English Home Learning 3rd June

Good morning!

I hope that you have been practising your letter formation as you practise  this weeks spellings. Don’t forget to practise words from the common exception word list sent home ( it is also under the spelling tab). This fun video might help you to learn to spell some of these words:

You could ask someone who lives with you to say a sentence with one of these words in for you to practise writing.

Did you enjoy the ‘Bubbles’ video yesterday? I hope that you checked your punctuation as you wrote your questions. 

Watch the video again, try to imagine that you are walking along the beach – what sort of things might you find. Make some notes in your workbook.


I would like you to write a list of the things you might find. Remember to put a comma between each item except for the last item where you write and.

Here is my list of things I would like for my lunch:


I would like ham sandwiches, strawberry yogurt, a juicy apple and drink of orange juice.

Finally, have a look at Deni’s ‘Bubble’ work from yesterday: