Caradoc English Home Learning Wednesday 22nd April

Pur focus today is using adjectives to desribe (noun phrases)

An adjective is a word that describes a noun (the name of a thing or a place).

‘It was a terrible book.’ – The word ‘terrible’ is an adjective because it tells us what the book (the noun) was like.

Adjectives can be placed before or after a noun. For example: ‘The book she read on holiday was terrible.’ or ‘She read a terrible book on holiday.’

You can use more than one adjective if you want to add extra detail. For example: ‘She had a mouldysmellyoverpriced sandwich.’

When you have a list of adjectives like this, you separate them with commas.



You may need paper and a pen or pencil for some of these activities.

Activity 1: A new land at the top of The Magic Faraway Tree

Do you remember the story of ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’? Watch this video to remind yourself.


Activity 2: Becoming an author

Now that you have created a new land, could you write a mini chapter about what happens in your land? You can even create a character who you meet there.

  • First write the name of your land (that will be the title of your story).
  • You can then write some sentences describing what it is like there (you could use your writing from activity 1, if you’d like).
  • Introduce a new character who lives in the land and explain what they do there. Are they kind or mean?

Remember to write in full sentences with capital letters and full stops at the end of your sentences.

Activity 3: Let’s be creative

How would you travel to the new land you’ve created? Will you fly? climb? or maybe there will be multiple ways to travel there.

Either write down how you would travel there (remembering to include adjectives) or draw what the journey would look like (including notes next to your drawings to describe things).

Once you’ve done this, think about who you would invite to join you in your new land. Write an invitation to invite one of your friends or family members to come and explore the land. Remember to include:

  • the name of the person you’re inviting
  • directions on how to get there
  • what time they will need to get there for
  • a bit of detail about the land, but not too much! You want them to see it for themselves.