Home Learning Maths Week beginning 16th November


Our current unit is addition and subtraction.


Watch the teaching video focusing on subtracting a 1 digit number from a 3 digit number:




Continue practising skills in subtracting 1 digit number from 3 digit numbers using a numberline. Use this worksheet below:

Add-and-subtract-numbers-mentally-including-a-three-digit-number-and-ones- monday fluency


Today the teaching slide will focus on adding and subtracting 3-digit and 2-digit numbers – not crossing 100



Continue practising adding and subtracting 3 digit and 2 digit numbers. You can revisit the teaching video and access the work here:

Add-numbers-up-to-3-digits-using-a-formal-method (1)



Friday is our times tables challenge day. Please log on to TTRockstars to practise quick re-call of times tables facts. Remember you can practise different Maths skills on Mathletics. If you have any difficulties logging in to any of these don’t hesitate to send a message on Class Dojo.