This Week in Lawley

the children showed their knowledge of halves by working with a partner to put 2 halves together.

As part of our RE question – “What is a Muslim and how do they live?” We learned about what Muslims believe about Allah.

This Week in Lawley

Booka Bookshop came into school and gave us a fabulous Book Fair. You can buy any of these books, just fill in the form.

We decided on the actions we can take to be kind. Then we made a kindness chain.

In Maths we are counting in 5s.

This Week in Lawley

The children had the opportunity to hold a snake, skunk, hen and a cockroach. they found out lots of interesting facts too!!

Every morning we read our books.

Wow, what an amazing afternoon making our cars! The children designed their cars and then made them with a partner.