English Home Learning Caradoc Monday 27th April

I hope that you all enjoyed the weekend!

Make sure you tune in to the RWI Phonics Set 3 sounds session.

Try to practise you spellings everyday, remember this week we are focusing on Year 2 common exception words. You could try to use some of the spelling words in your writing today!

Anna and the Third Leaf Chapter 4 has been set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash.

Our new topic is all about castles and last week you looked at the fairy tale Rapunzel. I would like you to read the story again carefully and then plan and write a news report about Rapunzel’s story. There is an example of a news port to look at (WAGOLL-What a good one look like) below.

Read the report and think about whether it covers all of the story’s important details and events. Look at features of the newspaper report, including the headline, captions, photographs and subheadings.

You could use this as a templete for your report or design your own layout. I have set newsreport templates as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash.

Finally you may want to tune into the BBC daily Bitesize English lesson focusing on correct letter formation and using alliteration in your writing.
