English Home Learning

Good morning!

I hope that your spelling practise is going well and your handwriting is improving! There is a spelling activity on Purple for you to try.


I have added a game onto Purple Mash today, it focuses on word sorting. You have to sort words into the following groups: adjective (describing), verb (doing or being) or noun (person or thing).

The BBC daily English lesson today focuses on using joining words in your sentences, this would be useful practise for you. Follow the link below to join in:


Our lesson today is based on the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Did you manage to prepare a puppet show of this story?

Today I would like you to read a letter. It is a letter of complaint from the Troll!

Read the letter carefully, you could print it out below or read on the screen. Make a note of the features of the letter. You could write a list in your book or you could annotate the letter if you are able to print.

This will help you to decide what you need to write a successful letter!
