English Home Learning

This week is Arts week! We are focusing on the Artist Wassily Kandinsky and will be writing an artist biography and creating artwork in the style of Kandinsky.


Research the artist Kandinsky and make some notes. You will use these to help to write a biography later in the week. You could use this website:

Kandinsky for kids: Making children comfortable with abstract art (eduart4kids.com)


Read this information sheet about the artist and answer the questions below.

Reading Comprehension MA


Can you add to the notes you made about Kandinsky? Now start to plan your biography by organising your ideas into sections. Think of the sub-headings you might use e.g.

Where did he live?

What was his early life like?

What sort of art work did he produce?

Interesting facts


You are ready to write your biography of Wassily Kandinsky. Think carefully about how you will set out your work. If you have managed to create some art in the style of Kandinsky as part of you Art home learning you could add this to your biography.


Spellings and a quiz are under the Spelling tab.