English Home Learning May 18th

Good morning!

I hope you enjoyed the weekend. There are new spellings set under the spelling tab along with dictated sentences for you to practise. Remember to make sure that you form all of your letters carefully.

Your English work over the next two days is to plan and write a ‘castle’ story!

Story starter:

Hidden behind the maze of branches stood a tiny, enchanted castle. It was so easy to miss among the towering trees. Only the truly lucky noticed the tiny turrets; only the truly brave dared to look inside…

I tip-toed slowly through the forest, leaves and twigs crunching beneath my feet as I edged closer and closer. I could make out the tiny details…..

You may want to take a look at your topic home learning this week which is all about castles, there are lots of interesting photographs to look at.

There is a reading comprehension activity based on castles for you to download below:


The one with three stars is the trickiest!

Don’t worry if you can’t print, you could copy straight into your work book. Remember if you need any paper resources just email: caradoc@holytrinitycepa.co.uk