Caradoc Home Learning Tuesday 2nd March

Good morning! I hope that you all enjoyed the home learning tasks you were set yesterday. I hope that you will be ready to talk about your work during our daily Zoom session.

Your invite will be sent out on Class Dojo as usual.

Did you join in with a Phonics session with Mrs Thompstone?

Let us know how you got on.

Make sure that you join in with your daily Phonics session. You will need a pencil and a piece of paper.

Don’t forget to log on to Bug Club to access you reading book and complete the activities. You may want to visit our virtual library on the school website to listen to a story aswell!


We will be using the ideas you collected yesterday to make a story mountain plan.

Which animal did you choose?

Look at the Power Point presentation below to support you:

Tues Eng

You may want to use the story mountain template or create your own! Don’t forget to send a photograph of your plan.

Finally, don’t forget to record a short video to tell us about your favourite book ready for World Book Day on Thursday.


Today we are focusing on multiplying 2 digits with 1 digit with no exchange. Follow the presentation below and play the teaching video.

Tuesday maths

Here is the work sheet to complete:

tues sheet



Tuesday Egyptian lesson (2)

Our History this week is linked to our Bible Story Joseph and his Technicolor dream coat. You may want to look at the presentation with who ever looks after you then you can design your own hieroglyphics.


Monday 1st March Home Learning

Good morning, I hope that you all had a relaxing weekend. We are all really looking forward to seeing you back in school next week. We are continuing to focus on the Bible Story ‘Joseph and his Multi Coloured  Dream Coat’ and our whole school text ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers.

We now have our very own Virtual Phonics school on our website, this means that there is a lesson prepared by Mrs Thompstone for every sound that we learn in Phonics. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil and the click on the Learning Tab and follow the link to our reading page. It looks like this:

You simply click on the sound you want to practise and your lesson will begin.

While you are there, please take a look at our virtual library. There are lots of books to choose from. When you have found a book that takes your fancy, click in the front cover and you can sit back and listen to the story.

Make sure that you are logging on to Bug Club  each day.

Your English task today is to plan your own version of a ‘Lost and Found’ story. Open the slides and listen to the instructions:

Monday Eng





Finally, I would like you to finish the story board you have been creating based on the Joseph Bible Story:

Joseph story board (1)

Can you record yourself reading the story and send it on Dojo?


Lawley Home Learning Monday 1st March

Good morning, I hope that you all had a relaxing weekend. We are all really looking forward to seeing you back in school next week. We are continuing to focus on the Bible Story ‘Joseph and his Multi Coloured  Dream Coat’ and our whole school text ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers.

We now have our very own Virtual Phonics school on our website, this means that there is a lesson prepared by Mrs Thompstone for every sound that we learn in Phonics. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil and the click on the Learning Tab and follow the link to our reading page. It looks like this:

You simply click on the sound you want to practise and your lesson will begin.

While you are there, please take a look at our virtual library. There are lots of books to choose from. When you have found a book that takes your fancy, click in the front cover and you can sit back and listen to the story.

Make sure that you are logging on to Bug Club  each day.

Your English task today is to plan your own version of a ‘Lost and Found’ story. Open the slides and listen to the instructions:

Monday Eng



Today is our problem solving lesson.

Watch the presentation below:

monday maths lawley




Finally, I would like you to finish the story board you have been creating based on the Joseph Bible Story:

Joseph story board (1)

Can you record yourself reading the story and send it on Dojo?


Caradoc Home Learning March 1st

Good morning, I hope that you all had a relaxing weekend. We are all really looking forward to seeing you back in school next week. We are continuing to focus on the Bible Story ‘Joseph and his Multi Coloured  Dream Coat’ and our whole school text ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers.

We now have our very own Virtual Phonics school on our website, this means that there is a lesson prepared by Mrs Thompstone for every sound that we learn in Phonics. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil and the click on the Learning Tab and follow the link to our reading page. It looks like this:

You simply click on the sound you want to practise and your lesson will begin.

While you are there, please take a look at our virtual library. There are lots of books to choose from. When you have found a book that takes your fancy, click in the front cover and you can sit back and listen to the story.

Make sure that you are logging on to Bug Club  each day.

Your English task today is to plan your own version of a ‘Lost and Found’ story. Open the slides and listen to the instructions:

Monday Eng




Watch and listen to the presentation below:

Monday Maths


Finally, I would like you to finish the story board you have been creating based on the Joseph Bible Story:

Joseph story board (1)

Can you record yourself reading the story and send it on Dojo?


Fun Friday Home Learning

Well done everyone for all of the fantastic work you have completed this week. Everyone at Holy Trinity is very proud of all of you super efforts and hard work. We also think that your parents and carers are doing a fabulous job helping you so make sure you take the time to say a big Thank you to them!

Please try to join in with your daily class Zoom session and Story time as this is the perfect time to talk about how you are getting on with your home learning and it is also lovely to be able to see each other. Don’t forget our Family Group Zoom on  Friday too. Your invites will be sent out on ClassDojo- see you there!


I hope that you have enjoyed taking part in our online reading sessions with different adults from our school.

Today, I would like you to  complete your spelling quiz which has been set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash. Try putting your spelling words into a full sentence. Can you make  a ‘silly sentence’?

Here are some reading comprehension questions for you to try:

Winter Stage 1 Comp – Comprehension Pack (1)


Log onto TTRockstars, Numbots or Mathletics today to practice your Maths skills. Remember to ask an adult to contact us on class Dojo if you are having problems logging on.


Hit the button is a great way to improve your recall of number facts:

Finally, I would like you to relax, take a deep breath and tune into our Friday Mindfulness session at ‘Zen Den’:


You may like to complete some mindfulness colouring which can be downloaded below or even create you own!



Wrekin Home Learning Thursday 4th February

Good morning,

I hope that you are all well and enjoyed your home learning activities yesterday. How did your art work go?

Try to join your daily Zoom session  as this will give you the chance to talk about your home learning and ask any questions you need to. Invites will be sent out daily on ClassDojo.



You can join in with daily RWI Phonics sessions each morning with Rosie on Youtube. These sessions are streamed live at 9.30 each morning and are available for 24 hours.

You can access your reading books and reading activities on Bug Club, where we can track your progress. Don’t forget to send a message to your teacher if you have any difficulties logging in.


Today I would like you to to write your news report about Gilly giraffe’s disappearance! You will use the work that you have completed this week to help you, including your missing poster and the interview work you did.

Watch and listen to these slides to get you started:

Missing Giraffe (3)

I would like you to take your time with this task. Make sure that you set your work out carefully, check your spellings and punctuation. Think about ways that you could improve your writing.

Here is a template to help you:


I can’t wait to read your reports!



Join in with our 2 times tables song:

Today I would like you to complete this short activity so that I can see how well you have understood our unit. I would like you to ask a grown up to share your work with me on ClassDojo :

thurs 1



Afternoon learning activity

Today I would like you to watch the video about the myth of Finn McCool who was an Irish giant who lived on the Giants Causeway.

Can you create a comic strip of the story? You will have to think carefully about which parts you want to include in your comic strip and draw them carefully!

You can use the comic strip below to make yours.



Why did the big Scottish giant run away at the end?

Lawley Home Learning Thursday 4th February

Good morning,

I hope that you are all well and enjoyed your home learning activities yesterday. How did your art work go?

Try to join your daily Zoom session  as this will give you the chance to talk about your home learning and ask any questions you need to. Invites will be sent out daily on ClassDojo.



You can join in with daily RWI Phonics sessions each morning with Rosie on Youtube. These sessions are streamed live at 9.30 each morning and are available for 24 hours.

You can access your reading books and reading activities on Bug Club, where we can track your progress. Don’t forget to send a message to your teacher if you have any difficulties logging in.


Today I would like you to to write your news report about Gilly giraffe’s disappearance! You will use the work that you have completed this week to help you, including your missing poster and the interview work you did.

Watch and listen to these slides to get you started:

Missing Giraffe (3)

I would like you to take your time with this task. Make sure that you set your work out carefully, check your spellings and punctuation. Think about ways that you could improve your writing.

I can’t wait to read your reports!



Join in with our 2 times tables song:

Today I would like you to complete a ‘grouping’ activity. Watch the teaching video then complete the video:

thurs 2


Remember to get in touch on ClassDojo if you have any questions.



Afternoon learning activity

Today I would like you to use the facts that you found out yesterday about the Giant’s Causeway to create a fact sheet. Imagine that you are telling a visitor to Ireland all about the Giant’s Causeway. Think about what it looks like, where it is located and any other interesting facts from your research.

Caradoc Home Learning Thursday 4th February

Good morning,

I hope that you are all well and enjoyed your home learning activities yesterday. How did your art work go?

Try to join your daily Zoom session  as this will give you the chance to talk about your home learning and ask any questions you need to. Invites will be sent out daily on ClassDojo.



You can join in with daily RWI Phonics sessions each morning with Rosie on Youtube. These sessions are streamed live at 9.30 each morning and are available for 24 hours.

You can access your reading books and reading activities on Bug Club, where we can track your progress. Don’t forget to send a message to your teacher if you have any difficulties logging in.


Today I would like you to to write your news report about Gilly giraffe’s disappearance! You will use the work that you have completed this week to help you, including your missing poster and the interview work you did.

Watch and listen to these slides to get you started:

Missing Giraffe (3)

I would like you to take your time with this task. Make sure that you set your work out carefully, check your spellings and punctuation. Think about ways that you could improve your writing.

I can’t wait to read your reports!



Join in with our 3 times tables song:


Our focus today is the 4 times table. Watch the teaching video and look at the teaching slides before completing the worksheet below:

Thurs 3

thurs 3


Cheeky Challenge:


Afternoon learning activity

Today I would like you to use the facts that you found out yesterday about the Giant’s Causeway to create a fact sheet. Imagine that you are telling a visitor to Ireland all about the Giant’s Causeway. Think about what it looks like, where it is located and any other interesting facts from your research.