English Home learning Caradoc Tuesday 21st April

Our focus today is different types of sentences. This is something we have been working on throughout the year and applying in our independent writing.

You could warm up by watching this short video about question marks:



You may need paper and a pen or pencil for some of these activities.

Activity 1: The Magic Faraway Tree

Later in this lesson we are going to watch a clip about ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’. In the story there are four children called Joe, Beth, Franny and Rick. They love going to the Magic Faraway Tree because they always have so much fun there.

Write a question for each of the four children asking them something about the tree. You can do this verbally or you can write it down.

  • Use words like: what, did, does, have and where to start your questions.
  • Don’t forget your question marks.

Activity 2: Writing a diary

You will need paper and a pen or pencil for this activity.

Firstly, watch the video below about The Magic Faraway Tree.


What can you remember about The Magic Faraway Tree? Imagine you have been on an adventure there and you want to write a diary entry about it.

You can watch the video again and make some notes about the things you want to include in your diary.

Your diary entry will need to include:

  • a greeting like ‘Dear Diary’ or ‘To Diary’
  • a description of the tree (what it looked like, how it felt to be there)
  • who you met (what were their names and what did they look like)
  • what questions you asked whilst there (remember to include question marks)
  • information about what you did and how you felt
  • a closing like ‘Got to go now’ or ‘time for me to go’

Activity 3: Let’s draw some of the characters

In the story ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’ we heard about characters such as: Dame Washalot, Silky the Fairy, Moonface and The Saucepan Man.

Using their names, draw what you think they would each look like.

Once you’ve drawn them, next to each character, write one question you wish you could ask them.

Cheeky Challenge:

You could play the game ‘Punctuation Superheroes’ or practise using exclamation marks on the exclamation game!

