English Home Learning

Good morning!

I hope that you have been practising your spellings and letter formation. You might enjoy watching the two videos and activities on the BBC website below:


I hope that you enjoyed making a change to the story of the Elves and the Shoemaker and created a story mountain or plan

I would like you to use your mountain plan to help you to write your own story. Try to write in five clear sections, using the parts of the mountain plan to help you. Leave a line between each section. Remember to check your spellings carefully!

You may enjoy finding out a little bit about the children’s author Emily Gravett. Naomi Wilkinson reads an extract from the story Cyril and Pat as part of the BBC daily English lesson:


You can watch the author read the full version of the story


There are some fun activities linked to the story below:

Cyril and Pat_ Maze Cyril and Pat_ Friendship


If you would like to find out more about the author watch the video below, you could create an author study.
