Home Learning English week beginning 16th November

We are still focusing on our class text George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. You can access a cop[y of the book below:




Read Chapter 1 Grandma, and Chapter 2 The Marvellous Plan. We meet the 2 main characters in the story – George and his Grandma. Complete the sheet below to make notes about what we know so far, and then also make a prediction about what might happen.



Read Chapter 3 George Begins to Make the Medicine, and Ghapter 4 Animal Pills.

Look at this sentence: Although George was a small boy, he had big ideas.

This is a complex sentence because there are 2 ideas in this one sentence – George is small, he has big ideas.

The word ‘although’ is a conjunction and joins the 2 parts of the sentence together.

Complete the conjunctions sheet below.



Today we are going to focus on prefixes. A prefix is a string of letters that goes at the beginning of another word to change its meaning, so for example, if you put un at the beginning of tidy it becomes untidy.

Have a look at the attached sheet. The red letters at the top are prefixes and need to be matched up to the words below. Match them up in a list and then put at least one new word with each prefix in a sentence.

Challenge: use the same prefixes but add them to some other words. Put each new word you make in a sentence too to show that you know what it means. Which prefix makes the longest list?

prefixes (1)



Read Chapter 5 The Cook Up and Chapter 6 The Brown Paint.  It’s more conjunctions today, you’re going to be an expert!

Use the sentence starts and conjunctions on the sheet to write some new complex sentences.




Practise this week’s spellings which are under the Spelling tab. Can you find a definition of each word? Can you use each word in a sentence? There is a quiz set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash