English Home Learning Monday 11th May

Good morning! I hope that you were able to celebrate VE day safely on Friday and enjoyed the sunshine.

I have set new spellings for this week under the spelling tab- did you check your spellings using the dictation sheet? Remember that the dictated sentences are a great opportunity to practise letter formation and improve your handwriting.

I would like you to look at the picture clues below- which traditional tale do you think they show?


I’m sure you guessed…The Three Billy Goats Gruff!

Red the full story out loud. You can download it below:


Your task is to create puppets or models to use to re-tell the story in your own words.

If you would like to use a template, there are some here but why not create your own!


Here is an example of a puppet show of the story:



I would love to see photographs or short videos of your puppet show!