Maths Home Learning 12th June

Good morning!

Why not join in with Jack Hartman to practise your number bonds!


Practise describing position and direction. Help find some football equipment, before taking on the role of players and managers to practise following and giving instructions.

Click on the link below to watch Watford FC mascot, Harry the Hornet, as he explains position and directions on his race through the stadium:

Being able to describe position and give directions is important if you want to be a successful footballer or football coach.

The images below fatures some of the keywords used to describe where something is, as well as a grid exercise filled with football items and a practical lesson in making quarter and half turns.

Here are two levels of activity sheet for you to try – start with the easier one before trying the slightly harder one.

At each level you will need to find pieces of football kit using your understanding of the key words for describing position and direction.


pdf (1)

Cheeky Challenge:

Football Treasure Hunt is a fun activity that will get you on your feet to demonstrate your understanding of how to give and follow directions.

Why not also get other members of your household involved?

pdf (2)