Home Learning: Tuesday, 19th October

Good morning Caradoc!

For the children who are at home this week, I will be posting activities for them to complete in line with what we are doing in class.  You can upload any work and send it me through class dojo.  If you need any help, please do let me know and I will reply as soon as possible.

Phonics and Reading 

To start with I would like you to join in with two of my virtual phonics sessions.  You will find these on our school website, here is the link:

Virtual Phonics | Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy and Nursery (holytrinitycepa.co.uk)

Next, I would like you to read you Phonics Book Bag Book and your Reading for Challenge Book.  Don’t forget to record this in your reading diary.


I would like you to start our English session by looking out of a window.  In sentences, describe what you can see.  Remember to use adjectives, full stops, capital letters, neat writing and use your phonics for spellings.

Now, I would like you to think of your favourite nursery rhyme.  Can you listen to it on You Tube or sing it?  Next, please write down why this is your favourite nursery rhyme, what do you like about it?  How does it make you feel?  Is it a fast or slow nursery rhyme?  How do you know about this nursery rhyme?


To start with, please write down all numbers from 0 to 50.  Time yourself and see how quickly you can do this.

Today we are going to focus on number bonds to 10 and twenty.  Start by joining in with our songs:

Now, please draw part, part whole models (like we have used in class) to draw all number bonds to 10 and then 20.  This is to help us be really secure with these.


For Science today, we are looking at how babies resemble their parents. To start with can you find a picture of you as a baby and compare it to what your parents look like.  Now, write down the similarities and differences.

Next, think about a kitten and a cat, record their similarities and differences.

Finally, choose one more animal and record how the baby is similar and different to their parent.

Let’s end the day by sharing your Reading for Pleasure book.  Have a good day and stay safe.