English Home Learning 1st June

Good morning!

I have set new spellings under the spelling tab. The focus is the ‘u’ sound spelled ‘o’. The dictated sentences are a great way to practise both your spellings and your handwriting. Try out different ways to practise your spelling words to make it more fun. There is a spelling ‘”do’ on Purple Mash.

Our them over the next two weeks is going to be ‘Bubbles’, lots of work set will be to do with bubbles…we all love bubbles don’t we?

Here is a lovely story called Bubble Trouble by Margaret Mahy to get you in the mood:




Now look carefully at the picture below:

What can you see?

What does it make you think about?

What questions would you ask these people?

How do you think they feel?

Where are they?

Wherre are they going?

Think carefully about where the bubble might be taking her. Think about what she would see when she gets there.

Can you write or draw what you have imagined?

Don’t forget to send me your work so that we can share your ideas on our class page.


Cheeky Challenge:

Finally, look at these sentences. Think about how you could make them even better! Could you include interesting adjectives?

The lady in the dress was scared.

She went on a journey to a place.