of authors and you are going to complete an author fact sheet. A ‘2do’ has been set on Purple Mash for you to complete a profile about the author Michael Rosen or Julia Donaldson.

If you choose you can complete a fact sheet about your chosen author, don’t forget to send a picture on Class Dojo.

This video may help you:

Don’t forget to log onto Bug Club and complete the reading activities.

I would like you to log onto TT Rockstars or Numbots today to practise your Maths skills and you may like to log onto Mathletics.


We are  looking forward to seeing you all back in school next week!

Caradoc March 5th Friday Home Learning

Good morning everyone.

I hope that you enjoyed all of the World Book day activities yesterday. Today we are continuing with the theme of authors and you are going to complete an author fact sheet. A ‘2do’ has been set on Purple Mash for you to complete a profile about the author Michael Rosen or Julia Donaldson.

If you choose you can complete a fact sheet about your chosen author, don’t forget to send a picture on Class Dojo.

This video may help you:

Don’t forget to log onto Bug Club and complete the reading activities.

I would like you to log onto TT Rockstars or Numbots today to practise your Maths skills and you may like to log onto Mathletics.

Your spelling quiz has been set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash.

We are  looking forward to seeing you all back in school next week!


World Book Day- We Love Books!

At Holy Trinity we absolutely LOVE reading and we wanted to share with you some of our favourite books. Watch the videos below to find out about the books we love to read.

We can’t wait to hear about your favourite books too. Send your video to your class teacher on Class Dojo or on your class email.

On Thursday staff at Holy trinity will be holding live Story Time sessions on Zoom throughout the day. You can choose who you would like to listen to. The invites will be sent out by your class teacher on Dojo. We can’t wait to see which character you have chosen to dress up as, I wonder who the teachers will be?


Introduction to World Book Day with Miss Wright

Mrs Allcock shares her favourite book

Find out what Mrs Meddins’s favourite book is

I wonder which books the Early Years Team most enjoy?

Mrs Platt’s favourite book

Miss Hutson tells you about her favourite book

Miss Younger shares her favourite book


Miss Roberts talks about her favourite book

Miss Scoltock shares her favourite read


Can you guess which book is Mrs Kunne’s favourite?

Mrs Thompstone’s favourite book


Miss Kerr shares her favourite book

Mrs Phillips shares her favourite story


Mrs Morgan talks about her favourite book

There are also some great books to listen to on the World Book Day website below:

World Book Day tokens will be sent home with your child on Monday 8th March.

World Book Day Home Learning

It is World Book Day! We are all very excited about World Book Day and hope you enjoy all the story related activities we have planned for you. We would love to see photographs of your World Book Day.

Today is all about celebrating and sharing different books stories and authors. There are lots of different story sessions on Zoom today so you can chose which story time you would like to join.

Our whole school text is ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’


Watch the video below:




Finally, don’t forget to send us your video telling us all about your favourite book!


Wrekin Home Learning 3rd March

Good morning everyone! I hope that you have been enjoying our home learning lessons and activities so far this week.

Remember that tomorrow is World Book day and we will be posting lots of fun ‘story’ related activities for you to enjoy and also planning lots of Zoom Story Time sessions throughout the day. I can’t wait to see all of your character costumes! Remember to bring your favourite story along to your class Zoom so that we can do a ‘Book Wave’ and share our favourite books with each other.

Make sure that you are logging on to Bug Club each day to access your reading books and activities.

Are you enjoying  your Phonics sessions with Mrs Thompstone? We would love to hear from you.

If you have any suggestions for stories you would like included in our Virtual Library, send a message on Dojo and we will see what we can do.


Today we are going to use our story mountain plan to write a simple ‘Lost and Found’ story. You could use your plan to tell your story to the person who looks after you. It would be great if you could make a recording so that we can listen to your story at school.

Click on the presentation below to guide you:

Wed Eng



Our Science work this week is based on staying healthy, we are going to be thinking about what makes a healthy diet.

Follow the presentation below:

healthy living powerpoint science (1)

Can you create your own ‘Healthy Plate’?

Healthy eating plate science handout (1)

cc science good hygeien standard version science handout (1)

good hygeien helper version science handout (1

Cheeky Challenge:

cc science


Caradoc Home Learning Wednesday 3rd March

Good morning everyone! I hope that you have been enjoying our home learning lessons and activities so far this week.

Remember that tomorrow is World Book day and we will be posting lots of fun ‘story’ related activities for you to enjoy and also planning lots of Zoom Story Time sessions throughout the day. I can’t wait to see all of your character costumes! Remember to bring your favourite story along to your class Zoom so that we can do a ‘Book Wave’ and share our favourite books with each other.

Make sure that you are logging on to Bug Club each day to access your reading books and activities.

