English Home Learning week beginning 23rd Novemeber


Click on the link below to access a grammar lesson focusing on compound sentences:


Tuesday and Wednesday

In our class text ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’, George concocts a strange potion which his Grandma drinks!

Think about what you would put into a potion.

Write a set of instructions for a potion. Remember to include a title and  an equipment list. Each step needs to be on a new line and start with a ‘Bossy’ verb.

Write down ‘Bossy’ verbs you might use e.g. Put, Shake, Tip, Sprinkle


Now use these to write your own instructions. You could add a picture of the finished potion!


Read these extracts from the book and answer the questions:

comp george


Friday is spelling day! I have set a Quiz as a 2do on Purple Mash. You could also practise writing your spelling words in a full sentence. Remember to form all of your letters carefully!