Maths Home Learning 5th June

Good morning!

Today we are going to finish learning about position and direction. As a quick recap of what you have already learnt, join in with Hip Hop Granny’s position and direction rap!

Click on the link below:

Here are the words in case you want to join in!



There is an animated video below to remind you about the language we use to describe position and direction:

Click the link here:


Finally to complete our unit how about a bit of ‘Where’s Wally Fun’?You need to help Wally find the items he has lost by using the language of position and direction to give instructions and move him.

The game sheet is here but don’t worry if you can’t print- you could draw your own in your work book or even take some chalk if you have an outside space and draw it there.

I would love to see some photographs of your work!