Caradoc Home Learning

Good Morning Caradoc, I am so sad that we are not all able to be in school together but I hope that our learning can continue whilst you are at home. I am so very proud of all that you have achieved over the last few weeks.

Here are your home learning activities:

Some of you may like to take part in a Phonics session with Mrs Thompstone to revise Set 3 sounds:

Follow the link on the website to Learning then to Reading to find our virtual Phonics sessions. You may want to pop into our virtual library to listen a story, there is a great selection.


I have set work for two groups in Maths as we were working in class.

Group 1 – watch the teaching video:

You may want to find some objects at home to support you with the following slides.



Group 2:

I would like you to complete the NRICH activity ‘Ordering Cards’. Follow the link below:


Last week, you all created a fantastic plan for your own story about an injured animal. I would like you to create a story mountain at home to help you to write this story. Think about the story mountains we talked about in class. Here is an example to help you:

Think carefully about the sections in your story. Remember that a really good opening needs to set the scene so introduce your character and the setting. Here is a WAGOLL (What a good one looks like). Look at the features which have been coloured or underlined.

Can you spot different sentence starts, powerful verbs and interesting adjectives?


We have been focusing on the Easter Story, last week in class we talked about Palm Sunday and created a piece of artwork based on the scene in Jerusalem.

Your artwork will be the scene on a postcard. I would like you to write the postcard. Imagine you are in Jerusalem, perhaps you climbed a tree to get a better view of Jesus on the Donkey. Describe what you might have seen, heard or felt.


Finally, if you have any questions or need any support please ask an adult to contact me on ClassDojo or on our Class email.

I can’t wait to see you all again soon!