Home Learning: Thursday, 21st October

Good morning Caradoc!

I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today:

Phonics and Reading 

To start with I would like you to join in with two of my virtual phonics sessions.  You will find these on our school website, here is the link:

Virtual Phonics | Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy and Nursery (holytrinitycepa.co.uk)

Next, I would like you to read you Phonics Book Bag Book and your Reading for Challenge Book.  Don’t forget to record this in your reading diary.


I would like you to start our English session by looking at a different page of your Reading for Pleasure book.  Look at the picture and describe what you see.  Remember to use adjectives, full stops, capital letters, neat writing and use your phonics for spellings.

Now, I would like you to think back to yesterday and your favourite nursery rhyme.  Today I would like you to perform this, thinking about the different voices you need to use to make the audience understand feelings throughout your nursery rhyme.  Also, think of some actions you could use to make your nursery rhyme come alive.


To start with, please write down numbers from 0 – 100 by counting in tens, then back to 0 in tens.  Time yourself and see how quickly you can do this.  Here is our number song to help you:

Today we are going to focus on comparing number sentences.  To help you with this, watch the video below: 

Aut2.5.3 – Compare number sentences from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now, complete the worksheet based on your learning on comparing number sentences.

Compare sentences


In our final RE lesson of this half term we are going to think about the Christian’s Creation story.  We have listened to this and created our own story boards, but today I would like you to act this out.  Think about each of the seven days and show what Christian’s believe God created on each day.  Think of at least one sentence to explain each day.

Let’s end the day by sharing your Reading for Pleasure book.

Have a good day and stay safe.  Enjoy your half term and see you all on Monday, 1st November.