Have any of you been joining in with Phonics sessions with Mrs Thompstone? I would love to hear from you.

If you have any suggestions for stories you would like included in our Virtual Library, send a message on Dojo and we will see what we can do.


Today we are going to use our story mountain plan to write a simple ‘Lost and Found’ story. You could use your plan to tell your story to the person who looks after you. It would be great if you could make a recording so that we can listen to your story at school.

Click on the presentation below to guide you:

Wed Eng


Today we a continuing our work on multiplying 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number ( with an exchange)

Wednesday Maths




Our Science work this week is based on staying healthy, we are going to be thinking about what makes a healthy diet.

Follow the presentation below:

healthy living powerpoint science (1)

Can you create your own ‘Healthy Plate’?

Healthy eating plate science handout (1)

cc science good hygeien standard version science handout (1)

good hygeien helper version science handout (1

Cheeky Challenge:

cc science


Lawley Home Learning March 3rd

Good morning everyone! I hope that you have been enjoying our home learning lessons and activities so far this week.

Remember that tomorrow is World Book day and we will be posting lots of fun ‘story’ related activities for you to enjoy and also planning lots of Zoom Story Time sessions throughout the day. I can’t wait to see all of your character costumes! Remember to bring your favourite story along to your class Zoom so that we can do a ‘Book Wave’ and share our favourite books with each other.

Make sure that you are logging on to Bug Club each day to access your reading books and activities.

Are you enjoying  your Phonics sessions with me? I would love to hear from you.

If you have any suggestions for stories you would like included in our Virtual Library, send a message on Dojo and we will see what we can do.


Today we are going to use our story mountain plan to write a simple ‘Lost and Found’ story. You could use your plan to tell your story to the person who looks after you. It would be great if you could make a recording so that we can listen to your story at school.

Click on the presentation below to guide you:

Wed Eng


Today we are focusing on making Tally charts

Follow the presentation below:

law maths wed

Now try the worksheet:

Making Tally Charts (1)




Our Science work this week is based on staying healthy, we are going to be thinking about what makes a healthy diet.

Follow the presentation below:

healthy living powerpoint science (1)

Can you create your own ‘Healthy Plate’?

Healthy eating plate science handout (1)

cc science good hygeien standard version science handout (1)

good hygeien helper version science handout (1

Cheeky Challenge:

cc science


Wrekin Home Learning Tuesday March 2nd

Good morning! I hope that you all enjoyed the home learning tasks you were set yesterday. I hope that you will be ready to talk about your work during our daily Zoom session.

Your invite will be sent out on Class Dojo as usual.

Did you join in with a Phonics session with Mrs Thompstone? Let us know how you got on.

Make sure that you join in with your daily Phonics session. You will need a pencil and a piece of paper.

Don’t forget to log on to Bug Club to access you reading book and complete the activities. You may want to visit our virtual library on the school website to listen to a story aswell!


We will be using the ideas you collected yesterday to make a story mountain plan.

Which animal did you choose?

Look at the Power Point presentation below to support you:

Tues Eng

You may want to use the story mountain template or create your own! Don’t forget to send a photograph of your plan.

Finally, don’t forget to record a short video to tell us about your favourite book ready for World Book Day on Thursday.



Tuesday Egyptian lesson (2)

Our History this week is linked to our Bible Story Joseph and his Technicolor dream coat. You may want to look at the presentation with who ever looks after you then you can design your own hieroglyphics.


Lawley Home Learning Tuesday 2nd March

Good morning! I hope that you all enjoyed the home learning tasks you were set yesterday. I hope that you will be ready to talk about your work during our daily Zoom session.

Your invite will be sent out on Class Dojo as usual.

Did you join in with a Phonics session with me?

Let us know how you got on.

Make sure that you join in with your daily Phonics session. You will need a pencil and a piece of paper.

Don’t forget to log on to Bug Club to access you reading book and complete the activities. You may want to visit our virtual library on the school website to listen to a story aswell!


We will be using the ideas you collected yesterday to make a story mountain plan.

Which animal did you choose?

Look at the Power Point presentation below to support you:

Tues Eng

You may want to use the story mountain template or create your own! Don’t forget to send a photograph of your plan.

Finally, don’t forget to record a short video to tell us about your favourite book ready for World Book Day on Thursday.


Today you are dividing by 10. It may help to find some objects from around the home to help you e.g. straws, pencils, pebbles.

The Powerpoint presentation below will guide you:

lawley tues maths

Now try the worksheet:

Dividing by 10 (1)




Tuesday Egyptian lesson (2)

Our History this week is linked to our Bible Story Joseph and his Technicolor dream coat. You may want to look at the presentation with who ever looks after you then you can design your own hieroglyphics.