English Home Learning 21st May

Good morning!

Why not join in with the alphabet song to help you to remember the order of the alphabet:

Click on the link below to tune in with the BBC daily lesson focusing on writing the days of the week in order:


Watch the short video below to find out about the days of the week.

The days of the week always start with a capital letter and all end in ‘day’.

You need to remember the sequence for the days of the week – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Think about some of the things you’ve done over the past week. This could be things you’ve seen, things you’ve heard or even school work you’ve done.

  • Take a piece of paper and fold it in to three sections.
  • Label each section with a day of the week – don’t forget your capital letters.
  • In each section, write two things you did on that day.

Here is an example:
I went for a walk with my parents.
I did some English school work.

Let’s create a diary that outlines the things you’ve done over the past week. If you can’t remember what you did, you can include things you would have liked to do.

You can also include some of the things you mentioned in the activity above.

  • Write the first day of the week as a heading and then write one or two sentences explaining what you did on that day.
  • Try to include the joining word ‘and’ in some of your sentences.
  • Once you’ve written your first diary entry, write the next day and continue until you have all seven days.
  • You could also draw some pictures to illustrate the things you did.

Here is an example:
Monday: On Monday I did some English school work and I really enjoyed it. I also talked to my grandad on the phone.