Home Learning Maths Monday 27th April

Good morning, I would like you to practise counting in 10s from different numbers. First count forwards then backwards. Imagine you are using the counting stick we use in class:

Try starting at 5

e.g. 5, 15 , 25 , 35 ….

Try starting at 2

Start at 9

Today we are going to focus on comparing lengths using the greater than, less then and equal to symbols:

First follow the link to watch the teaching slide and complete your Flashback 4:


The you might like to complete the two activities set on Purple Mash:

‘Shorter or Longer’ and ‘Tallest and Shortest’

Below are some activities for you to complete. Think carefully about the symbol you need to use, it might help to say the word ‘greater than’ , ‘less then’ or ‘equal to’ as you are writing.


Finally you may like to tune into the daily BBC Bitesize Maths lesson to revise your knowledge of using different coins:
